文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
Mapping Creative Hubs in Malaysia by British Council (2017)
When we began this research project, we started by compiling a list of places or groups that we felt could be considered “creative hubs”. It soon became clear that the term can contain multitudes. Here is the definition from the Creative Hub Kit (2015) commissioned by British Council:
A creative hub is a place, either physical or virtual, which brings creative people together. It is a convenor, providing space and support for networking, business development and community engagement within the creative, cultural and tech sectors. 1
Based on this definition, it would be possible to compile a list of hundreds of hubs in Malaysia. As we started to go through our list, however, we felt it was worth creating a more specific set of criteria to focus our research. Jon Dovey and Andy C. Pratt’s report, “Creative Hubs: Understanding the New Economy” (2016), presented further qualities to consider in this process:
Three important themes emerge from our study. They are specific to the nature of creative enterprises and to the wider creative economy, which alerts us to the differences between creative hubs and hi-tech, maker, new media, etc. hubs. The first is that the creative hub is more than a building and more than a network. Success depends on collaboration and exchange between its members.
Second, that creative hubs are embedded in their communities and regions, their economic, cultural and social activities. Every hub is different and dependent on its local context. Third, that multi criteria evaluation of creative hubs should be used to articulate their success or failure. 2
(Emphasis added)
Based on the themes outlined above, we decided that we would focus on surveying and interviewing creative hubs which firstly, show “collaboration and exchange”; and secondly, demonstrate an impact on and from the “local context” through being embedded in their communities.
Thirdly, we decided to define creative hubs as those aligned with the arts, either as a producer or support system for literature, performance, visual art, crafts, film, design and other art forms.
This third and final criteria led us to exclude hubs that might, on paper, qualify as a “creative hub” based on the broader definition. For example, Malaysia has several commercial co-working spaces that are shared by technology startups. These certainly allow for networking and business development. But in this study, due to limited time and scope, we have decided to focus on hubs that lean more towards the creative sector than the tech sector.
By focusing our research on the arts, we hope to offer insights on a creative landscape that is often neglected as a pillar of society and economy.
By contrast, Malaysia’s technology sector has been publicly proclaimed as a driver of the national economy since the 1990s, when the Multimedia Super Corridor was established by then Prime Minister Tun Dato’ Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Cyberjaya, a local “Silicon Valley” was purpose-built as a technology city and, as of 2014, has received RM17 billion worth of investments. 3
In the national budget for 2017, RM80 million was set aside for reinvigorating the arts, less than half the amount – RM200 million – to be invested in technology startups, while RM400 million was set aside for the tourism industry. 4
As the old saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention”. Many creative hubs in Malaysia are grassroots, by virtue of receiving very little federal or state government support. Yet these same creative hubs are also the glue for various artistic communities. They create connections between individuals, individuals and groups, and groups and locales.
In the British Council paper “Working With and Through Creative Hubs”, Lynsey Smith and Ellen O’Hara write that “[Creative hubs] may differ in size and focus, but ultimately ‘a hub is a hub’ when it unites, inspires and promotes a community.” 5
It is this sense of community that we used as a starting point for researching creative hubs in Malaysia.
1 Matheson, Janine and Gillian Easson, Creative HubKit, British Council, 2015, p.4
2 Dovey, Jon and Andy C. Pratt, “Creative Hubs: Understanding The New Economy”, British Council, 2016, p.7
3 Cyberview Sdn Bhd, “Strong Growth: A Tech City Scorecard”, Cyberjaya Malaysia.
Available: http://www.cyberjayamalaysia.com.my/docs/default-source/publications/
facts-and-figures/strong-growth.pdf?sfvrsn=4 [Accessed 14 April 2017]
4 Government of Malaysia, “2017 Budget Speech”, Bajet Malaysia, 21 October 2016.
Available: http://www.bajet.com.my/2017-budget-speech [Accessed 14 April 2017]
5 Smith, Lynsey and Ellen O’Hara, British Council, “Working With and Through Creative Hubs”, p.5
Adapting Research Terms
It is worth remembering that the term “creative hubs” is fairly new. Many of the teams we interviewed would not necessarily use this term to describe themselves. At best, it can be used as an umbrella term to describe varied groups and spaces.
