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Comment by Paris En mémoire on February 13, 2024 at 10:00am

Close relationships and collaborations are key drivers of creative activity in Sakon Nakhon and  are evident within the various communities in the province. Stemming from strong, intimate bonds, the indigo craft bridges different age groups and social identities. Skills are passed on between family members, and specific weaving patterns and dye recipes are developed within villages, which have an intimate relationship with the surrounding land, rivers, wetlands and mountains. 

Age-old bonds are seen in contemporary indigo brands such as Mae Teeta, Kram Thong and Mann Craft, discussed earlier. These family businesses have transformed indigo textiles from everyday, traditional products, bridging an emerging class of creatives looking to develop business in their hometown to reach a global market.

The Sakon Hed network offers the strongest example of family-like bonds that build bridging links. Sharing the same passion for returning home to reconnect, the founding members described their team as brothers, sisters and friends. The festival is an opportunity to expand the network and ‘make more friends’, turning strong bonds into bridging opportunities with other creative communities outside the province (see p. 111).

Collaboration is based on respecting differences  in taste and expertise, while carefully mediating and reaching consensus. Since Sakon Hed organisers do not conduct business together, there are no conflicts of interest or competition between them. Instead the focus is on creating a welcoming environment for the growing number of visitors.

The network has not relied on government funds or external influential partners to enable its growth. The success of the network and festival lies in this focus on collaborations and friendships, rather than just economic revenue. The organisers described the latter as a ‘social lubricant’, but not the main goal of Sakon Hed. What started as a family-like gathering has now become the largest independent festival in the province, where dispersed creative communities that live and work in bigger cities such as Chiang Mai or Bangkok come to meet, eat, drink and enjoy sustainable  and creative activities.

The power of the Sakon Hed network to connect with a diversity of creative groups is remarkable. The festival draws talents to Sakon Nakhon temporarily to reconnect with fellow creatives, while also inviting friends from other provinces such as Surin (จังหวัดสุรินท่ร์) and Phrae (จังหวัดแพัร่) to share and potentially collaborate. This maintains bridging relationships among mobile groups of creatives from different provinces and regions. Siaw Sakon, also known as the Friends of Sakon, is an extended network of friends involved in the organisation of the Sakon Hed festival. They travel from other regions in Thailand to join the festival as exhibitors and organisers. For example, Phrae Craft (แพัร่คราฟ้ท่์), a creative network from Phrae province in the north of Thailand, are also members of Sial Sakon and exhibit traditional craft products at the event. This is an exchange, as the Sakon Hed network also joined Phrae Craft’s creative festival from 6 to 8 December 2019. 

Many other groups, such as Folkcharm from Loei Province (จังหวัดเลย), and Charm-Learn Studio (ชีามเริญิ สต้ดิโอ) and Ruenrom Organic Living from Surin Province, participate at these events to share organic products, new soil-dyed cotton, ceramics and award- winning bento designs.

Comment by Paris En mémoire on February 11, 2024 at 12:34pm

These contributions have been perceived as top-down and less flexible than local, self-organised efforts to nurture the creative community. A study by Chanorn identified OTOP as successful in stimulating local entrepreneurship, but also reported how local artisans felt it introduced divisiveness and promoted business models that were antagonistic to the cooperative nature of many community groups.

Educational institutions provide considerable links to resources and opportunities outside Sakon Nakhon. Kasetsart University Chalermphrakiat Sakon Nakhon Province Campus and Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University have supported many projects that connect to public and private sectors, such as the example provided earlier where NSTDA commissioned Rajabhat University to develop the local dyeing and weaving industry.

Other examples include talks provided by experts during the Sakon Hed festival, such as Assistant Professor Tips Srisakunchaiyaruk (ผู้ศ์.ธิป์ ศ์รีสกุลไชียรัก) from Arsom Silp Institute of the Arts, on community development, and Ms Sirikun Lolpaikun (ดร.ศ์ิริกุล เลากัยกุล) from Brand Being, who shared her vision on branding community products. Sakon Hed talks were supported by the British Council Thailand, which also provided funding for online media production during the festival

Key Characteristics of Sakon Nakhon as a Creative District
Nature as a Driver of Creative Endeavours

Sakon Nakhon’s creativity draws upon the abundance of natural resources, attested by the indigo-dyeing and textile handweaving industry. Villages spread out in the Isan region cultivate this traditional craft. Many have made significant efforts to preserve the ancient craft, such as Mae Teeta, which rescued the seeds of two different varieties of indigo and grows them both to ensure their continuation. The revival of this craft in the 1990s, driven by renewed interest in organic and sustainable products worldwide, has also expanded the creative community to engage with agriculture and farming practices. The festival and network have given a platform for these industries in Sakon Nakhon to contribute to the creative and cultural richness of the area. This has expanded the scope of the cultural assets of the province to the forefront of contemporary life.

