
從民族關係、歷史文化、地理景觀、自然生態到寓言傳說,沙巴都是一個充滿豐饒資源與活力的區域,如何借文化創意給鄉土經濟與社會發展注入新的想像力? 這是值得借《我的加雅街杜順公主》出版計劃而思考的機緣與參與。

Engelbert 張文傑·攝影 《沙巴亞庇碧南堂神誕》

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Comment by Momogun 詩男 on May 5, 2023 at 8:53am

點萬盞心燈、浴佛、三步一拜 雪隆多地佛寺莊嚴慶衛塞節

















「一個內心慈悲、善良、柔軟的人,就能以溫和、柔軟的語言與行為,令自他歡喜,成就祥和無諍的世界,而社會和國家也自然能在此基礎上獲得健康、良性的發展,從而人人皆能齊心啟力,打造國富民強。祈願世界和平、國家繁榮安寧、風調雨順且全民安康。」4.4.2023 東方日報

Comment by Momogun 詩男 on April 18, 2023 at 11:38am


Ma-zu Faith and Emigrant Society in Singapore and Malaysia Area

姚政志(Cheng-Chih Yao)

政大史粹 ; 6期 (2004 / 06 / 01) , P95 - 140

繁體中文 DOI: 10.30384/CHNCCU.200406_(6).0003 DOI

關鍵詞:媽祖 ; 天后 ; 會館 ; 方言 ; 道教 ;


Ma-zu(媽祖) faith is an important branch of Chinese's popular religions. Where Chinese is, where Ma-zu Temple is. There are many emigrants from China living in Singapore and Malaysia area, especially in Singapore which is governed by Chinese. Therefore, Ma-zu faith is in vogue in Singapore and Malaysia. Ma-zu faith in Singapore and Malaysia is quite related to Chinese's dialect organization, and almost each dialect organization has their own Ma-zu Temple such as Tian-Fu Temple(天福宮)of Fu-jian group(福建幫), Yue-hai-cing Temple(粵海清廟) of Chao-jhou group(潮州幫) and Cyong-jhou-tian-hou Temple(瓊州天后宮) of Hai-nan group(海南幫). In the early stage, Ma-zu faith becomes more and more popular by the increasingly Chinese emigrants. As time goes by, Chinese popular religions which are part of Taoism lose young followers who are in high educational level. Ma-zu faith is also effected by the tides step by step because Ma-zu is a branch of Taoism gods. Recently, Ma-zu faith is acknowledged by descendants of Chinese emigrants again gradually thanks to government and Chinese popular groups take it seriously. Ma-zu faith has new meaning in overseas Chinese society of Singapore and Malaysia through exerted by governments and Chinese popular organizations.



Comment by Momogun 詩男 on April 4, 2023 at 11:06am










(2023年4月3日 詩華日報

Comment by Momogun 詩男 on February 6, 2023 at 10:42pm

Packing in Meaning: Applying Jakobson’s Model of Communication to Packaging Design by M. Lemon

From the level of the sign to culture, the practice of semiotic analysis concerns the construction and description of models. Within commercial semiotics, a few of these models (notably Greimass semiotic square and Raymond Williams’s concept of residual, dominant, and emergent), have proven particularly useful due to their ability to summarise cultural phenomena in a form readily digested and applied by marketing professionals to their brands. Packaging design is a frequent subject of commercial semiotic inquiry and draws on a wide array of semiotic phenomena ranging from visuals, to textures, and the lived experience of interacting with the package. How can we approach a comprehensive understanding of the potential of packaging design to communicate meaning? In what ways can we say that a package can mean, and how as semioticians can we help analyze and create novel packaging solutions that further brand meaning? Roman Jakobsons general model of linguistic communication proposes a diverse array of cross cultural communicative functions for language, but is not currently a key model in the commercial semiotician’s toolkit. This paper proposes that this linguistic model has the potential to be translated into the multisensory realm of general semiotics and applied to packaging design. It will particularly consider how Jakobson’s six communicative functions (emotive, referential, poetic, conative, metalingual, and phatic) are relevant to the numerous non-linguistic sign systems (colour, texture, shape, typography, imagery, material etc.) employed in packaging. In so doing, this paper proposes a system for understanding the meaning potential of packaging design as not only an aesthetic vehicle but also a strategic tool for the cross-cultural development and communication of brand identity. (DOI:10.5840 / AJS201931448Corpus ID: 168165629;Published 2018 in ArtThe American Journal of Semiotics)

Comment by Momogun 詩男 on February 6, 2023 at 11:49am

Roman Jakobson (1892-1982)

Roman Jakobson was a literary theorist and critic, greatly influenced by Ferdinand de Saussure, the founder of structuralism and of semiology, the connection between signs as signifiers and the signified concepts. Before Saussure, linguistics was the historical ("diachronic") study of language, primarily grammars, over time. Structuralism looks to the "synchronic" study of structure alone to discover the functions of language.

