
公元515年 中國南北朝時代,梁武帝蕭衍極力提倡佛法,其聲望因而遠播於東南亞許多崇奉佛教的國家,狼牙脩亦是其中之一,依照《梁書》卷五十四的《狼牙脩國傳》中記載,在公元515年(天監14年),當時狼牙脩國的國王"婆加達多",派使者阿撤多出使南京,拜見梁武帝。並交給梁武帝國書。狼牙脩的使者阿撤多交給梁武帝國書全文記載在《粱書》。


公元671,唐朝咸亨二年,唐朝名僧義淨大師曾經由海路到印度取經。由廣州,取道海路,經室利弗逝(蘇門答臘巴鄰旁,Palembang)至印度,一一巡禮鷲峰、雞足山、鹿野苑、祇園精舍等佛教聖跡後,往那爛陀寺勤學十年,後又至蘇門答臘遊學七年。歷遊三十余國,返國時,攜梵本經論約四百部、舍利三百粒至洛陽,武后親至上東門外迎接,敕住佛授記寺。公元695年回國,期間極可能曾在同樣信奉佛教的狼牙脩(Langkasuka 吉打/泰南)停留。


1855 在山都望政府渡假村做客的華萊士,花了三個晚上寫了一篇論文,提出聞名後世的“砂拉越定律”(Sarawak Law)。

2013 紀念華萊士逝世一百週年的特別年份。


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Comment by 美索 布達米亞 on July 9, 2022 at 3:42pm

Imperialism Indonesia
The Dutch controlled Indonesia longer and had more influence on Indonesia than any other country. The Dutch had some form of influence on Indonesia from 1602 up until 1949.  That is 347 years of influence.  That is also more than 100 years longer than America has been recognized as an independent country.  The Dutch‘s influence on Indonesia is still seen today and because Indonesia was imperialized  Indonesia is still struggling.  These events shaped Indonesia forever when the Dutch had that 347 years of influence on Indonesia. (20)

Late 1500’s -1600’s

The first Dutch expedition to Indonesia was in 1595.  This was led by Cornelius de Houtman.  In 1596 the Dutch expedition had made contact with the Portuguese and Indonesians.  Then at the start of the century in 1602, the Dutch East India Company was established.  Another name for the Dutch East India Company is the Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie more commonly known as the VOC.  The VOC was made to protect trade in the Indian Ocean and to assist in war of independence from Spain.  Only a year after the VOC was created, the Dutch built their first permanent trading post in Banten, West Java.  In 1611 the Dutch weren’t the only ones in Indonesia.  The British established several trading posts in Indonesia.  The British would remain in Indonesia until 1824.  Two years later on January 27, 1613 a Dutch fleet arrived at Solor.  There were nearly 30 Portuguese and 1000 natives to defend the fort for Captain Manuel Alvares.  Yet after 3 months of siege, the Dutch finally had Solor Fortress on April 18, 1613.  The Dutch would rename it Fort Henricus.  In 1619 the Dutch would rename the city of Jayakarta to Batavia and it became the new VOC headquarters. Then on February 27, 1623 the chief factor of the English East India company, Gabriel Towerson  was put on trial and then beheaded along with 9 other English men, 10 Japanese traders and one Portuguese man for conspiracy against the Dutch.  This would be known as the Ambonya Massacare because it took place on the island of Ambonya.  The Dutch East Indies was formed to bring all of Indonesia under one government.  Not much else would happen in the 1600’s with the Dutch but a lot of violence would follow in the 1700’s. (4,8,15,19,20,24,26)


