文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
根據地理環境 挖掘新村特色
政府撥款有限 缺乏良好基設
他認為,馬華或許可延續前任房屋及地方政府部長丹斯里黃家定在任期間,嘗試推動的新村發展模式,即分階段選出重點新村集中撥款發展,再定期檢討方向及策略。(收藏自 2016年01月09日 東方日報))
1. 昔加末 · 彼咯新村
2. 笨珍 · 鹹水港新村
Kukup 必玩必吃必看旅遊指南
3. 峇株巴轄 · 永平新村
特色:最大的轉運祥龍、福州傳統及美食、UK休閑農場 永平小福州特色景點都在這!
4. 古來新村
5. 峇株巴轄 · 亞依淡新村
特色:陶瓷廠、福州傳統與美食、福州面廠 (點擊:巴羅大井、歷史建築物、獨特的膜拜場所、傳統咖啡店 (點擊:食在柔佛之巴羅家鄉味)
7. 麻坡 · 武吉摩新村
8. 文冬 · 武吉丁宜新村
特色: 廣西傳統與美食、生態旅遊、新村附近有22家餐館、種植及售賣蔬菜及水果(姜)
9. 關丹 · 林明
10. 金馬侖高原 · 巴登威利新村
特色:巴登威利山、烏魯日賴水壩、葡萄園、“Press Flower”工藝、種植及銷售蔬菜
11.勞勿 · 雙溪勞勿新村
12. 近打華都牙也 · 督亞冷新村
13. 拉律馬登 · 十八丁新村
特色: 水上巡航、木炭廠、螢火蟲和海豚、老鷹餵食及養魚
14. 吉輦 · 角頭漁村
15. 日叻務 · 知知港新村
16. 芙蓉· 武來岸新村
17. 波德申 · 武吉不蘭律新村
18. 萬拉峇魯 · 峇眼三目新村
19. 巴生 · 吉膽島新村
20. 亞羅牙也 · 馬接峇魯新村
特色:馬接行、面包乾廠、馬六甲文物建築物、火龍果果園 、無刺蜂養殖園
首相丹斯里慕尤丁表示,政府理解要振興我國旅遊業需要一個有活力和具戰略性的方向,因此,推出2020-2030年國家旅遊政策(Pelancaran Dasar Pelancongan Negara (DPN) 2020 -2030)。
他說,除了共同確保旅遊產品的開發始終是可持續的,具有競爭力的和包容性的責任外,也需符合馬來西亞對聯合國《 2030年議程》和聯合國下17項可持續發展目標的承諾。
他說,《 2020-2030年國家旅遊政策》是大家的政策,他希望旅遊部在執行該政策闡明的6項政策所作的努力可獲得各造,尤其是相關領域的非政府組織,私人團體和相關利益攸關方的大力支持和充分合作。
~提高所有旅遊次領域的人力資源能力。(2020年12月23日 光華日報)
“大家一起發現華人新村與重組村,助村民一臂之力,同時加速馬六甲經濟復蘇的腳步。”(2020年12月26日 東方日報 / 原題《推展州內旅遊泡泡 甲州探討“走進新村”計劃》)
Creative industries can play a key role in the COVID-19 recovery
“Local creative industries can be the cornerstone of recovery for our communities and local economies from the impacts of COVID-19."
Councils across the country are backing the creative industries to help drive economic recovery in local areas, the Local Government Association and Creative Industries Federation set out today.
The LGA, which represents councils in England and Wales, has today published a guide to help councils to support their local creative industries recover from the coronavirus pandemic and to boost the creative economy.
Latest government statistics show that creative industries - including small and medium businesses and organisations that specialise in arts, culture, design, music and TV & film - contribute more than £111 billion to the UK economy.
Many councils are trying to continue supporting the creative industry in their local areas, despite significant funding pressures as a result of the pandemic.
The handbook will help councils learn from best practice when looking to implement new creative economy strategies in their areas, ensuring that the creative industries can play a key role in the national economy recovery.
Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson, Chair of the LGA’s Culture, Tourism and Sport Board, said:
“Local creative industries can be the cornerstone of recovery for our communities and local economies from the impacts of COVID-19.
