希梅內斯詩選《我不再歸去 I no longer return》

我已不再歸去。I have already no longer return

晴朗的夜晚溫涼悄然,Clear night temperature cool quietly

淒涼的明月清輝下,The moon and shining

世界早已入睡。The world had to sleep

我的軀體已不在那裡,My body has not there

而清涼的微風,And cool and refreshing breeze

從敞開的窗戶吹進來,From the open Windows to blow to come in

探問我的魂魄何在。What is the soul of an outlaw I

我久已不在此地,I have not in here

不知是否有人還會把我記起,I don't know whether someone will be I remember

有人會親切地回想起我的過去。Maybe in a tender feelings and your tears

但是還會有鮮花和星光But will also have the flowers and the stars

嘆息和希望,Sighs and hope

和那大街上And the street

濃密的樹下情人的笑語。Dense tree of action and laughter

還會響起鋼琴的聲音Also would ring piano voice

就像這寂靜的夜晚常有的情景,Like the silent night often the scene

可在我住過的窗口,I lived in the window

不再會有人默默地傾聽。There will be no longer listen in silence

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