文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
The History of Ming records several envoy missions from Pahang to the Ming court in the 14th and 15th centuries. In the year 1378, Maharaja Tajau sent envoys with a letter on a gold leaf and bringing as tribute six foreign slaves and products of the country. In the year 1411, during the reign of Maharaja Pa-la-mi-so-la-ta-lo-si-ni (transliterated by historian as 'Parameswara Teluk Chini'), he also sent envoys carrying tributes. The Chinese returned the favour in 1412 by sending the legendary Admiral Zheng He as an envoy to Pahang, and in the year 1414, Pahang sent tribute again to China. In the year 1416, they sent tribute together with Kozhikode and Java envoys, and in return Zheng He was again ordered to go to Pahang.[44]
Melakan invasion
The 15th century witnessed the rise of Melaka Sultanate, which under the Sang Sapurba dynasty had aggressively consolidated its influence on the west coast of Malay peninsula. Earlier, at the end of the 13th century, the dynasty wrested the small trading outpost at Temasek from Pahang influence and established the short-lived Kingdom of Singapura which was sacked by the Javanese a century later. The renegade last king Seri Iskandar Shah established Melaka to succeed Singapura.
Muzaffar Shah, the fifth sultan of Melaka, who reigned from 1445 to 1458, refused to acknowledge the suzerainty of Ligor over his country. The Ligorians, in assertion of their claim, sent an invading army led by Awi Chakri, overland to Melaka. The invaders, who were aided by Pahang auxiliaries, followed the old route by the Tembeling, Pahang and Bera rivers. They were easily defeated and fled back by the same route. Subsequently, they attempted a naval invasion, but were again beaten. Muzaffar Shah then conceived the idea of checking Ligorian pretensions by attacking the Ligor vassal state of Pahang. An expedition was organised by Muzaffar's son, Raja Abdullah and was personally led by the Melakan Bendahara Tun Perak with two hundred sail, big and small, accordingly proceeded to Pahang and conquered it in the year 1454. The reigning ruler of Pahang, Maharaja Dewa Sura, fled to the interior while his daughter Putri Wanang Seri was captured. The victors, anxious to gain the goodwill of the Bendahara, hastened in pursuit of the fugitive king until he was captured and carried together with his daughter to Melaka.[45]
In the year that Pahang was conquered, Raja Abdullah married Putri Wanang Seri, the daughter of the captive king, whose name had been changed, probably on conversion to Islam, to Putri Lela Wangsa. By her he had two sons Raja Ahmad and Raja Muhammad.[46]
Little is known on the administrative system used in Pahang, but throughout its history, several government titles are recorded. The government was headed by a maharaja (literally 'emperor') as an absolute monarch,[47] a similar title held by its overlord in Ligor.[48] Towards the end of the kingdom, the maharaja was recorded by de Erédia as belonging to the same dynasty that ruled Ligor.[49] A title known as Senapati was recorded in the Book of Song, a Sanskrit word literally means 'lord of the army'. The Senapati was recorded in the Chinese chronicle to had headed several envoy missions to China.[50] Other than that, a Pahang Shahbandar was known to have ruled Temasek before the island was wrested from Pahang by the Sang Sapurba dynasty. The word Shahbandar is a title adopted from Persian that literally means 'lord of the port'.[51]
The old court name was Inderapura, and the capital has always been known as 'the town'. The pre-Melakans calling it by Sanskrit name Pura, the Malays 'Pekan', the Portuguese 'a Cidade', while the people of Rompin and Bebar described the capital as Pekan Pahang. Pura may have covered a much larger than the town known as Pekan today. In addition to modern Pekan, it appears to have comprised the land on the banks of Pahang river as far as Tanjung Langgar.[52]
The culture of ancient Pahang was the result of amalgamation of various Mon-Khmer and Malayic cultures.[53][54] The pre-Melakan inhabitants of the country, together with people of Isthmus region's civilisation further north, were collectively referred as 'Siamese' in the Malay Annals[55] of the Melaka Sultanate, although they were identified culturally as Malays by Portuguese historian de Erédia.[56] On the other hand, de Erédia adopted the term 'Siam' and applied it in a broader context, referring to the overlord of these historical 'Siamese' people, that is the Thai kingdom of Ayuthaya.[57] This broad Portuguese application of the term was later popularised as an exonym for successive Thai kingdoms by other European writers.