Sustaining and Developing the Dyeing and Weaving Craft Indigo-dyed products have recently started to make their way into Sakon Nakhon city centre, where shops are catering directly to collectors and consumers. Support from local universities with technical know-how has been crucial in introducing innovation to this labour intensive craft.

Opportunities to sell indigo-dyed textile products on a national and international scale is also emerging, sustained by efforts to establish quality standards and develop new modes of production, aided by branding, manufacturing and marketing support by various government initiatives. Newer indigo brands may communicate the indigo craft as a traditional practice as part of their message, but some, such as Mann Craft, focus on (re) discovering ways to extract pigments from different plants, creating new textile patterns produced artistically by weaving communities.

However, natural dyes and textile weaving are labour intensive, which justifies the high price of the more elaborate items. As the market becomes increasingly competitive, the sector must find ways to preserve its authenticity without impacting on product prices and, therefore, labour retribution.

Comment by Paris En mémoire on February 8, 2024 at 8:13pm

A Dispersed Creative Network

The Sakon Hed festival illustrates how a dispersed network of creatives can come together and build creative capital through active collaborations and connections. This network is unique, in that it is still very much grounded by a commitment to the place and its tradition, and shows that the creative life of a place doesn’t necessarily need to be permanently situated to bring about a rich creative milieu. While there is an increasing number of creatives – particularly fashion designers – returning to open new indigo-related businesses in the city, there are also many more returning creatives who use the Sakon Hed festival as an opportunity to draw inspiration and bring new ideas back into the creative life of Sakon Nakhon.

The festival is an example of a collaborative creative endeavour sustained by Sakon Nakhon’s creative diaspora.

Importance of Family Bonds and Networks

Family bonds and family-like networks have been key to the revival of indigo-dyed products, and continue to sustain the creative ecosystem of Sakon Nakhon. Generational businesses such as Mae Teeta or Kram Thong and Mann Craft highlight the importance of not just drawing on
traditional craft knowledge, but also joint family resources to support the development of new ideas.

The Sakon Hed network is very much established and reliant on blood ties and family-like bonds. For example, Teeta Janpengpen (of Mae Teeta) is the grandmother of Gypsy Janpengpen, a key member of the network. Gypsy Coffee Drip is located next to the Mae Teeta shop in Dong Mafai village. Other members of Sakon Hed may not be related to each other but have nonetheless developed family-like bonds through years of childhood friendship. External visitors such as Chamroen Studio from Bangkok are connected through Mr Gypsy, who consider him as a ‘brother’. These family-like bonds explain the ability of the network to attract many external organisations to participate, calling on goodwill that only family-like relationships can rely on.
Diversifying a Creative Ecosystem

The indigo dyeing and weaving industry have been the dominant driver of Sakon Nakhon’s creative ecosystem. Prolonged investment and support from various government initiatives has undoubtedly helped revive it and contributed to its success.

However, we have seen evidence of other creative activities emerging in the past few years that have diversified and strengthened Sakon Nakhon’s creative ecosystem. New creative businesses ranging from indigo-related products to sustainable agriculture and farm produce have illustrated how a creative district can continue to grow and evolve even without significant government support. Sakon Nakhon’s example shows how a creative district can build and extend on existing resources to achieve a more diversified and self-sustaining creative ecosystem

(Source: Creative and Cultural Districts in Thailand; May 2020; britishcouncil.or.th)

Comment by Paris En mémoire on February 6, 2024 at 5:04am





















Comment by Paris En mémoire on February 6, 2024 at 5:03am











四是提升廣西面向RCEP成員國的國際傳播能力。通過創新傳播方式和內容,努力將中國故事、中國形象經南寧渠道傳播到RCEP國家,讓更多民眾了解全面、立體、生動的中國。(中國自由貿易區服務網/文章來源: 中國新聞網 2022-03-17))




