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Important Notice This report (the Report ) has been prepared by Deloitte LLP( Deloitte ) for Facebook Inc. on the basis of the scope and limitations set out below. The Report has been prepared solely for the purposes of estimating Facebook s impacts on the economy. It should not be used for any other purpose or in any other context, and Deloitte accepts no responsibility for its use in either regard including their use by Facebook Inc. for decision making or reporting to third parties. The Report is provided exclusively for Facebook Inc. s use under the terms of the contract between Deloitte and Facebook, Inc. No party other than Facebook Inc. is entitled to rely on the Report for any purpose whatsoever and Deloitte accepts no responsibility or liability or duty of care to any party other than Facebook Inc. in respect of the Report and/or any of its contents. As set out in the Contract, the scope of our work has been limited by the time, information and explanations made available to us. The information contained in the Report has been obtained from Facebook Inc. and third party sources that are clearly referenced in the appropriate sections of the Report. Deloitte has neither sought to corroborate this information nor to review its overall reasonableness. Further, any results from the analysis contained in the Report are reliant on the information available at the time of writing the Report and should not be relied upon in subsequent periods. Accordingly, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is given and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by or on behalf of Deloitte or Facebook, Inc. or by any of their respective partners, employees or agents or any other person as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information contained in this document or any oral information made available and any such liability is expressly disclaimed. All copyright and other proprietary rights in the Report remain the property of Deloitte LLP and/or Facebook, Inc. and any rights not expressly granted in these terms are reserved. This Report and its contents do not constitute financial or other professional advice, and specific advice should be sought about your specific circumstances. In particular, the Report does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by Deloitte or Facebook, Inc. to invest or participate in, exit, or otherwise use any of the markets or companies referred to in it. To the fullest extent possible, both Deloitte and Facebook Inc. disclaim any liability arising out of the use (or non-use) of the Report and its contents, including any action or decision taken as a result of such use (or non-use)..
3 Contents Important Notice from Deloitte Executive summary 1 1. Introduction 4 2. Marketing effects 6 3. Platform effects 8 4. Connectivity effects 10 Appendix 12 A1. Methodology overview 13 A2. Multipliers, value added ratios and labour productivities 25 A3. Econometric analysis 27
4 Executive summary Facebook enables significant global economic activity by helping to unlock new opportunities through connecting people and businesses, lowering barriers to marketing, and stimulating innovation. This study analyses how Facebook stimulates economic activity by providing tools for marketers, a platform for app developers, and demand for connectivity. Facebook s broad economic impact enables far more revenue and jobs for global and local economies than Facebook s own company operations. Facebook connects more than 1.35bn people with their friends and families around the world, and helps them discover new products and services from local and global businesses. It is a catalyst for economic activity in ecosystems composed of marketers, app developers, and providers of connectivity. This study analyses how Facebook stimulates economic activity and jobs through three broad effects: as a tool for the biggest and smallest of marketers; as a platform for app development; and as a catalyst for connectivity. It estimates that through these channels Facebook enabled $227bn of economic impact and 4.5m jobs globally in 2014. These effects accrue to third parties that operate in Facebook s ecosystem, and exclude the operations of the company itself. Facebook s business model focuses on tools that allow businesses to reach new and existing customers through Pages and advertising. These tools help businesses from the least technical to the most grow their sales, and ultimately employ more people. Marketing effects, worth an estimated $148bn, form the largest share of the economic impact facilitated by Facebook through third parties in 2014. In addition, Facebook developer tools that power and enhance 3rd party apps enabled an estimated $29bn of economic impact. The purchases of mobile devices and connectivity services motivated by Facebook contributed an estimated $50bn of economic impact. Internet based businesses such as Facebook facilitate broader economic activity across a series of economic agents. Such broad impact is far greater than these businesses own size: in 2014 Facebook a company with an approximately $8bn cost base enabled global economic impact of $227bn. This broad economic impact enables far more revenue and jobs for global and local economies than Facebook s own company operations. Other notable findings include: The United States is estimated to capture the largest share of economic impact, $100bn; High rates of engagement enabled $21bn of economic impact in Central and South America; The thriving app economy in EMEA has generated $13bn of economic impact for the region; and Facebook has contributed $13bn of economic impact in APAC, owing to demand for Facebook motivated data usage and device purchases. In addition, Facebook facilitates economic activity as it: Allows new and traditional businesses all over the world to reach customers locally, nationally, and globally; Reduces barriers to marketing by helping businesses of all sizes raise awareness of their brands and find the people most likely to be interested in their products and services; Supports entrepreneurship by providing a way for businesses to promote their activities; Enables new ecosystems such as the app economy that stimulate innovation and generate jobs; and Increases demand for mobile devices and internet services that carry positive spill overs to other parts of the economy. 1