Jakobson extended linguistics beyond syntax, semantics, and morphology, with a careful analysis of the sounds of language, which often convey a great deal of meaning beyond the text. He extended his new critical tools beyond his new phonology to syntax and morphology, and even semantics.

He studied communications theory (Claude Shannon), cybernetics (Norbert Wiener), and the semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce, using them all to study poetry, music, and films (especially the emergence of sound in films).

Comment by Momogun 詩男 on February 6, 2023 at 11:49am

Jakobson's influential essay on linguistics and poetics distinguished six communication functions, each associated with a dimension or factor of the communication process. With two diagrams similar to Claude Shannon's sender-message-receiver diagram in the theory of the communication of information, Jakobson presented his theory of the poetic function of language:

Language must be investigated in all the variety of its functions. Before discussing the poetic function we must define its place among the other functions of language. An outline of these functions demands a concise survey of the constitutive factors in any speech event, in any act of verbal communication. The ADDRESSER sends a MESSAGE to the ADDRESSEE. To be operative the message requires a CONTEXT referred to (the "referent" in another, somewhat ambiguous, nomenclature), graspable by the addressee, and either verbal or capable of being verbalized; a CODE fully, or at least partially, common to the addresser and addressee (or in other words, to the encoder and decoder of the message); and, finally, a CONTACT, a physical channel and psychological connection between the addresser and the addressee, enabling both of them to enter and stay in communication. All these factors inalienably involved in verbal communication may be schematized as follows :

Each of these six factors determines a different function of language. Although we distinguish six basic aspects of language, we could, however, hardly find verbal messages that would fulfill only one function. The diversity lies not in a monopoly of some one of these several functions but in a different hierarchical orders of functions. The verbal structure of a message depends primarily on the predominant function. But even though a set (Einstellung) toward the referent, an orientation toward the context — briefly, the so-called REFERENTIAL, "denotative," "cognitive" function — is the leading task of numerous messages, the accessory participation of the other functions in such messages must be taken into account by the observant linguist.

The so-called EMOTIVE or "expressive" function, focused on the addresser, aims at a direct expression of the speaker's attitude toward what he is speaking about. It tends to produce an impression of a certain emotion, whether true or feigned...

Orientation toward the addressee, the CONATIVE function, finds its purest grammatical expression in the vocative and imperative, which syntactically, morphologically, and often even phonemically deviate from other nominal and verbal categories.

There are messages primarily serving to establish, to prolong, or to discontinue communication, to check whether the channel works ("Hello, do you hear me?"), to attract the attention of the interlocutor or to confirm his continued attention ("Are you listening?" or in Shakespearean diction, "Lend me your ears!" — and on the other end of the wire "Um-hum!"). This set for contact, or in Malinowski's terms PHATIC function, may be displayed by a profuse exchange of ritualized formulas, by entire dialogues with the mere purport of prolonging communication. Dorothy Parker caught eloquent examples: "'Well!' the young man said. 'Well!' she said. 'Well, here we are' he said. 'Here we are' she said, 'Aren't we?' 'I should say we were' he said, 'Eeyop! Here we are.' 'Well!' she said. 'Well!' he said, 'well.' " The endeavor to start and sustain communication is typical of talking birds; thus the phatic function of language is the only one they share with human beings.

Comment by Momogun 詩男 on February 6, 2023 at 11:48am

 It is also the first verbal function acquired by infants; they are prone to communicate before being able to send or receive informative communication. A distinction has been made in modern logic between two levels of language: "object language" speaking of objects and "metalanguage" speaking of language. But metalanguage is not only a necessary scientific tool utilized by logicians and linguists; it plays also an important role in our everyday language... Whenever the addresser and/or the addressee need to check up whether they use the same code, speech is focused on the code: it performs a METALINGUAL (i.e., glossing) function. "I don't follow you — what do you mean?"

Any process of language learning, in particular child acquisition of the mother tongue, makes wide use of such metalingual operations; and aphasia may often be defined as a loss of ability for metalingual operations. I have brought up all the six factors involved in verbal communication except the message itself. The set (Einstellung) toward the message as such, focus on the message for its own sake, is the POETIC function of language. This function cannot be productively studied out of touch with the general problems of language, and, on the other hand, the scrutiny of language requires a thorough consideration of its poetic function. Any attempt to reduce the sphere of the poetic function to poetry or to confine poetry to the poetic function would be a delusive oversimplification. The poetic function is not the sole function of verbal art but only its dominant, determining function, whereas in all other verbal activities it acts as a subsidiary, accessory constituent. This function, by promoting the palpability of signs, deepens the fundamental dichotomy of signs and objects. Hence, when dealing with the poetic function, linguistics cannot limit itself to the field of poetry...