British Council provided a list of “hub types” to form part of our basic survey. We adapted and expanded on this list for more relevance to the Malaysian context and the scope of our research.
Original list of hub types:
• Studio
• Co-working space
• Makerspace
• Incubator
• Art Centre
• Network
• Other
Final list of hub types used for survey:
• Studio / art collective
• Co-working space
• Workshop
• Incubator / residency
• Event space / performance venue
• Gallery
• Network
• Event organiser
• Other
What is a cultural hub?
A clustering of cultural venues such as museums, galleries and performance spaces with secondary attractions including food and retail.
What is the aim of a cultural hub?
Culture and art centers have several main aims. They aim to promote and preserve cultural heritage, provide high-quality leisure time and create new job opportunities . They also aim to respond to the needs of the community by providing public spaces and informal education facilities . Additionally, culture and art centers aim to provide meaningful experiences for individuals with Alzheimer's, allowing them to express themselves and maintain personal identity . Furthermore, these centers contribute to the development of cities by creating dynamic spaces of cultural exchange, promoting vibrancy and diversity, and attracting consumers and commerce . Finally, the isolation of a science regarding artistic products and experiences helps in evaluating works of art by considering both aesthetic and non-aesthetic factors .
The main aims of culture and art centers are to promote artistic products and experiences and to address difficulties in evaluating works of art.
The main aims of culture and art centers are to provide meaningful experiences for individuals with Alzheimer's and reduce symptoms such as apathy and anxiety.
The main aims of culture and art centers are to promote cultural exchange, improve city vibrancy, and enhance urban development.
The main aims of culture and art centers are to provide community space, informal education facilities, and promote creativity and cultural arts.
The main aims of cultural and art centers include promoting contemporary culture, protecting cultural heritage, and implementing cultural and educational projects in the community.