5 This study estimates the global economic impact and the number of jobs Facebook enabled in its ecosystem in 2014. By analysing the impact across North America, Central and South America, Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), and Asia Pacific (APAC), the study captures the diversity of Facebook s contributions across different regions. The economic impact estimates include employee spending and economic activity generated in the supply chains of the companies directly active on Facebook, and exclude intermediate costs. A proportion of the economic activity supported by Facebook existed prior to Facebook s emergence. In order to attribute reasonable value to Facebook, economic impact and jobs figures presented in this study exclude activity estimated to have been displaced. As such, the results of the study are estimates of new economic activity enabled by Facebook in the relevant ecosystems. Facebook-enabled economic impact EMEA $36bn APAC $16bn North America $81bn APAC $7bn EMEA $13bn North America $9bn APAC $13bn North America $14bn EMEA $18bn South America $15bn South America $1bn South America $5bn Platform effects $29bn Marketing effects $148bn Global economic impact $227bn Connectivity effects $50bn * Numbers may not sum due to rounding. 2
6 Macro regional impact All effects* Total country impact All effects Region Econ. Impact (bn) Jobs ( 000) Country Econ. Impact (bn) Jobs ( 000) North America $104 1,160 US $100 1,076 Central and South America $21 570 EMEA $67 1,470 APAC $35 1,340 Total economic impact $227 4,540 * Numbers may not sum due to rounding. Canada $5 82 EU 28 $51 783 United Kingdom $11 154 Germany $7 84 France $7 78 Spain $4 52 Italy $6 70 Other EU 28 $17 349 Brazil $10 231 India $4 335 Japan $3 34 Australia $6 62 3
7 1. Introduction Facebook connects more than 1.35bn people and creates significant economic impact. Facebook was started in February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg as a social network for students at Harvard University. Within the busy university community, Facebook was envisioned as a space to connect with friends and promote openness for ideas and interests. The vision of making the world a more open place has remained with the company as it has grown into one of the largest in the world. 1 Following its launch at Harvard and other universities in the United States and abroad, Facebook expanded to the general population in 2006. 2 Its latest focus on improving the experience on mobile platforms and promoting connectivity has helped the company to grow in developing markets such as Brazil, Indonesia, and India. Facebook s expansion into new markets has unlocked new opportunities to enable economic impact within and outside of its platform. In 2014 more than 1.35bn people around the world log into Facebook at least once a month, a 14% increase compared to a year ago. More than 83% of people active on the platform log in via their mobile devices and many of them return to check their News feed multiple times a day. In the United States, for example, Facebook accounts for nearly 20% of all time spent on mobile. Altogether people on Facebook represent the largest audience in the world that is reachable on a single platform. 3 Through its wide reach and high user engagement, Facebook provides businesses of all sizes and technical sophistication with a significant opportunity to speak directly with their customers. As of June 2014, more than 30m small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) have established a Facebook Page, and more than 1.5m companies actively use Facebook s targeted advertising system to reach potential customers. 4 The number of active advertisers has grown by more five hundred thousand, or 50%, since June 2013. 5 As a result, Facebook has become a hub that democratizes marketing: it facilitates economic activity for businesses of all sizes. This study uses economic and econometric modelling to analyse the effects Facebook enables for third party businesses that use the platform. The study analyses Facebook s broad economic impact through: 6 Marketing effects: the economic impact of Facebook for businesses that use it as marketing platform to connect with consumers and build brand value; Platform effects: the impact in the developer app economy; and Connectivity effects: the impact created through the sale of mobile devices and internet connectivity. These effects flow through new as well as traditional industries, impacting many businesses across sectors. In addition to direct economic impact experienced by businesses leveraging Facebook, the study also estimates the effects on companies in those businesses supply chains and those with whom employees spend their income. These are referred to as indirect and induced effects respectively. The study estimates the new economic activity enabled through Facebook s emergence and growth in the relevant ecosystems. It is expected that some of the economic activity currently supported by Facebook existed prior to the platform s development. In order to attribute reasonable value to Facebook, the results of the study estimate the economic activity enabled by Facebook after deducting pre existing activity estimated to have been displaced. The platform has other effects from supporting innovation to broader social benefits which go beyond the impact measured in this study. Facebook has become a hub that democratizes marketing: it facilitates economic activity for businesses of all sizes. Facebook s broad economic impact flows through new as well as traditional industries, benefiting many businesses across sectors. 4
8 Economic impact is estimated in four macro regions: Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Asia Pacific (APAC), North America, and Central and South America. 7 In addition, results are disaggregated for a number of markets selected by Facebook. Estimates in this study are based on Facebook data for the twelve month period between October 1, 2013 and October 1, 2014 and results are referred to as for the year 2014. The methodology is described in detail in the Appendix. Mobile and total Monthly Active People (MAP) on Facebook (m) 8 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 Q3 12 Q4 12 Q1 13 Q2 13 Q3 13 Q4 13 Q1 14 Q2 14 Q3 14 Total Mobile 5