As I said, the linguistic study of the poetic function must overstep the limits of poetry, and, on the other hand, the linguistic scrutiny of poetry cannot limit itself to the poetic function. The particularities of diverse poetic genres imply a differently ranked participation of the other verbal functions along with the dominant poetic function. Epic poetry, focused on the third person, strongly involves the referential function of language; the lyric, oriented toward the first person, is intimately linked with the emotive function; poetry of the second person is imbued with the conative function and is either supplicatory or exhortative, depending on whether the first person is subordinated to the second one or the second to the first. Now that our cursory description of the six basic functions of verbal communication is more or less complete, we may complement our scheme of the fundamental factors with a corresponding scheme of the functions :

What is the empirical linguistic criterion of the poetic function? In particular, what is the indispensable feature inherent in any piece of poetry? To answer this question we must recall the two basic modes of arrangement used in verbal behavior, selection and combination. If "child" is the topic of the message, the speaker selects one among the extant, more or less similar nouns like child, kid, youngster, tot, all of them equivalent in a certain respect, and then, to comment on this topic, he may select one of the semantically cognate verbs — sleeps, dozes, nods, naps. Both chosen words combine in the speech chain.

Comment by Momogun 詩男 on February 6, 2023 at 11:47am

The selection is produced on the basis of equivalence, similarity and dissimilarity, synonymy and antonymy, while the combination, the build-up of the sequence, is based on contiguity. The poetic function projects the principle of equivalence from the axis of selection into the axis of combination. Equivalence is promoted to the constitutive device of the sequence. In poetry one syllable is equalized with any other syllable of the same sequence; word stress is assumed to equal word stress, as unstress equals unstress; prosodic long is matched with long, and short with short; word boundary equals word boundary, no boundary equals no boundary; syntactic pause equals syntactic pause, no pause equals no pause. Syllables are converted into units of measure, and so are morae or stresses

We can combine Jakobson's two schemas into a single diagram

Context was perhaps Jakobson's most important addition to semiotics. Adding context gives us the difference between semantics (the standard dictionary meaning of a word according to the normal "rules" of the language) versus pragmatics, the meaning that may be intended by the sender, or should be inferred by the receiver/interpreter because of the current situation. Jakobson calls this contextual information "denotative," "cognitive," "referential," the "leading task" of a message. Context-dependence alters the "meaning" to suit the purpose of a communication.


  1. referential (: the denotative or connotative "aboutness," contextual information, the "third person," someone or something the message is about)
  2. aesthetic/poetic (: information )
  3. emotive (: the addressee's self-expression, attitude, intention, first person)
  4. conative (: vocative or imperative addressing of receiver, second person)
  5. phatic (: no information, checking channel working, are you still there?)
  6. metalingual (: checking code working, agreement on the meanings of words)

Jakobson's famous but mysterious dictum "the poetic function projects the principle of equivalence from the axis of selection to the axis of combination" presages the fall of Saussure's synchronic, time-independent structuralism to the post-structuralist and post-modernist diachronic view, notably Jacques Derrida's "différance" whose meaning of deferral can only be seen and not heard, to displace the Platonic privileging of voice over text.

Derrida showed that meaning is deferred, disseminated, that Saussure's claim that meaning is "différence" is not the whole story. And Roland Barthes showed the dyadic Saussurean s/S becomes the "circle of signifiers" s/Z if one is trapped in Jakobson's "selection axis" of looking up words in a dictionary of dead (non-evolving) languages. (Source: https://www.informationphilosopher.com

Comment by Momogun 詩男 on October 17, 2022 at 9:16pm




里人物的需求,以及士人激發忠義、裨益世教的願望;後者則反映了明人面對殘酷的歷史發展和不完全的政治弛禁,渴望替建文帝討回公道的心態。然而永樂一系政權的合法性問題,以及明人對成祖的尊崇,又與懷念建文政權、認同建文君臣的記憶與情感有所衝突。為了消除此類衝突、撫平歷史傷痕和促進政治弛禁,調和成祖與建文君臣的論述也應運而生,構成明代建文朝歷史記憶最重要的特色。(何幸真,31Mar2020,殤魂何歸: 明代的建文朝歷史記憶,秀威出版, 原题:明代的建文朝歷史記憶,國立臺灣師範大學歷史研究所碩士班學位論文,本段摘自原論文摘要。)

Comment by Momogun 詩男 on March 19, 2022 at 6:11pm




上面寫的說的,都是三十多年前的事、三十多年前的話了,三十多年的人生行旅,多少茅店雞聲,多少名城燈火,我漸漸發覺,龍舟德說唱「海上江南」其實是為天涯漂泊的移民畫夢。夢裏誰能著意尋? 那沈默在墨色裏的青山嫵媚,那飄浮在風中的倡歌輾轉,是那麼實在而又不可觸摸。當年未念及此,在演義的歷史與傳說之間妄加解說,如今看來,濩落千章,難减寸心, 那累累贅贅的經經典典,也不過是僧伽龍溯的痴人說夢了。(二十世紀六十年代初礦,二零零五年清明修訂)(白垚《縷雲起于綠草》)

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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