What Is Cultural Hub?
團結部長拿督艾倫達干說,這是馬中建交50周年之際,我國與中國政府開展的吉打布秧谷(Lembah Bujang )歷史項目。
這些分別為加強社區睦鄰計劃(KRT )、欣賞國家原則、培養對國家遺產和文化的興趣、推動國家數字議程、加強印裔社區的社會經濟、發展大馬為志願者樞紐,以及增進不同宗教間的和諧。
在第3 項議程「培養對國家遺產和文化的興趣」中,團結部同意大馬博物館局落實數個項目,包括國際博物館節、博物館過夜活動和義淨國際大會。
據資料記載,吉打布秧谷是東南亞最古老的文明,歷史可追溯至公元2至3世紀,比公元12世紀的柬埔寨吳哥窟和公元9 世紀的印尼婆羅浮屠更為悠久。
儘管已被認證為東南亞的最古老文明,布秧谷也曾在2013年計劃申遺,惟10年過去了,大馬國家文化遺產局認為,布秧谷還需要進行更多的考古研究,以支持其「突出的獨特價值」(OUV )。
「我們有各項指數,比如和諧指數和幸福指數,相對之下團結指數相當複雜,必須要有統計分析。抽樣數據的收集方面,也需要具有包容性和代表性。」 (2024年01月17日南洋商報) [延續閱讀:陳明發博士《文創技能系列 1 》:布秧谷密碼]
馬來西亞第15屆全國大選掀起帷幕,翻開政治人物面譜,不少老面孔都是盤踞一方的老樹,在政治老巢盤根三四十年。例如,敦馬在古巴巴素(Kubang Pasu,1974-2004,2018年復出政壇轉戰浮羅交怡)、東姑拉沙里在話望生(Gua Musang,1986至今)、慕尤丁在巴莪(Pagoh,1978至今,除1986至1995年出任柔佛州務大臣)。
別忘了彭亨北根(Pekan),納吉接過父親敦拉薩衣缽,直到本屆大選入獄無法參選才中斷。還有檳城的峇東埔(Permatang Pauh),1982年起由安華、旺阿茲莎和努魯依莎一家3人先後當選,是安華家族的政治老巢。
北根是拉薩家族的政治老巢,在敦拉薩、納吉父子兩代人手上經營超過半世紀。11月1日國陣公布第十五屆全國大選候選人,備受矚目的第三代莫哈末尼查並沒有重演父親代父守土一幕,只是出征轄下柏拉姆再也(Peramu Jaya)州選區。
2004年大選,選區重劃,北根划有柏巴(Bebar)、珍妮(Chini)、柏拉姆再也(Peramu Jaya)和浮羅馬尼(Pulau Manis)4個州選區,面積非常龐大。除了小鎮北根,區內還有墾殖區、原住民村落和軍營,都是國陣的票倉。此後,納吉在內閣繼續高升,擔任國防部長、財政部長和副首相,並於2009年接任我國第六任首相,也是北根出產的第二位首相。
北根國會議員服務處就位在跨河大橋橋頭,民眾可以到那兒陳情。哪些事呢?他說起朋友孩子的例子,拿到政府獎學金,卻被分發到日本的輻射城福島。他們到議員服務處陳情,“minta sokong(尋求支持)”,結果成功更改分發到另一間學校。
納吉常turun padang親民,青年受領袖魅力感召
“應該是我19歲的時候吧,那年發生大水災。”哈茲拉回憶,親眼見到納吉是在疏散中心,“他親自來看我們,沒想到隔了三四天,他又來了。”在他印象里,納吉時常turun padang(下場),火患、水災后他都會前來慰問災黎。
他是道地北根人,說是從小看到納吉團隊提供各種服務,所以長大后參與其中。“我們的倉庫有很多奶粉、輪椅、病床,很多物資。民眾有需要我們馬上就能提供。”一說到選區服務,他起勁分享,除了國會議員服務處,還有以納吉母親為名的敦拉哈基金會(Yayasan Tun Rahah)。“有需要的人可以來登記申請,我們核對資料后還會做家訪。”
“納吉貪污罪成”,把這個問題拋給受訪選民,多半不置可否,似是不願或不知該怎麼說。然而,納吉入獄對北根選情似是沒有多大影響。巫統北根區部資源本就充沛,距離提名日還有一周,每兩三公里就能看到國陣的競選行動室。就連70公里外的珍妮墾殖區(Felda Chini)也一樣,人煙稀少的路上突然冒出一間行動室。
墾殖區向來被視為國陣票倉。其實,墾殖區發展計劃便是敦拉薩一手推動的,從甘孟(Gambang)前往珍妮墾殖區的聯邦12號公路,就叫敦拉薩大道(Lebuhraya Tun Razak)。
商店員工阿米魯(Amirul,37歲)也說,納吉勤勞下場(turun padang),即便有時只是短暫逗留15分鐘至1小時。問及選區服務,他和同事們都說,墾殖區有議員代表,有事都能相求。問他們目前最迫切關心的是什麼?“水供啰,偶爾會斷水。最重要的是房屋,我們是第二代墾殖民,大部分都成家了,原本的房子快住不下了。”
( 報道.攝影:白慧琪,14.11.2023星洲日報周刊專題;原題:[政治老巢/01] 納吉老巢北根 兩代首相耕耘的腹地)
Agong hopes traditional elements of Pekan will be preserved despite development
PEKAN, Oct 22 — Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah has expressed hope that the traditional elements of the Pekan Royal Town will be preserved and upheld despite going through the process of modernisation.
