Perkembangan semasa ekonomi global menunjukkan industri kreatif adalah salah satu sumber penting pertumbuhan ekonomi dan percambahan budaya di negara-negara maju. Contohnya, industri ini telah menyumbang sebanyak USD$3 trilion kepada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK)
Amerika Syarikat. Dalam perspektif ekonomi dan sosiobudaya Malaysia, industri kreatif telah memberi sumbangan sebanyak RM9.4 bilion kepada KDNK negara pada tahun 2008 dan berpotensi menjana ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi serta memartabatkan budaya bangsa. Justeru, amat penting industri ini dibangunkan secara bersepadu dan terancang melalui satu dasar dan hala tuju yang komprehensif.

Menyedari hakikat kepentingan industri ini, Kementerian telah mengadakan Persidangan Industri Kreatif pada 17 Mac 2009. Antara perkara yang menyentuh industri ini adalah ketiadaan penyelarasan dan dasar yang jelas tentang pembangunan industri kreatif di negara ini. Oleh yang demikian, satu dasar industri kreatif perlu diwujudkan bagi menjelaskan hala tuju dan
pembangunan industri kreatif negara.

Bagi tujuan ini, Dasar Industri Kreatif Negara (DIKN) digubal sebagai dasar induk untuk menetapkan prinsip-prinsip asas pembangunan industri kreatif. Dasar ini akan menjurus dan memacu segala kegiatan kreatif secara lebih
produktif dan ekonomik melalui sinergi sektor awam dan swasta.

Komitmen daripada kepimpinan tertinggi negara ini terkandung dalam pembentangan Bajet 2010 oleh YAB Perdana Menteri:

“Dalam memacu negara ke kemuncak kemajuan, kreativiti dan daya pemikiran di luar kotak perlu dicambah dan dirangsangkan. Lantaran itu, industri kreatif wajar dimajukan lagi untuk menyumbang kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Industri ini meliputi seni persembahan dan muzik, reka bentuk, animasi, pengiklanan dan pembangunan kandungan. Bagi menyelaras perkembangan pelbagai segmen dalam industri ini, Kerajaanakan:

DIKN berupaya membuka lebih banyak peluang kepada pelbagai kumpulan karyawan sedia ada, generasi akan datang dan industri-industri sampingan untuk mencetus lebih banyak idea, kreativiti dan inovasi yang boleh dikomersilkan. Ini selaras dengan semangat dan cita-cita Gagasan 1 Malaysia, ‘Rakyat Didahulukan, Pencapaian Diutamakan’ ke arah pencapaian Wawasan 2020.

Beberapa mesyuarat disusuli dengan siri bengkel telah diadakan bagi membincang pembentukan dasar ini. Beberapa dokumen telah dijadikan sumber rujukan bagi membentuk dasar ini, antaranya adalah:

(i) Dasar Perfileman Negara;

(ii) Dasar dan Strategi Pembangunan Industri Muzik Negara;

(iii) Kajian Separuh Penggal Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan 2006-2010;

(iv) Draf Dasar Strategi dan Program Pembangunan Kandungan Negara;

(v) Draf Dasar dan Strategi Pembangunan Industri Kreatif Seni Budaya dan Warisan (Kementerian Kebudayaan,Kesenian dan Warisan); dan 

(vi) Memorandum Daripada Persatuan Persatuan Pengeluar-Pengeluar Filem Malaysia (PFM) mengenai Pembangunan Industri Perfilemandan Kandungan Negara.


Industri kreatif ialah industri-industri yang melibatkan kreativiti individu, keterampilan, dan bakat yang mempunyai potensi menjana kekayaan serta penciptaan peluang pekerjaan melalui penggalakan dan eksploitasi harta intelek.

