Why do Backpackers seldom come to Taiwan? Part1:Anna, New Zealand

《為什麼外國背包客不來台灣?》 第一部: Anna, 紐西蘭



在東南亞旅行的過程中遇見世界各地來的旅人,發現他們旅行的下一個目的地都「不‧是‧­台‧灣」。 對他們而言,台灣像一張全然空白的紙,上面沒有字跡也沒有皺摺, 當他們在想「我要去哪裡?」的時候,台灣從他們的世界地圖上消失了。

During my backpacking trip across Southeast Asia, I met backpackers who came from diffident parts of the world . All of them had something in common: none of their destinations included Taiwan . To these global travelers, Taiwan is a blank piece of paper. So when travelers trying to decide "where should I go?". Taiwan doesn't exist on their world map.


林君燁 _ 策略/攝影/採訪 _ milugu_20@hotmail.com
周鼎祐 _ 策略/平面/展場 _ justin123tw@hotmail.com
林信翰 _ 策略/剪接/攝影 _ aeishin0212@gmail.com
Lin Jun-Ye_strategy/photography/interview
Chou Ting-Yo_strategy/graphic design/exhibit
Lin Hsin-Han_strategy/editing/photography

特別感謝: 趙丁益 攝影師

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