李蕙心:新加坡華人夫婦情系古跡30載 義務當景點導覽員


中峇魯歷史走道(Tiong Bahru Heritage Trail)14日正式揭幕,這是文物局的第11個歷史走道,卻是當局第一次安排定期導覽活動,帶領公眾沿著各個景點,了解區內過去100多年的變化。




陳月華受訪時說,她在聯絡所認識她丈夫,兩人結婚時曾在區內的“女舞者”塑像前拍照,平常最喜歡到中峇魯巴剎與熟食中心用餐。(收藏自2013年04月15日 《中國新聞網》)


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Comment by iki kia kiak on April 14, 2022 at 8:53am

Netflix Documentary: A Frame In Time

S1E1: Here They Come

Singapore 1965. Food was prepared, sold and enjoyed on the streets. Itinerant, illegal hawkers moved around with wooden pushcarts, while temporary stalls were setup along alleys and five-foot ways. But all that was about to change. Post-independent Singapore introduced new laws and much importance was given to food hygiene. The streets needed cleaning up and the illegal hawkers had to go.

In Season 2 of A Frame In Time, we continue to tell stories of Singapore’s past, pausing at poignant moments in the 1970s and 80s.

Film auteur, Kelvin Tong helms the series again, interweaving fiction and non-fiction for a unique approach to documentary story-telling.

In Ong Kim Seng’s ‘Night Calligrapher’, we see a man seated and presumably at work in a long alleyway. The narrative spurs an exploration into the past world of letter-writing.

Widely regarded as one of Singapore’s most important artists, Liu Kang’s painting of a ‘Young Girl with Discus’ is infused with a playful energy. This portraiture initiates our conversation about women in sports, featuring Patricia Chan, Glory Barnabas, K Jayamani, among other sporting icons.

The last episode features a mixed media abstract collage, ‘Hunting Elephants in the Batik Forest’ by artist Tumadi B. Patri. We trace the origins of wayang kulit puppetry in Singapore and explore its eventual demise to the likes of radio, cinema, and television. (12 Apr 2020 Source: https://www.channelnewsasia.com)

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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