APP Iconada:Semiotics:Julia Kristiva & Roman Jakobson

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Julia Kristeva and Roman Jakobson are both influential figures in the fields of linguistics, literary theory,  and semiotics, and their philosophies intersect in several significant ways. Kristeva was influenced by Jakobson's work, particularly his theories of language and communication, but she extended and transformed his ideas within her own theoretical framework. Here’s a look at the relationship between their philosophies:

Shared Interest in Language and Semiotics

Jakobson’s Linguistic Model:
Roman Jakobson is known for his work in structural linguistics and his development of a model of communication that identifies six functions of language (referential, emotive, conative, phatic, metalingual, and poetic). His work emphasizes the structural and functional aspects of language, focusing on how meaning is constructed and communicated within specific linguistic systems.

Kristeva’s Semiotic Theory: Julia Kristeva, influenced by semiotics, particularly that of Jakobson and Ferdinand de Saussure, developed her own theory of the semiotic and the symbolic. The semiotic refers to the pre-linguistic, bodily, and affective dimensions of language, while the symbolic refers to the structured, social aspects of language. Kristeva’s semiotic theory builds on Jakobson’s structural insights but introduces a psychoanalytic dimension, focusing on how meaning is generated through the interaction between the unconscious (semiotic) and the conscious, socially regulated (symbolic) aspects of language.

The Poetic Function and Kristeva’s Revolution in Poetic Language

Jakobson’s Poetic Function:
One of Jakobson’s key contributions to linguistics is his concept of the *poetic function* of language, which emphasizes the self-referential aspect of language where the focus is on the message for its own sake, rather than its referential meaning. This idea was central to his analysis of literary texts and the role of language in poetry.

Kristeva’s Extension of the Poetic: Kristeva extends Jakobson’s idea of the poetic function by arguing that poetic language disrupts the symbolic order and allows the semiotic to emerge. In Revolution in Poetic Language, Kristeva explores how avant-garde literary works, particularly those by poets like Stéphane Mallarmé and Lautréamont, break down the conventional structures of language (the symbolic) and allow for a revolutionary expression of the semiotic drives. While Jakobson focused on the formal properties of poetic language, Kristeva introduces a psychoanalytic perspective, considering how poetic language can be a site of transgression and transformation.

Structuralism vs. Post-Structuralism

Jakobson’s Structuralism:
Jakobson was a central figure in the development of structuralism, which emphasizes the underlying structures that govern language and culture. His work is grounded in the idea that language is a system of signs, and meaning is derived from the relationships between these signs within the structure.

Kristeva’s Post-Structuralism: Kristeva, while influenced by structuralism, is often associated with post-structuralism, which critiques and extends structuralist ideas. She argues that meaning is not fixed but is always in process, influenced by the interplay between the semiotic and symbolic. Her work challenges the stability of linguistic structures, emphasizing the fluidity and multiplicity of meaning. This post-structuralist approach marks a departure from Jakobson’s more rigid structuralist framework.

Intertextuality and Communication

Jakobson’s Communication Model:
Jakobson’s model of communication is highly influential in understanding how messages are transmitted and interpreted within a linguistic framework. His emphasis on the different functions of language has been foundational in semiotics and communication theory.

Kristeva’s Intertextuality: Kristeva introduced the concept of *intertextuality,* which posits that texts are not isolated entities but are always in dialogue with other texts. This idea resonates with Jakobson’s focus on the communicative functions of language, but Kristeva extends it by emphasizing the dynamic, intertextual nature of meaning-making. For Kristeva, meaning arises not just from the structure of a single text but from the interconnections between multiple texts and cultural contexts.

Influence of Psychoanalysis

Jakobson’s Structural Approach:
Jakobson’s approach to language and semiotics is primarily structural, focusing on the formal aspects of language and its communicative functions. He does not delve into the psychological dimensions of language in the way Kristeva does.

Kristeva’s Psychoanalytic Turn: Kristeva, influenced by psychoanalysis, particularly the work of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, integrates a psychoanalytic dimension into her theory of language. She explores how the unconscious influences language and how the semiotic dimension (associated with drives, rhythms, and pre-linguistic expressions) interacts with the symbolic. This psychoanalytic perspective adds depth to her critique of structuralism and expands the scope of Jakobson’s ideas.

Summary of the Relationship

The relationship between Julia Kristeva’s philosophy and that of Roman Jakobson is one of both influence and transformation. Kristeva builds on Jakobson’s insights into the structural and functional aspects of language but extends them into new territories by introducing psychoanalysis and the concept of the semiotic. While Jakobson provided a foundational model for understanding language’s structure and functions, Kristeva challenged the limitations of structuralism by exploring how language is also a site of unconscious drives, fluid identities, and constant transformation.

In summary, Kristeva’s work can be seen as both a continuation and a critique of Jakobson’s, pushing his ideas into the realm of post-structuralism and psychoanalysis to explore the complexities of language, meaning, and subjectivity.

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