9 2. Marketing effects Facebook Pages and targeted advertising help businesses grow sales locally, nationally and globally; reduce barriers to marketing; and support entrepreneurship. Marketing effects estimate the impact from businesses use of Facebook marketing tools to drive online and offline sales, and to increase awareness of their brand. Facebook gives marketers of all sizes the ability to reach an audience of more than 1.35bn people through a set of products that connect businesses and people, including Pages and targeted advertising. 9 Businesses increasingly use Facebook s marketing tools to grow: via Pages and ads they can effectively acquire and retain customers and increase brand awareness. Conversely, people can use Facebook to discover new companies and brands or connect with businesses that they already know. Facebook s marketing tools are used by both online and brick and mortar businesses and are accessible globally. In addition to businesses, governments, non profits and other civil society organizations also use Facebook to stay in touch with their members and constituents, which in turn enables economic and social value. These organizations benefit from the discovery and free flow of ideas that come from Facebook s open communication platform. The report considers three sources of effects that create economic impact from marketing: Pages, targeted advertising and referrals. Pages provide businesses with a way to establish or enhance their presence online across desktop, mobile and tablet. On Facebook people can discover Pages that are relevant to their interests. Targeted advertising, based on characteristics of Facebook s audience, allows marketers to deliver messages at scale to their most likely customers, which can increase return on advertising. The cost effectiveness of advertising for businesses is derived from the ability to target the relevant audience. Aggregated insights collected during their advertising campaigns allow businesses to further fine tune their campaigns. Facebook s self service, auction based ad tool lets marketers of all sizes create campaigns at scale. These features lower the barriers to advertising and allow companies that would not be able to advertise in traditional channels to take advantage of promoting their products and services. Furthermore, businesses also benefit when people share links to their websites with their friends. Sharing of links can have significant effects on sales and fundraising. For example, Facebook helped spread awareness about the Ice bucket challenge initiative that raised $100m in donations to fund research for the 10, 11 cure of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Integration of advertising into Facebook s mobile platform gives marketers the ability to connect with people regardless of the device being used and capitalize on the high popularity of Facebook s app. In addition to providing a channel for discovery, businesses can also use their online presence on Pages to get customer feedback, crowdsource ideas, and recruit potential employees. By using these marketing tools to reach their customers, businesses can increase sales locally, nationally, and globally and generate significant economic impact, no matter their size, location, industry, or technical sophistication. Results It is estimated that the marketing effect of Facebook in 2014 enabled $148bn of economic impact and 2.3m jobs globally. North America, which contains Facebook s largest market, the US, captured nearly half of the overall global economic impact ($81bn and 870,000 jobs) through a mix of active advertising spend and high page engagement. After the US, Brazil ranks as second in terms of economic impact from marketing globally. The country s large population and highly engaged base of people on Facebook have contributed to an estimated economic impact of $8.4bn and 189,000 jobs. Economic impact in the United Kingdom is estimated to be the third highest in the world at $6.6bn and 89,000 jobs, as a result of active advertising and engagement in this region. Businesses increasingly use Facebook s marketing tools to grow. Governments, non profits and other civil society organizations also benefit from the discovery and free flow of ideas that come from Facebook s open communication platform. 6
10 Macro regional impact Marketing effects* Country impact Marketing effects 12 Region Econ. Impact (bn) Jobs ( 000) Country Econ. Impact (bn) Jobs ( 000) North America $81 870 US $77.6 816 Central and South America $15 380 EMEA $36 620 APAC $16 450 Global total $148 2,300 * Numbers may not sum due to rounding. Canada $3.3 50 EU 28 $27.7 388 United Kingdom $6.6 89 Germany $3.5 41 France $3.3 36 Spain $1.7 21 Italy $3.0 36 Other EU 28 $9.6 165 Brazil $8.4 189 India $1.4 129 Japan $1.3 13 Australia $4.1 44 7
11 3. Platform effects Facebook development tools encourage the creation of new features, services, and apps, which facilitate content distribution and stimulate innovation and new jobs. Platform effects estimate the economic impact from 3rd party products and services built atop of the Facebook platform. The Facebook platform provides app developers with significant opportunities for discovery and monetisation of their apps, enabling economic activity and jobs. The Facebook developer platform was first created in 2007 as a way for programmers to incorporate the Facebook experience into their apps. 13 The platform, which originally only supported applications running within the Facebook website, has expanded to allow developers of native iphone, Android and other platforms to build, grow and monetise their apps within and outside of Facebook. 14 Apps of all types and audiences can both integrate Facebook features and power their infrastructure with Facebook cloud services. Through Facebook s developer tools, app creators provide a consistent cross platform experience within both Facebook and native apps. The products on Facebook s platform allow developers, with the person s permission, to customize their apps. These features are especially powerful for gaming apps, for instance, which has led to a development of a new niche of social gaming as well as innovations in the travel and music industries. Apps integrate with Facebook to enhance customer experience, acquisition, and retention and can use advertising to drive installs or engagement. These apps leverage the Facebook developer platform to enhance their business proposition and increase sales conversions. Furthermore, developers can extend their reach and monetise their apps with ads from Facebook s advertisers through the Facebook Audience Network. Facebook has helped to establish a new genre of apps centred on introducing social aspects into the experience by seamlessly allowing people to compete, collaborate, or compare themselves against their friends. The Facebook App Center serves as a hub for discovery of new apps that can be used on Facebook. Developers monetise their apps through in app purchases within Facebook or through other channels, including in app advertising or charging for downloads. Over 80% and 90% of top grossing apps in the United States on ios and Android respectively are integrated with Facebook, which demonstrates the impact the platform has enabled for developers. 