Hasil penelitian industri kreatif daripada negara-negara maju seperti United Kingdom, Singapura, Korea Selatan, New Zealand, Australia dan UNESCO, definisi industri kreatif dalam konteks Malaysia ialah penggemblengan dan penghasilan kebolehan dan bakat individu atau berkumpulan berasaskan kreativiti, inovasi dan teknologi yang menjurus kepada sumber keberhasilan ekonomi dan pendapatan tinggi kepada negara dengan memberi penekanan kepada aspek karya dan hak cipta intelek selaras dengan budaya dan nilai-nilai murni kepelbagaian kaum di Malaysia.

Dengan kata lain, industri kreatif merujuk kepada seni untuk ekonomi yang melibatkan individu-individu berbakat, pihak korporat dan seterusnya memberi implikasi kepada negara dari segi pendapatan dan imej negara.


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Comment by MalaysianCinema on October 9, 2022 at 9:16am

Budget 2023: Promoting language and cultural diplomacy on global stage

KUANTAN: The allocation of RM5mil to the Foreign Ministry under Budget 2023 for language and culture diplomacy programmes is a new element akin to start-up funding to promote the Malaysian language and culture on the international stage, says Datuk Seri Saifuddin Abdullah.

The Foreign Minister said the allocation would enable language and cultural diplomacy to be carried out holistically and comprehensively and to share the Malaysian experience with the outside world.

The ministry received a bigger allocation of RM920mil next year, compared to RM868mil allocated under Budget 2022.

Saifuddin referred to the first Special Programme to Promote Language and Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin and Frankfurt, Germany from Sept 28 to Oct 1, organised by the Sarawak state government.

"Language and cultural diplomacy does not only include performing arts, but also philosophy, thinking, cultural arts and creativity. Like in Germany, we had round-table lectures and conferences, in addition to food festivals and cultural performances.

"After that we will start it (language and cultural diplomacy programmes) through Bahasa Malaysia courses more systematically, which can be held in our diplomatic mission offices, universities or other suitable locations.

"This will also include a series of lectures by national academics, round tables and art demonstrations, such as dance, music, food demonstrations, textile exhibitions, clothing and film screenings," he said at a press conference here on Saturday (Oct 8).

New look to reflect a new era of learning

Saifuddin said the ministry had set up a Language and Cultural Diplomacy Advisory Committee chaired by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Board of Governors chairman Prof Datuk Seri Dr Awang Sariyan.

The committee includes representatives from the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Ministry of Communications and Multimedia, Education Ministry and Higher Education Ministry, as well as arts and culture personalities and some Malaysian representatives abroad.

Saifuddin singled out the efforts of Awang in starting a Bahasa Malaysia class in China which saw 15 Chinese universities now teaching the language and Rosita Rahman-Heilek’s instrumental role in organising the food festival in Frankfurt, Germany. - Bernama (The Star Sunday, Saturday, 08 Oct 2022)

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Comment by MalaysianCinema on October 8, 2022 at 8:29pm

Budget 2023: Govt allocates over RM100 mln to drive local creative industry

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 7 — The government has allocated over RM100 million to drive the local creative industry next year through the Nationhood Film Production Fund (Dekan) and the Digital Content Fund.

Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz when tabling the Supply Bill 2023 in the Dewan Rakyat today said the government had allocated RM50 million for DEKAN and RM102 million for the Digital Content Fund.

“The government provides a Digital Content Fund to market the products of artists and encourage the production of more creative and fresh works,” he said.

To support industry players producing creative content, he said contributions to the Film Community and Nationhood Film Development Fund under the National Film Development Corporation of Malaysia (Finas) would be given tax deductions.

“The government has also agreed to exempt import duty and sales tax on studio equipment and filming productions,” Tengku Zafrul said.

He added the government would step up efforts to promote and preserve art, culture and heritage at the grassroots level with an allocation of RM25 million.

In the meantime, Tengku Zafrul said the government would implement three initiatives to encourage the production and purchase of local goods and services next year.

The first initiative is to intensify digitalisation and automation efforts, including through the promotion of e-commerce activities under the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade), Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) and the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC).

He said up to RM15 million would be allocated to empower franchise entrepreneurs under the vendor capacity development programme 2.0 as well as vendor research and commercialisation grants 2.0.