培養跨文化能力手冊 : 故事圈




Comment by Paris En mémoire on January 25, 2024 at 5:43pm


由文化和旅游部資源開發司、江蘇省文化和旅游廳主辦的智慧旅游發展大會暨智慧旅游示范展示活動日前在南京舉辦。大會以「智慧旅游:新時代 新動能 新供給」為主題,剖析智慧旅游發展現狀並探討未來發展路徑,其間還展示了一批沉浸式、體驗式、互動式新空間,全景呈現了國內智慧旅游發展成果。


精心培育 新興業態層出不窮







Comment by Paris En mémoire on January 25, 2024 at 3:15pm






以人為本 服務監管提質增效





如今,智慧旅游已變得更加實用。針對老年人面臨的「數字鴻溝」,「游雲南」APP長輩版為老年人提供了高頻使用的識花草、旅游咨詢、投訴等功能,並設計了大字體、大圖標界面;江蘇智慧文旅平台應用5G無人機對部分景區重點監測,及時發現並解決堵點問題;「一機游」智慧導游導覽平台解決方案向游客及時傳遞景點擁擠和車輛游船索道運轉信息……數字技術正多方面實實在在地助推旅游業高質量發展。 (原題:邰子君:科技賦能旅游·數智轉型提速;本文作者:中國旅游報記者邰子君;2023年11月28日)

Comment by Paris En mémoire on January 20, 2024 at 1:02pm

Sasar Lipis sebagai UNESCO Global Geopark menjelang 2026-MB Pahang

KUALA LIPIS - Kerajaan Pahang menyasarkan Lipis yang dimasyhurkan sebagai Geopark Kebangsaan hari ini mendapat pengiktirafan Pertubuhan Pendidikan, Kebudayaan dan Saintifik Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UNESCO) Global Geopark (UGGp) menjelang 2026.

Menteri Besarnya, Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail berkata, pengiktirafan sebagai Geopark Kebangsaan yang ke-11 negara itu berkuat kuasa pada 9 November lepas, iaitu setahun selepas kerajaan Pahang memulakan usaha untuk mendapatkan pengiktirafan tersebut.

Pengiktirafan itu menjadikan Lipis Geopark yang berkeluasan 5,408 kilometer persegi iaitu meliputi keseluruhan daerah Lipis, sebagai Geopark Kebangsaan termuda dan terbesar di Malaysia buat masa ini.

"Pelaksanaan Lipis Geopark adalah selari dengan draf perancangan Blueprint Pahang Destinasi Warisan Dunia 2024-2028, untuk menjadikan Pahang destinasi bertaraf dunia bagi pengiktirafan tapak berjenama UNESCO di bawah kategori Tapak Warisan Dunia (WHS), program Manusia dan Biosfera (MAB) dan UGGp," katanya.

Wan Rosdy berkata demikian semasa berucap pada Majlis Pemasyhuran Lipis sebagai Geopark Kebangsaan di Taman Negara Sungai Relau di sini hari ini, yang turut dihadiri Timbalan Menteri Sumber Asli dan Kelestarian Alam, Datuk Seri Huang Tiong Sii.

Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah berkenan mencemar duli menyempurnakan pemasyhuran itu.

Selain itu, Wan Rosdy berkata, antara kawasan yang diangkat sebagai tapak Geopark Kebangsaan itu ialah Galeri Aspirasi Lipis Geopark, Geotapak Bernilai Kebangsaan dan Geotapak Bernilai Geopelancongan, dengan setiap satunya mempunyai sejarah yang boleh diceritakan kepada pelancong.

"Saya diberitahu terdapat bukti perlanggaran dua benua kecil iaitu Malaya Barat dan Malaya Timur di daerah ini lebih kurang 200 juta tahun lepas yang membentuk Semenanjung Malaysia seperti hari ini.

Al-Sultan Abdullah berkenan mendengar penerangan daripada Pengarah Bahagian Reakreasi Alam Semulajadi, Perhilitan Semenanjung Malaysia, Haidar Khan Makbol Hassan (kanan) ketika mencemar duli berjalan melalui Treetop Walk, Taman Negara Pahang, Sungai Relau selepas menyempurnakan Majlis Pemasyhuran Lipis sebagai Geopark Kebangsaan di Taman Negara Sungai Relau di sini hari ini. Foto Bernama

(18 Januari 2024; sinarharian)


AMAF 2023 sasar ASEAN sebagai bakul makanan dunia


彭环境永续性 不能妥协 元首:必须优先关注


Comment by Paris En mémoire on January 18, 2024 at 11:58am














Comment by Paris En mémoire on September 14, 2023 at 4:16pm






















愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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