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Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 19, 2023 at 5:29pm











蔡漢生同學回應: 當年古來的警察局就是在這裏,這裏有一排警察宿舍,一個煙囪一個家庭的廚房

我: 這麽靠近,像是膠園“公司屋”那樣的建築。茅廁與洗澡間都是在外面共用的。我根據小時候去過新港,二號公司,三號公司等處的模糊印象猜測。

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 16, 2023 at 11:10am









特色小鎮是促進高質量發展的重要平台。近些年,在國家系列政策的引導下,各地健全特色小鎮管理機制,特色小鎮進入規範健康發展軌道。從長遠看,中國特色小鎮建設大有可爲,這張新名片將越來越閃亮。(人民日報海外版;2023-11-03;原標題:把特色小鎮的名片擦得更亮[品牌論] )

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 14, 2023 at 5:06pm


説道全球海釣勝地大家,釣友們都會想到阿拉斯加、馬代、斐濟、濟州島.. ...等等這些著名的熱門海釣點,但是本人比較喜歡那種安靜,人烟稀少的地方,更好的感受大自然,放空自己。在一次偶然的機會,我從朋友那里得知有一個小衆的神秘海域,人烟稀少,資源豐富,聽得我怦然心動,立馬計劃了行程,準備去探索一下這篇神秘海域。


其實提起這個地方大家也許不會很熟悉,但説起另一個地方,大家肯定都知道的,馬來西亞的旗魚聖地——雲冰。北根在雲冰的北邊,路程不到兩百公里。但是在雲冰的釣季節時間很短,只有短短的幾個月,但是在北根,是沒有季節影響的,只要馬來西亞的禁漁季一過,3-9月這最好的半年里,那是暢釣無阻的,這里更能挑戰釣魚人的夢寐以求的目標,海釣人的夢:GT(英语:giant trevally,日语:Aji)!希望這次北根海釣之旅能讓我不虛此行。 

這里介紹一下牛港鰺:“GT”學名浪人鯵,GT只是它的一個小名,其還有別的稱謂:牛港鰺、珍鰺、銀色巨鰺,是屬於鰺科鰺屬的一種海水魚類。主要分佈在印度太平洋的熱帶或 亞熱帶水域。而浪人鯵還有一個響亮的稱號:“愛吃鳥的戰神”。浪人鰺是鰺科中最大的食肉魚種,能夠躍出水面捕食海鳥,也是這個稱號的由來。 


一: “GT”力大無窮,並且十分的靈活! 











凌晨2點十五在首都機場出發,好像從北京去馬來西亞的都是這班航班,要在天上飛六個多小時,到達吉隆坡,在機場跟領隊碰面,等待同行的其他的五個人,我是第一個到的,可能是我的行李拿的比較早吧,大概二十分鐘, 人到齊了,領隊帶領我們品嚐當地的特色肉骨茶,然後四個小時的車程到達北根,到達目的地,本次的旅行開始了。



今晚就住在這里了,一天的奔波,甚是疲憊,正好休整一晚。(下續); [related article ~~]

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 14, 2023 at 5:04pm
























最後啟程回酒店休息,休整一晚,準備返程了。原載:携程平台; related article)

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 12, 2023 at 1:04pm

Pekan Tourism:Royal Town of Malaysia

Pekan is a town in the Pekan District of Pahang in Malaysia. It is popularly known as the "Royal Town of Malaysia" as it is the seat of the Pahang Sultanate. Home to some grand buildings, Pekan town is scenic and pristine with wide clean streets, spacious fields and royal palaces.

Muzium Masjid Sultan Abdullah is a graceful white mosque located in Pekan from the 1930s now renovated to a museum. The mosque is meticulously designed and is a masterpiece. Abu Bakar Royal Mosque is also located in Pekan. It is a Royal Mosque and is built in Moorish Design. Several Sultans and Royal family members rest peacefully in graves in the mausoleum of the mosque. Sultan Abu Bakar museum is also a must visit in Pekan and has a wide collection of relics, chinese glassware and ceramics.

You may also visit Chini Lake which is 70km from Pekan and takes 1 hour by road to reach. It is Malaysia’s largest freshwater lake and is home to Orang Asli who are the oldest habitants of Malaysia Peninsula. Bird watching is also a prevalent activity in Pekan and you can easily spot Hornbills. Pahang Royal Silk Weaving Center, Royal Pekan Golf Club, Royal Pahang Polo Field are among other places worth visiting in Pekan.

Things to do in Pekan

1. Sultan Abdullah Mosque Museum

2. Sultan Abu Bakar Palace

3. Sultan Abu Bakar Museum

4. Royal Pahang Silk Weaving Centre

5. Pekan Riverfront

6. Chini Lake

Food in Pekan

Pekan is well-known for its eateries and delicacies. There is a diverse menu to choose from especially for breakfast. One of the most famous delicacies is that of roti naik, tastes best when eaten hot and fresh. It is a bread bun that is selectively available in a few cities of Johor and Pahang. Another mouthwatering dish is Murtabak which is a stuffed pancake in Malaysian style originally belonging to India. Nasi Dagang, a dish with steamed white rice packed in banana leaves with chunks of fish, is popular among locals and tourists.