15 Website owners use social plugins to embed Facebook s sharing and commenting functionality into their sites, driving content distribution. By allowing their visitors to engage with content, website publishers can increase the time readers spend on their website, making it more valuable for advertisers. In addition, the sharing functionality brings more people to their websites and further increases sales conversions and advertising revenues. The platform effects also include the economic impact of events that are organized through Facebook s events feature. The simplified process of setting up an event and inviting friends allows higher participation and increased spending. The app economy creates economic impact through the revenues enabled by the Facebook platform, in addition to traffic from social plugins. Through facilitating the creation, promotion, and monetisation of new applications, Facebook fosters entrepreneurial activity and generates employment in different places around the world. 16 The Facebook platform provides app developers with significant opportunities for discovery and monetisation of their apps. By facilitating the creation, promotion and monetisation of new apps, Facebook fosters entrepreneurial activity and generates employment. 8
12 Results It is estimated that the platform effect of Facebook in 2014 enabled $29bn of economic impact and 660,000 jobs globally. EMEA is the largest beneficiary of the platform effect, with estimated $13bn of economic impact and 270,000 jobs. The impacts are driven primarily by the app economy, which benefited from successful companies such as Spotify or King.com, the developers of a music streaming platform and the Candy Crush Sage games, that are headquartered in EMEA. Additionally, clusters of entrepreneurs have emerged in cities such as Berlin, Minsk and Tel Aviv that focus on developing Facebook apps for their global audiences. The US app economy generates the largest impact among individual countries, as a result of an active community both in Silicon Valley and the rest of the country, and contributes to the overall platform impact of $8.2bn and 126,000 jobs to the overall platform impact. While a portion of the economic impact was generated on the Facebook platform through apps that run within Facebook, a majority of the impact has been accrued by developers and publishers in the wider ecosystem. This is a consequence of an increasingly open integration of 3rd party applications into the Facebook developer platform. Macro regional impact Platform effects* Region Econ. Impact (bn) Jobs ( 000) North America $9 140 Central and South America $1 50 EMEA $13 270 APAC $7 200 Global total $29 660 * Numbers may not sum due to rounding. Country impact Platform effects Country Econ. Impact (bn) Jobs ( 000) US $8.2 126 Canada $0.6 16 EU 28 $10.5 198 United Kingdom $2.6 39 Germany $1.8 27 France $1.8 27 Spain $0.8 16 Italy $0.7 10 Other EU 28 $2.8 79 Brazil $0.6 17 India $0.5 40 Japan $1 12 Australia $0.6 8 9
13 4. Connectivity effects Facebook motivated purchases of devices and internet connections drive demand for data usage. Improvements in connectivity spill over to the rest of the economy and stimulate economic growth. Connectivity effects create economic impact through Facebook motivated internet use and purchases of devices. Facebook is among the most popular services on both desktop and mobile measured by the number of visits as well as the time spent on the platform. The Facebook mobile app is a particularly influential product. In the United States people spend nearly 1 in 5 minutes of their mobile time on Facebook. 17 The company s growth in key emerging markets such as India and Brazil is also driven by usage of Facebook s mobile apps. 18 More than 33% of people active on Facebook log into the platform exclusively with their mobile device and this share has been growing steadily. 19 The Facebook app and the Facebook Messenger app rank among the top 10 most popular free apps in both Apple AppStore and on Google Play. 20 Innovations in mobile devices and internet infrastructure, and the growing number of services built atop of them, are facilitating the sharing of increasingly richer multimedia content. For example, people on Facebook often share high definition videos captured by their mobile phones, post links to stream music, or view high resolution photos. To access these services, consumers are buying faster connections and more generous data allowances. In parallel, advances in computing, including faster processing power and more realistic graphics, accelerate a cycle of innovation that developers leverage to create applications on Facebook. The innovation loop motivates people to purchase new, more powerful mobile devices and higher data consumption. Connectivity in developing countries allows people to take part in the digital economy, stimulates economic impact, and enables the transition to knowledge based economies. People can then gain access to a broader digital ecosystem that includes health information, commercial data, and education. Access to information online, in turn, stimulates commercial and entrepreneurial activity beyond the effects captured in this study. In efforts to bring internet connectivity to more people in developing countries, Facebook has developed partnerships with local operators and optimized its products for lower speeds and smaller data packages. In 2013 Facebook unveiled its Internet.org initiative, partnering with device manufacturers and connectivity providers to bring internet to currently unconnected people. It has launched the Internet.org app, which allows people in Kenya, Zambia and Tanzania to browse health, education and other information services without incurring data charges. The improvements in broadband infrastructure, devices and general connectivity spill over to the rest of the economy, stimulating economic growth. Increased productivity facilitates more efficient business processes, new applications and services. 21 These improvements also support wider benefits across health and education efforts. 22 Facebook enabled economic impact of connectivity estimated in this study is captured by internet plan providers and local retailers of devices. As Facebook does not sell either of these products or services, the effects are accrued entirely by the members of its ecosystem. Developers of Facebook apps create new features that fuel the innovation loop, which motivates people to purchase new, more powerful mobile devices and stimulates higher data consumption. Connectivity in developing countries allows people to take part in the digital economy, stimulates economic impact, and enables the transition to knowledge based economies. 10