In the 1700’s there were 3 wars which the Dutch were involved in with Indonesia: the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Javanese wars. The first Javanese War started when a slave named Surapati organized a large group of natives against the Dutch.  King Amankurat of Mataram took notice and gave refuge to the slave when the Dutch attempted to capture him.  (Mataram is a kingdom in central Java.)   After his stay in Mataram, Surapati moved to the northeastern part of Java and named himself king.  As a result of his actions the Dutch took Amankurat out of power and put Amankurat’s uncle on the Mataram throne over a period of time.  His name was Pakubuwono and he and the Dutch would eventually defeat Amankurat who fled to the east with Surapati.  The Dutch were still in hot pursuit of Amankurat and Surapati.  In 1708 the Dutch exiled Amankurat to Sri Lanka and killed Surapati. (19,31)

Comment by 美索 布達米亞 on July 9, 2022 at 3:42pm

In the 2nd Javanese War Pakubuwono died so there was lots of fighting about who would take his crown.  The Dutch supported who they thought would do what they wanted the best.   It took about 4 years of war for the Dutch to capture all their rivals. Soon after the Dutch sent them all into exile.  During this the Dutch expanded their territory in Java. Finally in the 3rd and last Javanese War King Pakubuwono III faced 2 challengers to the throne.  Pakubuwono received military support from the Dutch though.  In 1751 the Dutch were shocked and defeated, during which their commander was brutally killed. One of the challengers agreed to the Gianti Agreement in 1755 which split Mataram in two.  Pakubuwono got the Eastern half of Mataram and the challenger got the western half.  The other challenger resisted until he finally made peace with the Dutch in 1757 and was given a portion of Eastern Mataram.  In the 1700’s the Dutch were fighting in the Javanese wars for most of the time. (19,31)


In 1800 the Dutch East India Trading Company was broke and slowly fell apart.  All its land was then named the Dutch East Indies.  In 1801 the British took over the region of Minhasa but then in 1802 the Treaty of Amiens was signed and Melaka and Maluku were returned to the Dutch.  In 1817, the British got control of Melaka again.  To split the land in half, the Dutch and the British would sign the Treaty of London.  The Dutch would get most of Indonesia and the British would get Malaya, Singapore and other islands.  In the same year the Dutch had a direct rule of Raiu.  From 1825 to 1830 there was another war called the Java war.  The Java war was caused by Prince Diponegoro because the Dutch built roads over the tombs of the Prince’s parents.   In 1830, 15,000 European soldiers were killed and the Prince lost 200,000 civilians and soldiers in the Java war.  The Prince was then set up and put in jail by the Dutch.  Due to the colonization of the province of Aceh there was a war between the Dutch and the Sultanate of Aceh which lasted from 1873 to 1913. (3,8,31)

1900’s to Independance

From 1901 to 1910 the regions of Bali, Borneo, Moluccas and Sulawesi were all taken over by the Dutch.  By the end of the Aceh war in 1913 the Dutch also had taken over Aceh.  Not much happened until 1938 when the Dutch had turned down the independence petition proposed by the Indonesians.  Four years later, the Japanese declared war on the Dutch and invaded the Dutch East Indies. From 1942 to 1945 Japan occupied the Dutch East Indies.  In 1945 the Dutch regained control over the Dutch East Indies.  Right after the Dutch regained control of Indonesia they declared independence against the Dutch.  From 1945 until 1949 the Dutch and Indonesia fought for independence.  Finally in 1949 the Dutch accepted Indonesia’s independence. (32)

(Source: https://imperialismindonesia.weebly.com)

Comment by 美索 布達米亞 on July 9, 2022 at 12:39am

Imperialism Indonesia Works Cited
Website By: Shannon Carey, Brittany Lynch, and Nick Naumann

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Comment by 美索 布達米亞 on July 9, 2022 at 12:39am

17. "Indonesia-Social Classes." Mongabay. N.p., 1992. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. a href="http://www.mongabay.com/history/indonesia/indonesia-social_classes.html%3E" target="_blank">http://www.mongabay.com/history/indonesia/indonesia-social_classes....;.