There is no dearth of restaurants in Pekan. A majority of the eateries, food stalls and fruits stalls can be found along the streets between padang and Sungai Pahang and also along Sultan Ahmad riverfront. (Source: https://www.holidify.com/places/pekan/

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 11, 2023 at 10:05pm

Where Muar river meets Jempol in Negeri Sembilan by Radzi Sapiee

After five days of a profound silence, let us resume the chronicle of my travels, a tale woven from the nascent threads of my latest series, unfurling like a scroll towards the Eastern shores. Presently, I find myself nestled in the embrace of the East Coast, situated in the town of Kemaman, Terengganu. However, before we delve into the landscapes of this locale, allow me to unveil a captivating narrative etched in the terrain of Negeri Sembilan.

Venture with me to Kampung Jambu Lapan, a hamlet that lies in contemplative repose some 3-4 kilometers preceding the town of Bahau. It conceals a place of mesmerizing allure, discreetly nestled behind a reservoir that guards its secrets with a taciturn facade.

Embark upon the narrow byways concealed behind the water storage facility, and a tableau of wonders unfolds before your eyes. Behold the upper reaches of the mighty Muar River, a serpentine course that winds its way through the landscape, echoing tales of antiquity from a distance of a hundred kilometers or more from its juncture with the Johor state.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 11, 2023 at 10:05pm

Yet, it is not the grandeur of the river's meandering course that captures the imagination, but the enigmatic realm concealed behind the edifices and monuments that pique curiosity. A confluence of waters, an intersection of destinies—here, the Muar River and its tributary, the Jempol River, converge in silent communion. The significance of this juncture, however, transcends the mere intermingling of waters.

The Muar River, with its estuary lying some 40 kilometers to the south of the venerable city of Melaka, has been a veritable lifeline for trade and commerce for over a millennium. In epochs preceding the formal establishment of the Sultanate of Melaka around the 15th century, intrepid voyagers from Pasai, now within the bounds of Aceh, navigated the Muar River's inland course. Their journey brought them to the very nexus we now stand upon, a landscape frozen in time.

A careful observer may discern the Jempol River on the near side, and beyond it, the flowing expanse of the Muar. It is imperative to acknowledge that these waterways, once broader in their embrace, may have witnessed the settlement of Pasai's people between the 10th and 12th centuries AD. This is the juncture where the Muar River seamlessly merges with the Jempol River. A pivotal crossroads, as it were, where one could traverse from the Muar into the Jempol, embarking on a subsequent journey of 1-2 kilometers before reaching a land passage leading to another river—a river that in turn connects with the formidable Pahang River.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 11, 2023 at 10:04pm

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 11, 2023 at 10:03pm

Allow me to share an excerpt from Wikipaedia to illuminate the historical tapestry woven at this very location:

"In the old days, Pahang River and Muar River were nearly connected at a place called Jempol, in Negeri Sembilan…"

In those antiquated times, the intrepid navigators faced a challenging odyssey through the Strait of Malacca and the Straits of Terbrau. Yet, they discovered a shortcut, a path less arduous though requiring a kilometer or so of overland traversal. This route, christened Jalan Penarikan, would prove transformative.

Comment by 誰還記得北婆羅州? on December 11, 2023 at 10:01pm

Sometime before the Sultanate of Melaka was officially founded (noted by historians to be around the year 1400an or so), a group of people from Pasai in present-day Aceh travelled inland through the Muar river and came across this confluence area...

On the near side is the Jempol river, behind is that of Muar. However please take note, the rivers used to be much wider then and the people from Pasai are believed by some to have settled in this area sometime between the 10th and 12th Century AD!

Jalan Penarikan, a conduit of history, bore witness to the exchange of goods and the pulse of commerce. Boats laden with produce from Pahang would make a pit stop, bartering for eastward-bound goods before retracing their aquatic steps. Boats from Muar, carrying treasures from Malacca and Singapore, would rendezvous at Penarikan, orchestrating a dance of mutual benefit.

Apologies if my narrative falters; this cyber-cafe's languid computer impedes the flow of my storytelling. Yet, onward we must press. I employed a bridge to cross the Jempol River, unveiling vistas of the peninsula where the Muar and Jempol first converge.

From the vantage of a humble hut, I beheld the confluence, a spectacle that beckoned introspection. Desiring a closer communion with the Muar, I embarked on a challenging traverse, a journey that tested my mettle. Nonetheless, with perseverance, I conquered the water's expanse, and from the opposite bank, the confluence unveiled its secrets.

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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