14 Results It is estimated that the connectivity effects of Facebook in 2014 enabled $50bn of economic impact and 1.6m jobs globally in 2014. North America and EMEA, led by the United States and the European Union, were the main beneficiaries of this impact. This is due to their developed yet innovating internet infrastructure and relatively high disposable incomes that allow purchases of new mobile devices. For example, iphones and high end Android phones are more popular in the US and the European Union than elsewhere in the world. 22 In contrast, uptake of Facebook in developing countries such as India or Vietnam is driven by feature phones that offer a streamlined interface, optimized for the slower speeds, and Facebook specific data packages. In general, APAC is a significant beneficiary of these effects as a result of its large population that is rapidly embracing digital technologies and investing in connectivity infrastructure. Macro regional impact Connectivity effects* Region Econ. Impact (bn) Jobs ( 000) North America $14 150 Central and South America $5 150 EMEA $18 580 APAC $13 680 Global total $50 1,600 * Numbers may not sum due to rounding. Country impact Connectivity effects Country Econ. Impact (bn) Jobs ( 000) US $13.8 135 Canada $1.1 15 EU 28 $12.9 197 United Kingdom $2.1 26 Germany $1.4 16 France $1.6 16 Spain $1.2 14 Italy $2.1 24 Other EU 28 $4.5 101 Brazil $1.3 25 India $2.1 165 Japan $1.1 9 Australia $1.0 11 11
15 Appendix A1. Methodology overview 13 A2. Multipliers, value added ratios and labour productivities 25 A3. Econometric analysis 27 12
16 A1. Methodology overview This study focuses on Facebook s broad effects that accrue to third parties in Facebook s ecosystem, and excludes Facebook s narrow effects caused by its day to day activities. As a platform for businesses to connect with customers, the broad effects are far more significant for a company like Facebook than the narrow effects. This study analyses three broad impacts of Facebook: Marketing effects: helping grow sales online and in store for businesses, increase brand value, and traffic to business websites through Facebook services that businesses use for marketing; Platform effects: developing an app community and enhancing the monetisation of apps, as well as enabling larger social activities; and Connectivity effects: boosting the demand for technology through increased sales of devices and broadband connections. Economic impact refers to the contribution Facebook makes to economic output measured in terms of value added and jobs. 24 A proportion of the economic activity supported by Facebook existed prior to its emergence. To attribute reasonable value to Facebook, economic impact and jobs figures presented in the study exclude activity estimated to have been displaced or cannibalised. In this way the study estimates the extent to which Facebook has contributed to economic activity rather than simply displacing existing economic activity. Examples include: New opportunities for businesses to engage with customers; New possibilities for gaming and social enabled apps; and Additional demand for connectivity driven by the desire to stay connected to friends and family. To assess the economic impact of Facebook the analysis: Estimates the 3rd party gross revenue supported by Facebook; and Study framework Each effect generates value added to the economy through three channels: 1. Direct impact (Direct effects): The initial and immediate economic impact generated by the gross revenues of businesses that use Facebook or whose products and services are used to access it. 2. Supply chain impact (Indirect effects): The economic effects generated in the supply chain for businesses as a result of demand arising from the activities of businesses that use or leverage Facebook. 3. Employee spending impact (Induced effects): The economic impact that arises from the consumer spending by those working at businesses that use Facebook and at their suppliers. The report estimates economic impact and jobs enabled as follows: It first estimates gross revenue supported by Facebook, using different approaches and metrics across effects (described in section A1). Next it estimates economic impact enabled: As the sum of direct, supply chain and employee spending effects. The supply chain and employee spending impact is estimated by multiplying gross revenue by two factors, an output multiplier, to reflect how the initial spending ripples through the economy, and a value added ratio to convert output to economic impact (described in section A2). By applying particular adjustments to capture new economic value Facebook enabled excluding value displaced (described in section A1). In the last step, jobs are estimated by calculating the number of jobs required to produce the economic impact estimated. This is calculated through metrics of economic impact per employee (referred to as labour productivity in this study) (described in section A2). Converts this gross revenue supported into estimates of economic impact and jobs enabled by applying multipliers to capture the ripple effects, 25 and by excluding an estimate of activity displaced or cannibalised. 13