“Councils have a unique perspective of viewing the creative economy through place and this guide will help councils across the country to unlock the potential of their creative communities to bounce forwards towards a better society and economy.
“We are calling on the Government to support this work and to ensure that councils retain the planning powers they need to curate their communities and grow their local economies.”
Caroline Norbury MBE, Chief Executive of Creative Industries Federation & Creative England said:
“Our creative sector is an economic powerhouse. The creative industries bring people into our towns and cities. They are intrinsic to building atmosphere, to a sense of place and civic pride, and investment into creativity is critical if we want to level-up the country.
“In order to build back better, we must learn from the past. Research shows that following the 2008 financial crash, previously strong regional creative sector growth trends fell away, and growth coalesced around fewer clusters once more. Experience shows that when crisis hits, the regions suffer. As we plan for an economic recovery, regional focus is key. We need to use local knowledge and devolved power to build tailored, community-owned responses from the bottom up.”
Case studies
Examples of councils taking supportive action for the creative industries include:
Luton Council has used their licensing powers to develop a successful offer for creative enterprises in the town to diversify the night-time economy. The council’s Town Centre Framework Plan identified eight areas for development, including a new cultural quarter which has helped to create a more vibrant town centre.
Cornwall Council has co-funded with the ERDF and Arts Council England a bespoke creative skills and business support programme – Cultivator, led by Creative Kernow. It has supported more than 6,000 businesses and uses industry specialists as advisors and offers mentoring, employment bursaries, funding advice and networking events. It is entering its second phase with a focus on enabling innovative interventions.
Cheshire East Council is creating a skills programme designed to provide their thriving digital and gaming creative cluster with the employees they need but to help train young vulnerable people. It offers an initial tasting session after which young people can work towards an accredited award with representatives from local companies in structured sessions over an eight or 16-week period.
The Kent and Medway Cultural Transformation Board has helped to create a new vision and ambition for the local creative economy. By enabling collaborative working, it allows partners to work up joint bids which, with small amounts of match funding from KCC, are ready to be submitted when larger funding opportunities arise. Recently this model has proved successful with four schemes combining as a single project called ‘Pioneering Places’ to win £1.5 million from the Great Places fund, £500,000 from the Cultural Destinations fund for ‘England’s Creative Coast’ and £4.3 million from the Cultural Development Fund for ‘Creative Estuary’.
(05 Aug 2020 https://www.local.gov.uk)
Tengku Zafrul: Creative industry could make vital contributions to high-growth sectors
With the right approach, Malaysia's creative industry could make vital contributions to the high-growth sectors and industries such as education, science and innovation, said Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Aziz today.
He said the creative, arts and cultural industry players should no longer see themselves in isolation as this is the time when disciplines and the value of businesses are being integrated into digital and other technological means.
"Consider this for a moment... how influential global tech giants like Google, Apple and Amazon would be if they do not have this creative economy content on their platforms?
"The creative economy has in fact become the competitive edge and growth of so many high-growth companies around the world," he said in his keynote address at the Creative Economy 2021 Forum, in conjunction with Budget 2021.
Tengku Zafrul said the Covid-19 pandemic had an adverse impact on the creative industry, resulting in cash flow constraints due to income losses or deferred projects, and the industry needs rapid support in rebooting creative activities.
The Malaysian creative industry accounted for 1.9% of gross domestic product in 2015, and has an enormous potential to grow and contribute significantly to Malaysia’s economy in the long term, the minister said.
"The challenge for all parties concerned, including the government, is how we can capitalise on this foundation, and the measures that we must put in place so that the creative economy can become a substantial and sustainable contributor to the nation," he said.
For starters, Tengku Zafrul said there is a need to dispel the illusion that the various economic sectors exist separately, and to point to the fact that the creative economy has a synergistic relationship with the wider Malaysian economy.
"A clear example of such a relationship can be seen in South Korea where the success of its film and music industries helped boost the global sales of its beauty and electronic products, and promoted their tourism industry to the world," he noted.