In the classical Malay text Hikayat Hang Tuah, it was noted that although the Pahang people regarded themselves as Malays, they spoke and sang their folk songs in an outlandish language that differs from the Malay language spoken in Melaka, which would indicate a mixture of tongues and races.[58] The pre-Melakan Pahang people were also described by Fei Xin as the adherents of Mahayana Buddhism, on which were superimposed tantric orgies involving human sacrifices. Its influence in Pahang, though it waned with the introduction of Islam, may be traced up to the beginning of the 17th century.[59]
The most important product of ancient Pahang was gold. Its auriferous mines were considered the best and the largest in the whole peninsula. It was from here that there came the gold which formed the subject of the ancient trade with Alexandria.[60] The peninsula as a whole was known to the world as a source of the precious metal to the extent that it was proclaimed Chrysḗ Chersónēsos (the golden peninsula) by Ptolemy.[61] According to Fei Xin, Pahang also produced rice, salt which was made by boiling the sea water, and wine by fermenting the sap of the coconut tree. Fei Xin also mentioned on rare and valuable forest products like camphor barus, olibanum, agarwood, sandalwood, sapanwood, pepper and many others. Pahang, in turn, imported silver, coloured silk, Java cloth, copper and ironware, gongs and boards.[62](source: Wikipedia)
陈明发·古来哥打路新廊园坵(Kelan Estate)
它后面是火车路,过了火车路有个巴士终站。念预备班时,我曾在这里乘车到新廊园坵(Kelan Estate)去找戴国富、戴本良和符汉仁同学。
用地方上通用的海陆丰、河婆客家话来念,新廊是Sin Long;新港是Sin Kong。
客家话就没这问题:Sin Long(第二声) Hei Sin Long(第四声) Yin。
也謝謝他的同學Chin Siow Eng的口述歷史,Hjh Rosmawati Abdul Aziz珍貴的歷史照片。
Message by Chin Siow Eng:
Very imaginative guesses abt the chimneys haha. When the old police quarters were demolished and turned into a park, they kept some of the chimneys. One of my old classmates used to live at the police barrack, a stone’s throw from our primary sch. Enlarge photo to hv an idea how the barrack looked like, each unit with its own kitchen( n chimney). Photo courtesy of my old classmate, Hjh Rosmawati Abdul Aziz.
蔡漢生同學回應: 當年古來的警察局就是在這裏,這裏有一排警察宿舍,一個烟囱一個家庭的廚房。
我: 這麽靠近,像是膠園“公司屋”那樣的建築。茅廁與洗澡間都是在外面共用的。我根據小時候去過新港,二號公司,三號公司等處的模糊印象猜測。
2011 年,杭州西湖作為我國迄今為止唯一一例“關聯性文化景觀(Associative cultural Landscape) ”被列入世界遺產名錄。根據聯合國科教文組織《實施世界遺產公約操作指南》,關聯性文化景觀“以與自然因素、強烈的宗教、藝術或文化相聯系為特征,而不是以文化物證為特征”[1]。
1 研究綜述
符號學已經成為旅遊研究的重要理論視角。麥肯奈爾(Mac Cannell) 較早將符號學理論運用到旅遊研究中,認為旅遊吸引物符號的能指為標誌(marker,即關於景物的信息),所指為景物(sight),並特別強調了旅遊活動中標誌體驗的重要性[3]。
[1] WHC. Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention[EB/OL]. (2013- 07- 01) [2015- 01- 07]. http://whc.unesco.org/archive/opguide13-en.pdf.
[2] 吳晶.西湖詩詞 [M]. 杭州: 杭州出版社, 2005: 11-18.