His Majesty said he had been informed about the Pekan Sentral development, which will include a new market, bus terminal, and business centre, as well as the upgrading of the old Pekan town to beautify its surroundings.
“The emergence of modern buildings and architecture should not justify the extinction of the value of art and local cultural heritage.
“More sustainable development combined with efforts to ensure environmental sustainability, the preservation of traditional elements and the local architectural heritage, in my opinion, will make Pekan a superior city and capable of being recognised as one of the country’s main destinations,” he said.
Al-Sultan Abdullah said this during the proclamation ceremony of the Municipal Council of the Royal Town of Pekan, here yesterday.
Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah and their children, including the Regent of Pahang Tengku Hassanal Ibrahim Alam Shah were also in attendance.
Also present were Local Government Development Minister Nga Kor Ming and the administrative line of the Pahang government led by Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Wan Rosdy Wan Ismail.
Al-Sultan Abdullah said the initiative of the Ministry of Local Government Development regarding the Guidelines for Planning and Development (GPP) of the Royal Town will be presented at the next meeting of the Conference of Rulers, adding that he was informed an allocation of RM90 million has been approved.
Al-Sultan Abdullah said the Pekan Town Council was established in 1924 and was replaced by the Pekan Town Board on Nov 1, 1968, which was later upgraded to the Pekan District Council on July 1, 1988.
The Pekan District Council was gazetted as the Pekan Municipal Council on July 30, which personally pleased Al-Sultan Abdullah as it is His Majesty’s birthdate.
“This town, which is full of nostalgia, and its people will always have a place in our hearts. Let us pray that the Royal Town will continue to develop and forge a name as a superior municipality and its people will always be protected by Allah S.W.T,” he said. — (Sunday, 22 Oct 2023 Bernama)
The Laluan Penarikan
The Laluan Penarikan (Malay 'portage route') were a series of portage routes across the Malay Peninsula. The most famous of these routes connected the Muar River with the Pahang River. The Penarikan shortened the journey of water vessels sailing between the Strait of Malacca and the South China Sea.[1][2]
In the ancient times, the rivers Muar and Pahang were nearly connected at a place called Jempol specifically in town of Bahau, in present-day Negeri Sembilan, where the Muar meets the Jempol River. The Serting River, not far from the confluence of the former two, flows into the Bera River, a tributary of the Pahang. The Penarikan allowed trading boats between ports and harbours or places from both sides of the Malay peninsula, like traders from Malacca or Muar could continue their journey along the Muar until they reach Kuala Pahang in Pekan, or Kuala Lipis to continue into Terengganu, Kelantan or Perak.
more @ 做客 特色小鎮 / 跟《馬來紀年》走一帶一路
At the Penarikan, the locals help will be required to pull the boats overland. The distance is about 300 meters and because of the action of pulling of boats overland, the route is named Penarikan, which is the Malay word for pulling.
The confluence between the Muar (left) and Jempol Rivers at Kampung Jambu Lapan, Bahau, Jempol District, Negeri Sembilan, is the midpoint of the Penarikan.
The Penarikan could have been discovered circa 14th century, way before the days of the Malacca Sultanate.[3] The Arab merchants were actively trading as well as spreading Islam. When Malacca was discovered, they came to Malacca for trade and at the same time; the Pasai came to Malacca too to acquire their daily sundries.
Coincidentally, these are the same group of people whom they spread the religion to. The Arabs complained to the Pasai about the trials and tribulations of trading in Siam because of the arduous journey through the Strait of Malacca, then on the Straits of Terbrau before they can continue the voyage through the South China Sea towards their destination in Siam. This voyage which take weeks is extremely lengthy and difficult. After listening to the grouses of the Arab merchants, the Pasai revealed that there was a short cut where they could avoid the arduous voyage.