To ensure the industry's immediate survival during the Covid-19 pandemic, the government had allocated RM225 million for the arts, culture, entertainment and event industries under PENJANA (Short-term Economic Recovery Plan), he said.
This includes RM100 million in soft loans and RM30 million in grants for the creative, events and exhibitions industries under MyCreative Ventures, as well as RM10 million under CENDANA (Cultural Economy Development Agency).
Tengku Zafrul noted that there has been a shift in countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and South Korea which have successfully grown and promoted their creative economies.
"The creative economy is also an opportunity for us to promote our Malaysian arts, culture and heritage on the world stage.
"This time, we add our own success story by creating a sustainable, resilient and thriving creative economy that will help to promote Malaysia internationally," he added, while stressing the need to do more to empower talents across the entire creative economy.
The one-day Creative Economy 2021 Forum was organised by MyCreative Ventures Sdn Bhd.
The forum was part one of a two-part event that has been designed as a forward-looking platform that encourages sharing and canvassing of ideas and brings together all stakeholders, relevant ministries, the private sector, as well as, creative, arts and cultural activists and practitioners.
(Bernama October 06, 2020)
李桑 ‧ The FIRST ‧ “嘜”不可擋
依然處於復原期行管令的今天,久違的出發!我領軍42國人,從梳邦準備飛往浮羅交怡,大家以實際行動來支援復蘇旅遊產業。不過偌大機場大廳卻空蕩蕩冷清清,一股陌生的唏噓感還是點滴湧上心頭,總覺得情景詭異!?反倒是我們這隊42人氣大軍的騰騰殺到,給予機場與地勤,航空公司,飲食店禮品店等等無形力量與信心!其實,咱們這一出走,有點不小心締造了好幾個正面的the FIRST,激動人心!我還真的從沒想過,新常態之下的今時今日之“旅行”,竟然如此可歌也可泣!有旅友激動的說:不想再憋在籠子里了,我們以行動支持國內趴趴走!果真是,疫見有情有義之旅朋友!
飛螢航空在這一次特別破例,他們很珍惜我們這來得不易的旅行團;而我們也是飛螢的第一團。為此特別贈送大家,每人一份小飛螢造型的伴手禮。真的很難想象原本今年預計有15億人次的旅遊產業,來到如此史無前例的艱難時刻,該如何突圍困境?!要嘛繼續原地等待政府的復蘇對策的出爐?!我看,不了!還好有李桑的這一眾誌成城效應,齊齊點燃起國內旅遊的火種!因此,凡我們掠過之處都激起了或輕或重的陣陣漣漪水波,也激活了旅遊產業鏈的死寂經脈,帶動了旅遊經濟與就業機會!?浮羅交怡兩位導遊連賢貴與張桂月,還有巴士司機以及市區RT海鮮餐館老板娘都異口同聲地說:這是我的第一團,希望相隨!不僅如此,他們臉上閃亮著#自信自心,是隨著 #相濡以沫 而來的暖意!
有些人也許還無法切實理解2020年的非同凡響,前所未有的長久停頓,導致世界災難性的坍塌;但,這已不在話下!?此時此刻,我雖處之泰然堅定從容;現實里,我的焦慮還是露了餡。所以,當然,更從來不會忘記每一位團友的“膽大”心動亦行動!對了,每一次帶團我都會攜著私家話筒嘜克風一起遊天下哦! 疫情之下,想不到嘜筒又可重出江湖派上用場,還好並未語無倫次咧,嘻嘻!
Ambong 老板,阿末
不過,單憑這幾個國內旅行團,就說能挽救旅遊同業們的飯碗嗎?無可否認,那只是自我安慰自我打氣而已!不過,這一趟意義非凡的the FIRST旅程,確實解開了重重心鎖,重現我們站上舞臺的英姿。對於旅遊同業們來說,這絕對是個好開始,並肩同行!現實里,旅遊從業員旅行社導遊領隊等都已經整整6個月沒工沒收入沒歸屬感,大家都不知何去何從……通通只好閑在家里,發呆發霉發酸也等著發酵,下一步恐怕快要進入自暴自棄的階段了?!在浮羅交怡,度假村業者頻頻向我抱怨說:對旅遊部期望越高,失望可大!所以,他們對我們私人企業能自救性地積極推銷國內旅遊的行動,萬分感激喲!我回說:那是因為國人都想實際支撐支持旅遊產業,都想一起去發現自家國內景點的真美!比如美里姆魯洞穴,山打根國家公園,森林河川大自然等都值得我們親身去體會青山綠水江山如畫的熱帶雨林那境界!走,妳想去;李桑帶隊!
