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Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 11, 2023 at 10:05pm

Where Muar river meets Jempol in Negeri Sembilan by Radzi Sapiee

After five days of a profound silence, let us resume the chronicle of my travels, a tale woven from the nascent threads of my latest series, unfurling like a scroll towards the Eastern shores. Presently, I find myself nestled in the embrace of the East Coast, situated in the town of Kemaman, Terengganu. However, before we delve into the landscapes of this locale, allow me to unveil a captivating narrative etched in the terrain of Negeri Sembilan.

Venture with me to Kampung Jambu Lapan, a hamlet that lies in contemplative repose some 3-4 kilometers preceding the town of Bahau. It conceals a place of mesmerizing allure, discreetly nestled behind a reservoir that guards its secrets with a taciturn facade.

Embark upon the narrow byways concealed behind the water storage facility, and a tableau of wonders unfolds before your eyes. Behold the upper reaches of the mighty Muar River, a serpentine course that winds its way through the landscape, echoing tales of antiquity from a distance of a hundred kilometers or more from its juncture with the Johor state.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 11, 2023 at 10:05pm

Yet, it is not the grandeur of the river's meandering course that captures the imagination, but the enigmatic realm concealed behind the edifices and monuments that pique curiosity. A confluence of waters, an intersection of destinies—here, the Muar River and its tributary, the Jempol River, converge in silent communion. The significance of this juncture, however, transcends the mere intermingling of waters.

The Muar River, with its estuary lying some 40 kilometers to the south of the venerable city of Melaka, has been a veritable lifeline for trade and commerce for over a millennium. In epochs preceding the formal establishment of the Sultanate of Melaka around the 15th century, intrepid voyagers from Pasai, now within the bounds of Aceh, navigated the Muar River's inland course. Their journey brought them to the very nexus we now stand upon, a landscape frozen in time.

A careful observer may discern the Jempol River on the near side, and beyond it, the flowing expanse of the Muar. It is imperative to acknowledge that these waterways, once broader in their embrace, may have witnessed the settlement of Pasai's people between the 10th and 12th centuries AD. This is the juncture where the Muar River seamlessly merges with the Jempol River. A pivotal crossroads, as it were, where one could traverse from the Muar into the Jempol, embarking on a subsequent journey of 1-2 kilometers before reaching a land passage leading to another river—a river that in turn connects with the formidable Pahang River.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 11, 2023 at 10:04pm

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 11, 2023 at 10:03pm

Allow me to share an excerpt from Wikipaedia to illuminate the historical tapestry woven at this very location:

"In the old days, Pahang River and Muar River were nearly connected at a place called Jempol, in Negeri Sembilan…"

In those antiquated times, the intrepid navigators faced a challenging odyssey through the Strait of Malacca and the Straits of Terbrau. Yet, they discovered a shortcut, a path less arduous though requiring a kilometer or so of overland traversal. This route, christened Jalan Penarikan, would prove transformative.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 11, 2023 at 10:01pm

Sometime before the Sultanate of Melaka was officially founded (noted by historians to be around the year 1400an or so), a group of people from Pasai in present-day Aceh travelled inland through the Muar river and came across this confluence area...

On the near side is the Jempol river, behind is that of Muar. However please take note, the rivers used to be much wider then and the people from Pasai are believed by some to have settled in this area sometime between the 10th and 12th Century AD!

Jalan Penarikan, a conduit of history, bore witness to the exchange of goods and the pulse of commerce. Boats laden with produce from Pahang would make a pit stop, bartering for eastward-bound goods before retracing their aquatic steps. Boats from Muar, carrying treasures from Malacca and Singapore, would rendezvous at Penarikan, orchestrating a dance of mutual benefit.

Apologies if my narrative falters; this cyber-cafe's languid computer impedes the flow of my storytelling. Yet, onward we must press. I employed a bridge to cross the Jempol River, unveiling vistas of the peninsula where the Muar and Jempol first converge.

From the vantage of a humble hut, I beheld the confluence, a spectacle that beckoned introspection. Desiring a closer communion with the Muar, I embarked on a challenging traverse, a journey that tested my mettle. Nonetheless, with perseverance, I conquered the water's expanse, and from the opposite bank, the confluence unveiled its secrets.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 11, 2023 at 10:00pm

Here's a look from the hut at the "penisular"...

Then I felt like crossing the Muar river...

Except, the journey across is much much more harder...

And thus, dear reader, I present to you this snapshot of my journey. Until next we meet, cheers!

(Source: Tuesday, March 25, 2008, http://berpetualangkeaceh.blogspot.com; Related Article: Serting river at Jalan Penarikan by Radzi Sapiee ; Sungai Pertemuan and Jalan Penarikan revisited; Rewrite: iconada.tv)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 11, 2023 at 12:17pm

The Pahang Museum

The Sultan Abu Bakar Museum is one of the finest heritage buildings preserved in Bandar Diraja Pekan, Pahang Darul Makmur. It is situated in an area that is preserved for its significant wealth of history dating back centuries. Originally built for British Residents in Pahang, it then became the official palace of Sultan Abu Bakar (Sultan of Pahang IV), before being repurposed into what it is now.

