DON E. GIBBONS: Suggestions to Enhance Writing Ability

By Don E. Gibbons, Ph. D.


The following suggestions for the enhancement of writing ability may also be presented, incon junction with suggestions forego-strengthening and for achievement motivation, to assist the subject to replace recurring fantasies of failure with positive expectations of success.


Whenever you are engaged in creative writing, you will find that during your spare moments your thoughts will tend to turn to what everyone rewriting about.These frequent moment so fast extra attention will keep new ideas constantly forming in your mind, even when you are consciously preoccupied with other matters.

Because of this extra attention, new ideas and associations will frequently emerge into your awareness as though unbidden; and when you begin to write, these new ideas and associations will flow even more freely, providing you with steady stream of inspiration.

As you write, you will be able to maintain continuous contact with the sevast resources of creativity which lie within you. You will be able to carry out any revisions which may be necessary as the work progresses, without any undue reluctance on your part to change what you have already written, and without striving for perfection for it sown sake in those instances where in it is more important to finish what you have begun.

Youwillbeabletobreakyourwritingdownintosmallsegmentswhichcanbecomfortablyfittedintothetimeyouhaveatyourdisposal, enabling you to maintain a pace which is both productive and enjoyable, without feeling unduly rushed or under pressure. And when each writing period is over, or each segment of the work is completed, you will experience strong feeling of pride, achievement, and accomplishment, which stem from a never-growing realisation that you are employing your abilities fully and well. Writing will thus be experienced as a spontaneous, natural, and joyful process, which will enable you to make the fullest use of your creative potential.

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