我這一次的“開嘜”,意外成就了許多疫想不到的The FIRST效益!也是這非常時期之下,同業中的第一出擊,對症下了藥!對,李桑久違的嘜克風,很快會交到每一位旅遊同業的兄弟姐妹們手心上! 期盼妳們的風華,也很快能地與我李桑一樣再現!
“李桑與蔣珮珮 – ‘疫見真情 系列‘ 之約定妳於浮羅交怡” 圓滿暫告一段落!
南茜也向國民介紹她的選區有螢火蟲景點,“我去到那裏也很興奮啊,只是那裏唯有晚上才有螢火蟲。” (25.6.2020《星洲日报》國内10版)
砂拉越黑橄欖(Dabai Sarawak)的原生地在砂拉越河岸,尤其在詩巫、加帛及泗裏街河岸旁最容易看到黑橄欖樹。早期黑橄欖只是本地人喜歡吃的壹種果子。盛產季節到來時,人們最愛將新鮮果實洗凈,投入熱水浸泡約10分鐘,果肉變軟再調點醬油和糖壹起吃,下飯也特別開胃。
用途多多的黑橄欖經濟潛能無限,不但是砂拉越壹大特色,相信未來也將持續為國家帶來更高經濟收入。(東方日報 2014年12月12日)
HO WAH FOON:New tourism trend to emerge post Covid-19
(A Quiet Kota Kinabalu,Picture by www.iconada.tv )
IN the past 22 years operating China-Malaysia tours, businessman Datuk Keith Li had always looked forward to the Labour Day holiday for this was one of the “golden” times to bring in many Chinese travellers and big profits.
But for this year, there is no anticipation.
The raging coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic engulfing more than 200 countries globally is forcing life, business, as well as tourism to a standstill.
With country lockdowns seen almost everywhere, most people cannot move from one place to another. Without passengers, leading airlines, including AIRASIA BHD, have to halt operations and are screaming for government help.
Hotels, another function of the tourism industry, are bleeding. Many empty hotels have closed their operations temporarily or for good, and workers have been asked to leave or take no pay leave.
Local hotels are estimated to have incurred total revenue loss of more than RM1.5bil since Malaysia imposed the movement control order in March.
In the local travel and tours segment, 30% to 50% of cash-tight travel companies have closed down while the more established ones are struggling, according to Li.
Sweet attraction: Li says in-bound tourism may start to recover only in October.
Sweet attraction: Li says in-bound tourism may start to recover only in October.
“My business has fallen from near zero in January to zero now. May golden week this year is hopeless for tourism. I have asked all my staff to take no-pay leave until business returns. In-bound tourism might start to recover only in October, ” Li tells StarBizWeek.
“Why October? International tourism is about bilateralism or multi-lateralism. Even if Malaysia is able to lift control soon, other countries may not. This is a global pandemic, not regional, ” the Chinese national explains in a WhatsApp interview.
Due to lingering concerns over safety, most would-be tourists are likely to choose domestic travel and nearby destinations once the pandemic is over.
A recent survey in China, which has wiped out its Covid-19 epidemic in March, showed that more than 90% of respondents would choose domestic tours in their immediate travel plans.
The booking statistics for the May golden holiday provided supporting evidence for the trend, said the survey jointly organised by the China Tourism Academy and Trip.com Group.
The survey report, published in China Youth Daily, was conducted on 15,000 people mostly aged 18 to 45, in nearly 100 cities across mainland China.
Taking cognisance of local tourists’ preference after Covid-19 crisis, China’s travel agencies – in their attempt to stay afloat – have diversified into selling delicacies to live-streaming culture talks that feature history and well-known personalities.