The Sultan Abu Bakar Museum has a rich collection of historical items. Located on Jalan Sultan Ahmad, the museum showcases antiques that include many ancient Chinese pottery and glass items, as well as various other artefacts related to history, archaeology, ethnology, and royalty.

The history of Pahang, especially with respect to its ancient Royal Family, is well documented in this museum. The museum building dates back to the 1880s and was used as the headquarters of the Japanese Armed Forces during the Japanese occupation before it became the official palace of Sultan Abu Bakar (Sultan of Pahang IV).

Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta’in Billah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Abu Bakar Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mu’azzam Shah consented to transforming Istana Kota Beram into a state museum, and on 17 March 1976 the Pahang State Museum Board relocated to the site from the Office of the State Secretary, from where they were previously operating. Repurposed into a museum, renovations were carried out, especially to create indoor exhibition galleries.

Servitude to Allah (SWT), feeling the presence of Allah (SWT) in every movement, with every action puts a person in the state of constant awareness of the Almighty, in the state of piety and faith. Slaves are the lowest class in the hierarchical structure of society. These groups cannot act on their own volition because they are governed by rules and orders determined by their owners. However, the advent of Islam changed the concept of slavery in totality – from degrading human slavery to respectable and humble servitude to Allah (SWT). A sense of servitude must be present in the heart of every human being. Among the natural qualities of a servant are wanting and inadequacy, ignorance, weakness, guilt and contempt. The aspiration and need to rise above the natural self, motivates man to place reliance on the Almighty. To have hope in the Most Perfect evokes the sense of courage, nobility and strength in the “servant” of Allah (SWT). (Source)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on May 4, 2023 at 11:52am





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Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on April 10, 2023 at 10:41am







-Mlilan Kundera (引自木心〈带根的流浪人〉

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on February 1, 2023 at 1:13am


籃球運動於清光緒年間(西元 1902 年)由美國傳教士傳入中國,藉由教會推廣和訓練,逐漸在中國興盛了起來,當時中國的球員還曾出賽遠東區運動會和奧林匹克運動會。對日抗戰及國共戰局中,籃球運動普遍成為軍人們拼搏殺場之外解脫苦悶的方法,不同軍種間自組籃球隊風氣興盛,經常借移防之便切磋球技。

而這些球隊當中不乏早期代表中國參加國際著名運動會的選手,隸屬於軍需署輜汽部隊的七虎籃球隊,便是一九三六年柏林奧林匹克運動會籃球國手—王士選所創建。七虎籃球隊,原名輜校籃球隊。是民國二十八年春,由王士選、鄭大光、廖滌航、 沈大偉等,同在貴州龍里的輜重兵學校受訓的前後期學員所組成。熱愛籃球運動的他們經常藉部隊調防之便,前往大陸各省球場打球,足跡遍及東南、西南、華中各地,更在全國運動會上技驚全場,聲名大噪。

聯合報記者王信良、劉俊卿在其著作《時光隧道台灣籃運 60 年》中,對他們早期身影有兩段生動的文字素描: 「早在抗戰勝利時,輜汽隊從重慶遠征上海,全隊穿著土布衣服出現在十里洋場的上海時,大家都不認為他們會有何作為。那時在上海是華聯和大公隊分庭抗禮的局面,上海東南日報竟以『土兵打洋仗』標題表示輜汽隊將大敗而歸,但是比賽中才發現並非如此。」 「民國三十七年底,三度征滬,和已集訓三個月將訪歐的大公隊一戰,大勝十餘分,令人驚奇。」

前住在台北市大直的沈大偉是七虎初始球員之一,已白髮斑駁的他描述當時動盪戰局裡一場場球賽印象深刻,「我們那時候真是土喔,到處移防嘛,吃沒得吃,穿沒得穿,不過人土球可打得不土。」 在炮火中求生,朝不保夕的不確定感,讓打球成了戰爭中唯一的慰藉,練起球來自然不畏辛苦:「那時候大家都拚命打球,每個星期天,我們都要從龍里上 37 公里外的貴陽打球,穿著草鞋不好走路,就把車上的輪胎底割下來,割薄了,裹在腳下,那時候從來也沒穿過一雙球鞋。」 操著濃重的鄉音,沈大偉回憶起當年物質缺乏下練球的情景:「現在的球是橡膠做的,我們那時候的籃球是用一塊一塊牛皮縫起來的,裡頭做了個『膽』,從膽打氣灌飽 了之後再塞進球裡去,球破了就找鞋匠縫補。」

據老球員們的說法,九一八抗戰後,大家都在逃難,唯一的希望就是國家富強,所以練球時,不管多苦、多難,總想著鍛鍊身體、強身報國。不過當時克難的程度的確令人無法想像,別說穿著土布軍服上場賽球,有時候練球練到襪子磨破了洞、沒底、空前絕後了,也捨不得換雙新的。 另外一位「七虎隊」第一期球員鄭大光,提起投入球隊的點滴,亦頗多感慨,他說, 戰爭的時候原來是把籃球當作一種精神寄託,雖然也曾嚐過一天只吃幾個饅頭,打起球來眼冒金星的滋味,不過,拼搏的是球場而非槍林彈雨的戰場,鄭大光覺得他們算是得天獨厚了。