17 Value added ratio Gross revenues ($) Output multiplier Economic Impact ($) Labour Productivity ($) Indirect, induced jobs Factor to account for new activity The study assesses the economic value created by Facebook in four major macro regions: APAC; EMEA; North America; and Central and South America. From those contributions, the economic impact and jobs enabled in 11 countries are estimated: these countries are USA, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Canada, Brazil, India, Japan, and Australia. The effects in the EU 28 as a whole are also presented. The results in the study use data on activity on Facebook for the period October 2013 to October 2014. The methodology employs assumptions where exact data was not available from Facebook or public sources. The derivations of the assumptions have been consulted with Facebook employees and compared with existing research. The subsequent chapters of the methodology state the assumptions and provide their explanation. Where multiple values for assumptions were available, the analysis sought to employ conservative estimates. Approach by effect Marketing Effect Through targeted advertising and Pages, Facebook allows firms to promote their brand, raise awareness and generate new sales. This study assesses Facebook s economic impact through its reach in three areas: Pages: using Facebook to build brand value. Targeted advertising: using Facebook to reach new and existing customers through paid advertising. Referrals: directing organic traffic from Facebook to external websites. Page engagement Sales from Page engagement are estimated as a product of the total sales of businesses with Pages and the sales uplift estimated due to their engagement on Pages (see section A3 for how elasticities are estimated by econometric methods). The total sales of the businesses that have a Facebook Page are estimated using the revenues of the private sector in the economy based on national statistics. Survey evidence is then used on the percentage of businesses with a Page in the US and the UK. 26 For the rest of the world, the value of a liking action of a Page is estimated using relative GDP per capita of each country to the UK and USA to reflect the local economic conditions. The gross revenue supported by Pages is then the product of the number of Pages liked and the value of a liking action of a Page. # Pages liked Value of liking a page Gross revenues from Pages ($) 14
18 Targeted advertising Businesses direct sales from paid advertising on Facebook are estimated from the amount of advertising spend by businesses on the platform and estimated country level average Return on Investment of advertising (ROI). ROIs are estimated for selected countries as the ratio of the estimated enabled sales due to advertising on Facebook and the average advertising spend on Facebook: 27 The sales due to Facebook advertising are the product of the number of businesses that advertise on Facebook, an estimate of their average revenues and the elasticities of sales to Facebook advertising (see section A3 for how elasticities are estimated by econometric methods). 28 The average Facebook advertising spend of businesses is derived as the ratio of the sum of advertising funds spent by businesses and the corresponding number of businesses as set out above. ROIs for the remaining countries are adjusted using Facebook penetration to reflect the potential reach of the advertising. Gross revenues are estimated as a product of advertising spend and ROIs. The gross revenues also include estimates of the revenue generated by advertising agencies from spend on Facebook, who typically take a commission on the advertiser s spend. Advertising spend # Clicks Advertising ROI Value of a click ($) Gross revenues from advertising ($) Referrals Website owners can increase their revenues as a result of additional organic website traffic referred from Facebook. The approach to valuing links to third party websites varies by the type of website. 29 The values are multiplied by the total number of clicks provided by Facebook to estimate gross revenue from referrals: Gross revenues from referrals ($) Economic impact from Marketing Effect Estimation of new activity A proportion of the economic activity supported by total advertising and engagement on Facebook existed prior to Facebook. A proportion of digital marketing, and thus advertising on digital platforms such as Facebook, represents a shift away from traditional channels such as TV, radio, newspapers, etc. In order to attribute reasonable value to Facebook, the study estimates the economic impact and jobs enabled by advertising, pages and referrals by excluding activity displaced from offline media. Facebook may enable economic activity and associated jobs by opening up new opportunities for businesses to engage with customers by complementing traditional advertising or by allowing businesses to advertise more due to Facebook advertising s lower upfront costs. At the same time, the return on some of the advertising switched from traditional media to Facebook can be higher, and this can further drive new economic activity. Advertising To estimate Facebook s economic impact excluding marketing activity shifted away from traditional channels such as TV, radio or newspapers, Zentner s 26 country panel data displacement estimates for different offline media types resulting from internet penetration are used. Based on information on advertising spend per media type, the resulting displacement (substitution) of offline advertising with online advertising is estimated based on a number of countries. It is estimated that approximately two thirds of online advertising is a shift away from offline advertising, i.e. approximately one third of online advertising is new activity. 30 This result is consistent with other evidence that suggests that substitution between online and offline advertising is not complete, and that online and traditional advertising can have important synergies and beneficially coexist. 31 The assumption of one third of online advertising being additional does not capture the higher effectiveness that some of the advertising diverted from traditional channels to Facebook can have in some circumstances, and/or the dynamic effects it can have on the economy as a result of businesses being able to use resources more efficiently, which can lead to positive effects beyond those measured by displacement only. 15