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(Source: https://imperialismindonesia.weebly.com/dutch-colonization.html

Comment by 美索 布達米亞 on July 7, 2022 at 11:19pm

借中國古籍重構馬來西亞歷史結語:中國古籍的記載對構建馬來西亞歷史全貌具有重要的作用和積極意義。中國古籍的史料價值主要表現在:1,中國古籍所記載的歷史時間非常長;2,中國古籍記載的馬來西亞古國數量非常多;3,中國古籍所記載的內容非常豐富;4,中國古籍的記載是研究馬來西亞古代歷史不可缺少的重要史料來源。當然,中國古籍的記述由於技術條件和認識水平的限製,對所記述的國家有些模糊,尤其是所記述的國名或者地名,由於沒有精確的地圖可供參考。使到後人在判斷確切地點時困難重重,因而也存在不少爭議,例如古代的地名到底等於現在什麼地方,正確的認定確切地點對進行研究是非常關鍵的,否則,差之毫厘,失之千裏。這也是通過中國古籍研究古代東南亞國家歷史時所面臨的主要困難。但是,在中國古籍中,有些記述是比較清楚的,同時,人們可以通過中國古籍記所述的其他方面的內容,加上其他材料進行綜合的判斷。總之,要全面研究馬來西亞歷史,需要從不同史料來源來加以互相印證,需要利用文字材料以外如利用考古發掘的材料來互相印證。在馬來西亞古代歷史或者東南亞古代歷史中,中國古籍相對其他文字材料而言,具有記述時間比較早、比較有延續性和比較詳細可靠的特點。中國古籍的記載,是我們研究馬來西亞古代歷史的基本材料,正是有了這些記載,馬來西亞古代歷史面貌變得更加清楚和有系統性。著名歷史學家霍爾D.G.E. Hall)教授說,中國古籍「對於闡明我們這個地區(指東南亞)的政治地理和貿易的確是無價之寶」[107]。可以說,中國古籍在研究馬來西亞歷史中具有不可替代的作用。(張應龍,2005,清代以前中國古籍有關馬來西亞的記述以及史料價值,暨南大學華僑華人研究所)

107 D. G. E. Hall, The History of South-East Asia,London:MacMillan & Co.Ltd. Third Edition,
1968, p.15.

Comment by 美索 布達米亞 on July 1, 2022 at 12:17am











Comment by 美索 布達米亞 on June 29, 2022 at 10:38pm














當年的“石隆門華工起義”遺留下來的古跡,包括帽山大本營的“旗桿夾”、重修後的幾座廟宇:天師龍宮、國王古廟、將軍廟(忠臣廟)、把水口伯公廟和古墓群。在新堯彎地區則有劉善邦廟。在裕恒山下之立達坦那(Lindah Tanah)則有碼頭和古亂葬崗遺跡。這些古跡,“風下”副刊都曾經報導。我由上個世紀七十年代開始關注石隆門華工起義事件,並且多次帶領學者友人前往考察,並留下不少照片。









(李南林 2007年3月17日)

Comment by 美索 布達米亞 on June 28, 2022 at 9:01pm


Comment by 美索 布達米亞 on June 15, 2022 at 1:24am


Comment by 美索 布達米亞 on May 1, 2022 at 4:50pm



根據1972年出版,Elizabeth Pollard撰寫的《Kuching Past and Present》一書指出,1830年在今日州長府後方地段,曾經出土一些鹽木古墓碑,顯示汶萊貴族可能在1820年代已經居住在這裏。 此外,根據古晉廣惠肇公會的資料,廣東人劉直與數位同鄉,大約在1820年代已經來到古晉,並長期在這裏務農或從事小買賣。劉直也被砂拉越官方認定是最早抵達砂拉越的華人,他曾經在老巴剎經商,也是廣惠肇公會的創辦人之一。






古晉老巴剎1839年的風景畫像。Source: Kuching in pictures, 1840s-1960s by Ho Ah Chon


到了1848年,聖公會的麥陀鵝主教等人初次抵達古晉,其夫人海莉特(Harriette McDougall)詳細記錄著那段見聞,她指出當時的古晉“有華人和印度人的市集各一,規模都很小”。





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