根據《愛懇納達故事城》陳老編的說法,文化創意四種力量是:娱樂,學習、美學與圓夢。這四種力量其實是可以互相配合的,例如 Air NewZealand 的這個飛行安全知識廣告,结合了學習与娱樂原素。它的呈獻風采用了《魔戒》電影故事中的原型美學。

NOTE: This video is uploaded with no intention to violate copyright, it is promoted for the educational purpose of the general public with the hope of learning the narrative strength of excellent corporation.

In this case, we can see how Air New Zealand capitalize Peter Jackson's Hobbit / The Lord of The Ring to tell a story about air safety, which is a routine yet critical piece of knowledge that more often than not ignored by passengers. Now, with imagination, it is vividly retold, and managed to catch audiences' eyeballs.

  • Currently 4/5 stars.

Views: 114

Location: New Zealand


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