19 Businesses can use a range of platforms online to advertise, including Google AdWords, Bing Ads, or the Twitter Advertising platform, that exist alongside Facebook. While assessing precisely what businesses would have done in the absence of Facebook in 2014 is difficult and not estimated in this study, the platform has features that suggest that the platform creates value over other online platforms as well as over traditional media. Such features include the ability to market via the combination of Pages and paid advertising, and the ability to target based on characteristics, preferences and through friends recommendations/networks (a more extensive description of Facebook features is presented in the main body of the report). Pages The creation of Pages represents a low barrier marketing option for most businesses. Businesses may use Facebook Pages as one of the marketing tools before embarking into paid advertising. Page creation should thus displace some of the traditional advertising tools in a similar fashion to Facebook paid advertising. The report assumes the same degree of displacement of traditional advertising from Pages as from Facebook paid advertising and applies an adjustment factor to Pages of approximately one third to capture new activity. This assumption may be conservative because Pages are a lower cost marketing resource. Companies that do not have sufficient marketing budgets and that may not have been able to advertise before can promote themselves through Pages. The ability to promote a business through Pages and other features indicates the platform can have beneficial effects over other online platforms. Estimation of ripple effects Output multipliers and value added ratios are applied to estimated gross revenues to calculate supply chain and employee spending effects. Summary of parameters, inputs and assumptions Total advertising spend on Facebook, total liking actions of Pages, total clicks by destination domains Advertising ROI Value of a Liking action of a Page Value per click Value added ratios, multiplier for the general economy, labour productivities Data provided by Facebook. Values for selected countries are calculated using econometric analysis on a sample of over 2,000 businesses on an annual basis between 2008 2012, and estimates of the average share of revenue spent on advertising on Facebook by businesses that are active on Facebook. The econometric model uses proprietary firm level data from Facebook, Kantar Media, Bureau van Dijk/ Orbis and variables from the World Bank. See section A3 for further details. ROI factors are approximated for the rest of the world based on Facebook penetration by country. Deloitte econometric analysis as described above. See section A3 for further details. The values of a Liking action of a Page are estimated for the rest of the world based on national GDP per capita relative to the countries in the econometric analysis. Estimates based on approximate CPM for video, shopping, and social, and other websites. See section A2 for details. Referrals Like Pages, referrals represent a low barrier marketing option for many businesses, increasing the opportunities for their content to be found. Businesses may use referrals as one of the marketing tools before embarking into paid advertising. Facebook s large and engaged audience, special sharing options (for example the option to include thumbnails of websites), and other features motivate additional sharing. This report assumes the same degree of displacement from referrals as from Pages and applies an adjustment factor to referrals of approximately one third to capture new activity. This assumption may be conservative because referrals, like Pages, are a lower cost marketing resource and benefit from Facebook s scale. Factor to account for new activity The factor of one third is applied to capture new marketing activity on Facebook and exclude activity estimated to be displaced from other media. 16
20 Platform effects App Economy The Facebook platform allows developers to build plugins, apps, and games that people can use both within Facebook as well as on mobile devices and the rest of the web. The value of the app economy enabled by Facebook is estimated by considering three types products provided by the platform: Apps that are integrated with Facebook but do not use Facebook app install advertising or in app purchases ( non monetised apps ); Apps that integrate Facebook s payment system for in app purchases or use app install advertising on Facebook ( monetised apps ); and Social plug ins for sharing of content from websites. Value of Facebook provided backend services, for example through Parse and other cloud computing offerings, are implicit in the calculations but not quantified explicitly. Non monetised Apps Facebook s developer platform allows app developers and publishers to incorporate selected Facebook functionality and data into their own products. The ability to integrate people s data, following their explicit permission, into the app enhances its functionality and increases usage, engagement or conversion rates, depending on the monetisation strategy of the app. The analysis considers apps with more than 1,000 monthly active people to exclude apps and products that may not be financially viable as advised by Facebook subject matter experts. The approach followed to estimate the revenues of these apps is based on Facebook data for the average monthly number of developers who work on Facebook related portions of the apps. The total number of employees supported by non monetised apps is estimated by multiplying the number of employees in the country that work on the relevant apps by the support staff ratio. 31 The total number of employees is multiplied by software sector labour productivity to estimate the gross revenues of these apps. # Total Employees Industry Productivity ($) Gross revenues ($) Monetised Apps Revenue generated by canvas apps that use the Facebook payment processing system for in app purchases is determined using Facebook data on total revenue from in app purchases, excluding Facebook s 30% commission payment. Revenues generated outside of the Facebook payment processing system, for instance through in app purchases processed by the Apple AppStore or Google Play, in app advertising or payments for the sale of the app, are estimated using the Facebook revenues and approximated out of Facebook revenue multiplier as below: App developer revenue cut ($) App Install ad spend ($) Revenue generated outside FB per $ generated through FB ROI Gross revenues ($) Revenues of apps that use Facebook app install advertising are approximated using their advertising spend and an estimated ROI on app installs. Gross revenues ($) If apps use both in app purchases and app install advertising, the approximated revenues due to advertising are subtracted from the total estimated revenues to avoid double counting of impact. Social plug ins Social plug ins give website developers and publishers the ability to incorporate Facebook s commenting, liking, and sharing features into their websites. Through these features social plugins can increase traffic, time spent on site, or sales conversions that grow website publishers revenues. To calculate gross revenue, the number of plug ins actions (like, share, comments) is multiplied by their estimated value derived from Page engagement estimates. An assumption is applied to exclude actions not related to potential business or other economic activity through adjusting the total number of actions downwards by 20%. 33 17