In addition, Tengku Zafrul said the government would provide RM10 million to encourage the purchase of locally made products through the Buy Malaysian Made Products Campaign. — Bernama

(October 7, 2022

Comment by MalaysianCinema on October 8, 2022 at 10:31am

Further Reading:Dasar Industri Kreatif Negara

Govt Urged To Increase Fund For Creative Industry In Budget 2023

After two years of inactivity, the creative industry got a shot in the arm last year when a total of RM288 million was allocated for the industry under Budget 2022.

Government agencies such as the National Film Development Corp Malaysia, Cultural Economy Development Agency (Cendana) and MyCreative Ventures were tasked to further invigorate existing initiatives such as the digital content grant, multimedia digital content and film incentives.

According to a study conducted by Cendana in mid-2021, more than 90% of the arts and culture practitioners were negatively impacted, 77% having lost most or all of their income, 75% of the jobs dried up in the market and 8% of arts venues closed permanently.


Under the upcoming Budget 2023, industry players are hoping for the incentives to be maintained or strengthened to help arts and culture practitioners continue to improve their livelihoods.

One of the funding under Budget 2022 was the RM50 million Tourism, Arts and Culture Matching Grant. 

Menara Network Sdn Bhd COO Aman Ali said this was a boon to the industry, especially event organisers and venues, as it helps support the recovery of the players.

Menara Network is the organiser of the upcoming “Rock On 40: The Legends” concert.

He said the effects can be seen by the mushrooming of events this year, featuring both local and internationals artistes such as Aishah, Anuar Zain, Ziana Zain, Billie Eilish, Rain, Justin Bieber, LANY, Dewa 19 and more.

A few popular venues such as Istana Budaya and Zepp Kuala Lumpur are also said to be fully booked for the rest of this year and into the new year.

Aman said he would like to see the matching grant extended as the cut-off period under Budget 2022 is Oct 31, 2022.

“You can see there have been a lots of shows and events this year and November and December are usually even busier. However, if the grant is not extended, the year-end shows won’t be covered by the grant.

“I’m hoping that they will extend the matching grant for another year. In fact, the budget for the grant can be increased as events such as live concerts at stadiums would have multiplier effects beyond the concert itself.” 

The former head of talent at Maestro Talent and Management Sdn Bhd wants the government to think of a way to help support lesser-known or up and coming artistes and art practitioners such as textile weavers.

He said popular artistes with millions of fans don’t need much help as promoters and concert organisers will pick them to ensure brisk ticket sales.

“It’s the lesser-known creative players and behind-the-scene workers such as cameramen and script-writers that are lacking access or channels to earn a living that need government help.”

Aman said the government should also find ways to support social media influencers that help promote the local arts and culture industry. A programme for millennials, the next generation of artistes would be most welcomed.

Zhan Art | Space co-founder Desmond Tan would definitely love to see more of a push for contemporary art by the government and its related agencies.

The government and to some extent, the industry, the art gallery owner said, has been pushing the more traditional art setting, ie preserving heritage and boosting cultural traditions.

“(We) need to modernise and push art forward. Perhaps a more contemporary younger art scene, graffiti/collaborations/cross-industry arts.”

The future for the creative industry certainly seems bright going into 2023, with many shows planned.

Menara Network’s Aman said 2022 is the year that the industry started to breathe again, while 2023 would be when it steps up towards full recovery. While it would be nice to achieve pre-pandemic level of activities next year, he would be happy to be able to reach 80%.

Menara Network, the company is planning to extend its “Rock On 40: The Legends” concert on Dec 2-3 for another night. Due to encouraging response, it’s planning to hold “Rock On 40: Search” on Sunday, Dec 4.

“Currently, we’re doing a lot of planning for next year. We’re aiming to bring the ‘Rock on 40’ concert tour to Penang, Johor Baru, Langkawi, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu, among others.”


愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, supports creators since July, 2009.


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