原載 2015 年第5 期總第145 期人文地理
針對麥肯奈爾的觀點,勞(Lau) 指出旅遊者對景物的訪問確實可以從符號學角度加以概念化,但這時能指是景物本身,而所指則是真實歷史事件 [12]。勞強調了景物體驗對旅遊者的重要性,將旅遊符號學研究的關注焦,點從“標誌符號”引向了“文化符號”。
旅遊吸引物的文化符號學分析借助羅蘭·巴爾特等人的文化符號學理論對旅遊吸引物的物質載體及其文化意義進行研究,有助於進一步探討文化符號的舞臺化,與旅遊體驗真實性問題 [13-16]。
而在實證研究方面,國內學者孫九霞、李蕾蕾、彭丹、范能船、丁雨蓮、馬翀煒、馬淩、趙玉燕等學者的研究,實際上已經不同程度地體現了文化符號學思想 [17-24]。
學術界對文化符號學關注的背後,實質上是旅遊者符號體驗的深化,和符號建構中主體性的顯現。從旅遊體驗的內容和手段來看,整個旅遊體驗過程,其實是一個符號的解讀過程 [5]。
旅遊人(旅遊者、旅遊目的地居民和旅遊從業者)之間的互動關係,實質上就是符號的互動 [25,26]。庫勒(Culler)的研究點明了旅遊者在符號建構中的主體性,他把旅遊者比喻為“符號軍隊”,認為旅遊者在體驗過程中既制造標誌和景觀之間的聯系,也在找尋標誌和景觀之間的聯系 [27]。
厄里(Urry) 進一步指出,在旅遊者的目光的凝視之下,一切景觀都被賦予符號意義,一切景觀都變成了文化景觀[28]。而科恩(Cohen)、劉丹萍、戴光全、張朝枝等學者,關於旅遊者攝影行為的研究,則專門深入探討了旅遊者在旅遊影像符號建構中的主體性[29-32]。
身體處於旅遊實踐的核心[33]。學者們已經認識到身體的視覺、聽覺、觸覺、嗅覺、味覺均對旅遊體驗產生顯著影響 [28,34-37]。巴柯豪斯(Backhaus) 和穆倫吉(Murungi) 將符號景觀的理論基礎,建立在梅洛·龐蒂的身體現象學之上,指出在具身化的前認知層面,活的身體(lived-body) 與世
針對麥肯奈爾的觀點,勞(Lau) 指出旅遊者對景物的訪問確實可以從符號學角度加以概念化,但這時能指是景物本身,而所指則是真實歷史事件 [12]。勞強調了景物體驗對旅遊者的重要性,將旅遊符號學研究的關注焦,點從“標誌符號”引向了“文化符號”。
旅遊吸引物的文化符號學分析借助羅蘭·巴爾特等人的文化符號學理論對旅遊吸引物的物質載體及其文化意義進行研究,有助於進一步探討文化符號的舞臺化,與旅遊體驗真實性問題 [13-16]。
而在實證研究方面,國內學者孫九霞、李蕾蕾、彭丹、范能船、丁雨蓮、馬翀煒、馬淩、趙玉燕等學者的研究,實際上已經不同程度地體現了文化符號學思想 [17-24]。
學術界對文化符號學關注的背後,實質上是旅遊者符號體驗的深化,和符號建構中主體性的顯現。從旅遊體驗的內容和手段來看,整個旅遊體驗過程,其實是一個符號的解讀過程 [5]。
旅遊人(旅遊者、旅遊目的地居民和旅遊從業者)之間的互動關係,實質上就是符號的互動 [25,26]。庫勒(Culler)的研究點明了旅遊者在符號建構中的主體性,他把旅遊者比喻為“符號軍隊”,認為旅遊者在體驗過程中既制造標誌和景觀之間的聯系,也在找尋標誌和景觀之間的聯系 [27]。
厄里(Urry) 進一步指出,在旅遊者的目光的凝視之下,一切景觀都被賦予符號意義,一切景觀都變成了文化景觀[28]。而科恩(Cohen)、劉丹萍、戴光全、張朝枝等學者,關於旅遊者攝影行為的研究,則專門深入探討了旅遊者在旅遊影像符號建構中的主體性[29-32]。
身體處於旅遊實踐的核心[33]。學者們已經認識到身體的視覺、聽覺、觸覺、嗅覺、味覺均對旅遊體驗產生顯著影響 [28,34-37]。巴柯豪斯(Backhaus) 和穆倫吉(Murungi) 將符號景觀的理論基礎,建立在梅洛·龐蒂的身體現象學之上,指出在具身化的前認知層面,活的身體(lived-body) 與世
2 旅遊者符號實踐的基本內涵
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