21 # Actions on social plug in Value of an action ($) % Business actions Gross revenues ($) Economic impact from app economy Estimation of new activity In order to capture new value enabled by Facebook in the app ecosystem, the following assumptions are applied. Games within Facebook have helped to create a new genre of gaming where people can play with friends, compete against them, and share their achievements within a single platform. While this development has primarily enlarged the overall market, a portion of the existing gaming market targeted at a similar core customer group, for example companies developing Java games for mobile phones, Flash online games, or certain single and multi player simulation games, has been displaced by the emergence of Facebook. It is assumed that 80% of the estimated revenues of canvas games that use in app purchases represent new activity. This reflects Facebook s strong proposition in the market for in browser gaming. The ratio of new activity for revenues earned outside of Facebook for multiplatform games is assumed to be 50% to reflect that these games also operate and affect activity in other channels. The lower percentage of new economic activity enabled by Facebook for these apps is based on the wider set of Facebook competitors that these apps can use for infrastructure (eg, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure), payment processing (eg, native processors, Square), or promotion and delivery (eg, Google Play, Apple App Store). For apps that do not run on the canvas platform and do not use in app purchases, the share of new activity is assumed to be 50% for the same reasons as for the revenues earned by multiplatform games outside of Facebook, as described above. Estimation of ripple effects Output multipliers and value added ratios are applied to estimated gross revenues to calculate the supply chain and employee spending effects. Summary of parameters, inputs and assumptions Apps Gross payments revenues generated by individual apps App developer in app revenue cut Out of Facebook revenue multiplier (Canvas apps) Advertising spending on ad install ads App install ads ROI Viability threshold Data provided by Facebook. Facebook charges 30% commission on providing the payments processing functionality, with the developer retaining the rest. 34 A multiplier has been estimated based on interviews with Facebook subject matter experts, and data from App Annie provided by Facebook for reference. Data provided by Facebook. A conservative ROI was used to determine the return on app install ads. Depending on the app, the return can be generated through sale of the app, in-app purchases, or in-app advertising. Apps with fewer than 1,000 monthly active users have been excluded from the analysis of non monetised apps under the assumption of financial unviability of such apps. The assumption has been informed through interviews with Facebook subject matter experts. Social Plug In Data on actions that happen within the social plug in Value of plug in actions Data provided by Facebook. The values of all plug in actions are considered equal and assumed to have an approximate value of 1% of the value of liking actions on Pages to reflect the short term lifespan of these actions. 18
22 Summary of parameters, inputs and assumptions (continued) Common Locations, average MAUs, average numbers of developers Support Staff Ratio Factors to account for new activity Value added ratios, multiplier for the general economy, labour productivities Data provided by Facebook. Support staff is defined as any staff that does not directly work on the implementation of Facebook functionality. Examples of such staff may include designers, project managers, marketers etc. The ratio is based on a study by the University of Maryland, 35 where it was estimated to be 2.2 staff for every developer working on a Facebook app. For non monetised apps, the ratio is assumed to be 50% lower to reflect that the business models of these apps may be less reliant on Facebook than canvas apps. Assumptions for accounting for new activity have been verified with Facebook subject matter experts and are as follows: Revenue of canvas apps earned within Facebook: 80% Revenue of canvas apps earned outside Facebook: 50% Apps promoted with app install ads: 50% Non monetised apps: 50% Social Plug ins: one third See Appendix 2 for details. Events Social events on Facebook create economic value by stimulating additional consumer spend. Facebook users can invite each other to events covering a broad range of activities, from parties to sports. The analysis only takes into account social events, i.e., events created by a person, not a business, with a minimum of five attendees. Facebook data on the number of expected event attendees is adjusted by the actual attendance rate, assumed at 50%, to reflect the uncertainty from non binding acceptance. 36 The total estimated number of events attendees is then multiplied by the estimated average spend per event to give the gross revenue from social events, based on average spend per person per pub visit. 37, 38 Spend estimates are adjusted by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) data from the World Bank to account for differences in spending across the world. 39 While the spend is based on the cost of a visit to a pub, the estimate is likely to represent a lower bound for spending at different types of events including sports or concert tickets and associated spending (e.g. transport etc). # FB social events Average # attendees per event Average spend per event ($) Gross revenues ($) 19
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