However, they have to pull their boats off shore for a kilometer or so. Learning of this, the Arabs endeavoured to try out this route. One day, the Pasai show this route to the Arabs. First, they sailed from Malacca along the Muar River to reach Jempol River, from where they have to pull the boats on shore for a short distance to get into the Serting River. They then continue their journey along the Bera River to arrive at Kuala Bera from which they proceeded to the South China Sea via Pahang River — and finally to their destination in Siam. (Con't Below)
The Arabs discovered that even though they have to go on land for a part of the journey, it was very much shorter. So from that day onwards, they decided to use this route and the Penarikan became famous ever since.
The Penarikan played a vital role in the military operations between Siam and Malacca. Using this route, the Siamese have launched many attacks against Malacca. A troop was sent to make an ambush. Half of the troop stayed near the Penarikan as backup and the other half attacked Malacca. However, the backup group has another mission, they have to dig a big canal measuring 30 feet by 20 feet in depth, so that they could connect the two rivers, Jempol and Serting River.
A leader of the Siamese army was later buried near the Penarikan. The tombstone was believed to have been transported all the way from Siam. The Siamese leader's grave could still be found near the route, which dates back to 1265.
The Penarikan has also witnessed many significant events in history. The famous Malaccan warrior Hang Tuah, while on the run with Tun Teja, used Penarikan to flee to Pahang. The last Sultan of Malacca, Sultan Mahmud Shah, after the conquest of Malacca by the Portuguese Empire had also used Penarikan to escape to Pahang.[4]
In 1613, a Portuguese officer wrote that he took a boat ride from Muar to Pekan, and the journey took him six days. A map produced in 1598 showed that the Muar River and the Pahang River is connected at a place which is now called Serting in Negeri Sembilan.
The Muar River - Pahang River Penarikan route is a safer route to the South China Sea or to the Straits of Malacca, because there were no disturbances and threats of piracy that reign the seas.
Apart from that there were also signs of trading activities, whereby goods changed hands at this point. These means the boats from Pahang with the produce they carry stopped here, transact and pick up goods that are east bound and return to Pahang. Similarly, boats from Muar, bringing goods from Malacca and Singapore were brought to the Penarikan, where barter trade occurred. (Source: Wikipedia)
Syed Yazrine Shahab:Kuantan International Airport and Aerotropolis.
We recently had the opportunity to attend an online discussion with PSK / Invest Pahang to discuss several digital investment matters. Here in MDEC, we were thrilled to learn about the many exciting projects that are in the pipeline, particularly the Gebeng (editor's not: near Cherating, which is about 1 hr 29 min or 89.0 km away from Pekan) area development and the future Kuantan International Airport and Aerotropolis.
The thought of a smart green aerotropolis in Pahang is truly remarkable. The possibilities for sustainable development and innovation are endless. It's inspiring to see such forward-thinking and bold projects taking shape.
We strongly believe that technology has a crucial role to play in shaping the future of our cities and economies. MDEC is excited to see how PSK [Perbadanan Setiausaha Kerajaan ] / Invest Pahang will leverage technology to drive growth and create new opportunities for investors and businesses alike.
If you're interested in learning more about these projects and the exciting investment opportunities they present, We encourage you to reach out to PSK / Invest Pahang. It's an exciting time to be part of the digital investment landscape, and we can't wait to see what the future holds!
These projects are expected to be a catalyst for economic growth in Pahang involving a Gross Development Value (GDV) of RM7.5 billion per year or equivalent to RM150 billion over 20 years. The Pahang government aims to gain at least one per cent of the Asia Pacific maintenance, overhaul & repair (MRO) market which is estimated at around RM15 trillion.
Pahang expects the project will create new job openings with a target of 20,000 employment opportunities for airport operations and 30,000 jobs in other sectors involving skilled and semi -skilled manpower at industrial, services and tourism sectors. Pahang hopes that plans to establish the Pahang aerospace city will turn the state into the top choice among investors in the country, especially with a variety of services.
(Source: https://www.linkedin.com March 2023)
愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.
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