New landscape
Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB)’s chairman Y.K Pang sees a new tourism landscape after the pandemic, which has posed unprecedented challenges to industry players and put global tourism to a halt.
After a major HKTB-organised web seminar on April 24, Pang said in a statement: “The tourism landscape will be reshaped. In the post-pandemic world, we will see a shift in preference and behaviour among travellers – the public health conditions of destinations, and the hygiene standards of transportations, hotels and other tourism facilities will become a top priority.
“People will prefer short-haul breaks and shorter itineraries; wellness-themed trips will become a new trend. It is an ideal time for us to review and rethink Hong Kong’s position in the global tourism market.”
Last Friday’s tourism web conference was participated by 1,500 representatives from travel agencies, tourist sites, hotels, airlines, the retail and dining industries, as well as Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions and cruise sectors.
In discussing the future of short-haul tourism, speakers shared that domestic travel will be the major preference shortly after the pandemic. Outbound travel will resume soon after.Regional competition is seen to be fiercer than ever, as the tourism authorities and travel trade of various destinations and countries are now gearing up for intensive promotions.
Raymond Chan, HKTB’s regional director for South-East Asia, believes in the potential of the Muslim travel market.
He shared how HKTB has been stepping up its efforts to grow the Muslim travel segment as part of the recovery plan in South-East Asia.
It is learnt that mainland China is also attaching increasing importance to the Muslim segment to widen its reach.
The tourism seminar also heard that the young and middle-aged groups in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan would be the most eager to travel.
Green tourism and the outdoors will be favoured, while short-haul travel will be preferred due to financial constraints and lack of holiday leave days.
For the mainland Chinese market, which has gradually resumed economic activities, the seminar was informed that the Chinese will become more price-conscious and they will pursue value-for-money holidays.
“After prolonged confinement during the lockdown, most visitors will place greater emphasis on health and nature, ” said the HKTB statement.
When choosing destinations for future trips after the Covid-19 crisis, tourists will favour those that pose low risks to health.
The meeting and incentive market is expected to continue to slow down as many activities have been postponed or will be held online.
It may take a longer time for the long-haul markets to recover as governments are focusing on containing the outbreak within the region.
“A longer time is expected for these markets to recover and outbound travel may resume in the last quarter of this year at the earliest, ” said HKTB.
Within the region, HKTB expects Asian tourists to be the first to visit Hong Kong after the pandemic.
As consumer sentiment is more positive in Canada, France and Germany, outbound travel in these markets is expected to recover at a faster rate.
Vacations to be more expensive
Even though there is expectation that people may start travelling from the third quarter of this year, recovery may be slow.
A recent study by the University of South Florida revealed that 63.8% of travelers will reduce their travel plans in the next 12 months, according to an online report by Tourism Review News.
More than 50% of respondents surveyed by the US university had cancelled their business travel due to the coronavirus.
On the future of tourism, writer Kevin Eagan of Tourism Review News believes that “travelling will become a luxury again”.
“The coronavirus will probably make travelling more expensive and thus also more climate-friendly. Cheap flights at cut-rate prices will soon be the thing of the past. The future of tourism encompasses substantial changes, ” Eagan wrote.
He predicts the tourism industry will shrink by 50% in 2020, and this means a significant loss of jobs and revenue.
“As a result, it may be expected that the flight tickets will cost more, hotels will raise prices - travelling will probably become more expensive when the travel restrictions are lifted.
“The risk of infection with the coronavirus is reducing the available space: keeping a distance between people is expensive. Thus travelling becomes a luxury again, ” Eagan explained.
The immediate future will see empty rows of seats to prevent infection in airplanes and trains.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) predicts that passenger numbers could fall by a third, and ticket prices could rise by half, if a “decongestion” were to be implemented.
But ultimately this would be determined by supply and demand, IATA boss Alexandre de Juniac was quoted as telling Tourism Review News.
Hence, future vocations will be expensive as tourists will have to pay more money for the same services. People without money will be left behind in the world of tourism. Now not everyone can fly.
(www.thestar.com.my Saturday, 02 May 2020)
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