



What is the real stuff of tragedy in the book? It is the Heath. It is the primitive, primal earth, where the instinctive life heaves up. There, in the deep, rude stirring of the instincts, there was the reality that worked the tragedy. Close to the body of things, there can be heard the stir that makes us and destroys us. The earth heaved with raw instinct, Egdon whose dark soil was strong and rude and organic as the body of a beast. Out of this body of crude earth are born Eustacia, Woldeve, Mistress Yeobright, Clym, and all the others.



But heaven and earth was teeming around them, and how should this cease? They felt the rush of the sap in spring, they knew the wave which cannot halt, but every year throws forward the seed to begetting, and falling back, leaves the young born on earth. They knew the intercourse between heaven and earth, sunshine drawn into the breast and bowels, the rain sucked up in the daytime, nakedness that come under the wind in autumn, showing the birds’ nests no longer worth hiding…They took the udder of the cows, the cows yielded milk and pulse against the hands of the men, the pulse of the blood of the teats of the cows beat into the pulse of the hands of the men. They mounted their horses, and held life between the grip of their knees, they harnessed their horses at the wagon, and, with hand on the bridle-rings, drew the heaving of the horses after their will.

這種韻律的美,是非讀原文不得的,特別是那一句the cows yielded milk and pulse against the hands of the men, the pulse of the blood of the teats of the cows beat into the pulse of the hands of the men,完全可以讀出血脈湧動的節奏,完全令人沈醉在兩種血脈相互沖撞的肉感之中。為此有批評家把勞倫斯和哈代對自然的描寫說成是“性感的風景描寫”(sexualization of landscape),這個短語也可用現在時髦的“什麽什麽化”的西式句法來翻譯成“性化風景”。他們所“性化”的是浪漫主義詩人華茲華斯筆下的英國土地。在華詩人的筆下,英國的風景是審美客體,詩人面對客體吟詠風花雪月的詩篇,美則美矣,但能感到審美的主客體是分離的,如《水仙辭》中 I wandered lonely as a cloud / That floats on high o’er vale and hills 的詩句,甚至頗為矯情做作。而到了勞倫斯這一代詩人,風景和自然儼然是主體,詩人要揭示其內在的詩性,體現在詩化的散文中,就有了這種自然的節奏生發於此。這種美,源自浪漫主義,但已經是浪漫主義詩歌望塵莫及的了。浪漫主義的特點是感發,而勞倫斯的詩文轉向自然的生發。



The blackened brick dwellings, the black slate roofs glistening their sharp edges, the mud black with coal-dust, the pavements wet and black. It was as if dismalness had soaked through and through everything. The utter negation of natural beauty, the utter negation of the gladness of life, the utter absence of the instinct for shapely beauty which every bird and beast has, the utter death of the human intuitive faculty was appalling…ugly, ugly, ugly.

如soaked through and through everything這樣聲效與節奏同步的短語,應該說是朗朗上口,逼著你不能不叨念出聲。


還有的學者指出勞倫斯散文中通過標點斷句,制造出音效和節奏,加強了意思的表達,這樣的段落不勝枚舉,有意者不妨參看Style in Fiction by Geoffrey Leech一書,更為專業地了解其對英語散文的修辭與風格的剖析,體會英文寫作大師們的散文之美。

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