A24 was founded in 2012 with a mission to shake up the production industry and create films and TV shows with a distinct point of view.

A24 is a fully integrated, global entertainment company with a cult following, creating films and TV shows that are both unique and distinctive in style and story

A24 was founded in 2012 with a mission to shake up the production industry and create films and TV shows with a distinct point of view. Over the last 10 years, A24 has cultivated relationships with talented storytellers and creatives to deliver high-quality, original content through a unique lens.

A24 has built a premium library of films and TV shows that have been met with exceptional commercial and critical success. The team has continued to build upon the success of films such as ‘Moonlight’, ‘Uncut Gems’ and ‘Lady Bird’ with more than 100 other films and numerous successful TV releases, including ‘Euphoria’.

In building a relationship with the A24 team for many years, we have been amazed by the impact of their iconic storytelling globally. A24 is synonymous with incredible content, and their commitment to supporting creative talent is unmatched. In 2022, Stripes was chosen to lead A24’s first institutional financing since inception because of our experience in scaling global brands. We are excited to partner with the A24 team as they continue to expand the breadth and reach of their storytelling capabilities globally.

The information noted above is representative as of the time noted/March 2022 and has not been updated.[https://www.stripes.co]

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