七虎籃球隊來台,仍然是臨危受命,為戰火蜂起時代團結軍民一心而演出籃球賽, 鄭大光說起在台灣的第一場球賽,: 「七虎隊到台灣來打的第一場球賽,地點就在今天總統府前面的凱達格蘭大道上(三軍球場的前身)。當年,比賽場地是臨時搭建的,籃球架、白線都是臨時準備的,練習的時候因為馬路不平,球老是對不上籃框。」

球隊取名七虎的由來採集口述歷史過程中,老球員們說「七虎」隊名的由來與香港著名的鐵打傷藥「虎標萬金油」有關。 民國三十七年五月,王士選所率領的輜校隊代表聯勤總部出賽在上海舉行的第七屆全國運動會,幾場比賽下來果然技驚全場,輜校隊不僅贏得季軍榮銜,也吸引了香港星報記者桑榆(陳福榆)的矚目。

民國卅八年,輜汽部隊行軍至柳州,香港籃壇在桑榆的推薦下,邀請輜校籃球隊這批球場悍將赴港作聯誼賽,行前主辦人—星報社長胡文虎先生,也就是「虎標萬金油」 的老闆,提議輜校籃球隊改名為「七虎」以減低軍方色彩,王士選同意接受,從此「七 虎」這個名號便再也沒有更換過。

七虎籃球隊與台灣籃球運動 在籃壇近半世紀有限的歷史紀錄當中,七虎隊和空軍大鵬、菲律賓黑白籃球隊、美國哈林籃球隊、歸主隊的幾場激烈戰役,始終是今日壯年球迷最懷念的一頁。不僅代表著專屬於那個世代的集體記憶、少年時的青春紀事,更象徵性地紀念了不同時代氛圍裡濃烈的國家民族意識。 民國八十八年出版,由聯合報體育記者王信良、劉俊卿在「時光隧道—台灣籃運 60 年」一書中,回溯民國三十八年到四十年間幾場「國際性」精彩球賽時,提供了對當時 籃球賽事的基本認識。 「當時台灣勁旅鐵路、技總、警光、海光和大鵬等隊都被(菲華)黑白擒服,最後 一戰由七虎把守。前一天中午起就有球迷排隊買票,首度出現大批『黃牛』」擾亂秩序。第二天下午五時三十分進場,立刻造成紊亂的大爆滿,甚至在一團亂中許多沒 票的觀眾也擠進場內,不得已比賽順延到第二天,由大批警衛維持秩序才使比賽順利進行,結果雙方以 4 8 :4 8 握手言和皆大歡喜。」

 「對台灣籃運而言雖然最早正式成立的是台電隊,然後鐵路隊崛起,但造成最大熱潮、全面刺激水準的,無疑是七虎與大鵬,兩者對抗更是籃壇盛事。」 書中並且提出,當年籃球風潮的帶動與王士選組成的七虎隊有密不可分的關係:「對台灣籃球運動推展和普及的貢獻,王士選功不可沒。」。

筆者求證書中所述王士選對台灣籃球運動之貢獻,拜訪七虎隊員時,七虎隊員霍劍平、王毅軍在訪談中,自己看七虎隊對台灣籃球運動風氣之貢獻也認為,「王士選打下 了一個很好的基礎。」 王士選會在台灣籃球史上留名,除了球技出眾外,最重要的是他堅持「體育精神重 於球場得失」的哲學理念。霍劍平分析說,「七虎』的精神並不在於贏球,最重要的是帶 起全民運動的風氣」。所以七虎隊在籃球比賽中,常刻意保持贏對方 1—2 球分數的水平, 有時候也會與對手打成平手,不銳意挫敗對方,讓對手因為失分過多而喪失了運動的樂趣。

霍劍平舉當年應邀前往香港僑界賽球的例子說明,「當年在香港,最後一場與『港聯』 的比賽,名義上雖然打成了平手,但七虎隊其實放棄了兩次罰球的機會,為的就是給對方面子,同時也保持不敗紀錄!」 時報週刊 547 期專訪中,霍劍平回憶當時的香港報紙,還以「七虎隊仁俠可風,王士選兌現諾言」來肯定七虎隊的作法。

三十七、八年時國共戰爭局勢雖然緊張,但七虎籃球隊因為名氣大,所以仍 有比賽邀請,淪陷前他們應香港星報之邀前往,與香港「港聯」籃球隊做表演賽,比賽結束後國軍已陸續移駐台灣,十月二十四日,他們在東南長官公署安排下,從貴陽至香港後飛到台灣參加十月二十五日光復節勞軍義演。 義演球賽結束第二天,貴陽便淪陷,兵荒馬亂中隊員們只好急電部隊將家眷接出來, 從此在台灣落腳。
(節錄自:高淑玲〈文化空間、集體記憶與地方感形塑過程研究--北投七虎新村為例〉專班碩士論文;指導教授:黃光男博士,2011年 7 月))

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