用心涼Coooool's Blog (75)

Organization theory and poetry: A not so elusive link(REFERENCES)


Abma R (1999). Bonds of Love: Methodic Studies of Prophetic Texts with Marriage Imagery, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum & Company.

Alvesson M (2002). Understanding Organizational Culture, SAGE Publications Limited: London.

Arkins B (1990). Builders of My Soul: Greek and Roman Themes in Yeats, USA: Barnes & Noble Books.

Barry D (1996). “Artful Inquiry: A Symbolic Constructivist Approach to Social Science…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on February 9, 2023 at 10:30am — No Comments

Organization theory and poetry: A not so elusive link by Naveed Yazdani , Hasan S. Murad and Rana Zamin Abbas (6)

Corporate aesthetics is one of such emerging arena, where value is put on the beautiful, sensuously pleasing and aesthetical aspects of organizations. Contemporary writers of organization theory suggest that the field not only draws from Natural Sciences and Economics but from multiple and diverse disciplines. They do not rule out Literature and Arts from these parent perspectives. The symbolic interpretive view of organization theory cognizes that organizations are socially constructed and…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on February 4, 2023 at 5:00am — No Comments

Organization theory and poetry: A not so elusive link by Naveed Yazdani , Hasan S. Murad and Rana Zamin Abbas (5)

Metaphors are used in organization theory as tools to

convey meanings and to illuminate and illustrate theories

by linking them with some more familiar word, phrase or

object (Hernes, 2004). For example, the metaphor of jazz

is used to reflect the “temporal, emotional and ambiguous

aspects of organizational structure (Kamoche et al.,

2005; Lewin, 1998; Zack, 2000). Similarly organizations

are metaphorically described as theatres (Cornelissen, …


Added by 用心涼Coooool on January 31, 2023 at 12:30am — No Comments

Organization theory and poetry: A not so elusive link by Naveed Yazdani , Hasan S. Murad and Rana Zamin Abbas (4)

The poem is highly metaphorical reflecting the imagination of a rejected lover who is viewing his beloved’s

honeymoon with someone else. The rejected lover is

viewing the honeymoon as a kind of ‘post-mortem’. The

key metaphorical words are ‘bread’, ‘platter’, ‘knife’, ‘flesh’

and ‘hunger’. Bread is the frigid and unwilling beloved,

whose flesh is cut across by the maleness (knife) of her

husband. Hunger is the reflection of carnal desires of her …


Added by 用心涼Coooool on January 28, 2023 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Organization theory and poetry: A not so elusive link by Naveed Yazdani , Hasan S. Murad and Rana Zamin Abbas (3)

Some specific examples from English poetry

Metaphoricity or symbolism of Yeats is occult in nature.

He uses metaphors of hound with one red ear, a white

deer with no horns, and an island in the sea to capture the Irish legendary characters. He also uses many metaphors to represent the Kabalistic traditions. The

metaphors of ‘Immortal Rose’ and the ‘seven lights’

capture Rosicrucian flower and the seven planets and

astral lights (William York Tindall as in…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on January 27, 2023 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Organization theory and poetry: A not so elusive link by Naveed Yazdani , Hasan S. Murad and Rana Zamin Abbas (2)


The language of poetry according to P.B. Shelley “is vitally metaphorical; that is, it makes the before unapprehended relations of things and perpetuates their apprehensions”. This means metaphors create new meanings and insights. They are a tool of revitalizing the language. By creating something new, through employing metaphors, the poet also restores something old, ancient and lost (Hirsch, 1999).

In a generalized way, a metaphor is defined…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on January 25, 2023 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Organization theory and poetry: A not so elusive link by Naveed Yazdani , Hasan S. Murad and Rana Zamin Abbas (1)

ce the times of Western modernity, knowledge is compartmentalized as different fields. This has however, not mitigated the influence of natural science model of theorizing on social sciences. As a result the discipline of organization theory has grown without the influence of abstract, ephemeral and metaphysical fields such as; religion, history, mystic philosophy, arts and literature. With the rise of organizational cultural studies and the emergence of…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on January 22, 2023 at 11:00pm — No Comments

The Impact of Kung Fu Movies on BreakdancingBy Eric Pellerin(Part 4/4)

Ken Swift formed his own chapter of Rock Steady in 1996, RSC Seven Grandmasters, based on the Joseph Kuo movie 7 Grandmasters. RSC Seven Grandmasters was a battle clique. Ken Swift, “And that was the elite unit of Rock Steady that was all about win, lose, or draw, battling anybody, going out there to war, and it had the same concept as Seven Grandmasters, going all over the country, doing different styles, fighting and challenging, that’s a little what the movie was about.”

RSC Seven…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on October 23, 2022 at 11:33am — No Comments

The Impact of Kung Fu Movies on BreakdancingBy Eric Pellerin(Part 3/4)

The B-Boys that started out imitating their heroes on the big screen eventually got to be in movies themselves, performing their own footwork, kicks and flips in films like Flashdance, Wildstyle, and Beatstreet. Beatstreet features the rivalry between RSC and NYCB prominently in the story line. Kuriaki is doing footwork, and Powerful Pexter says, “You’re biters, all you’re homeboys are biters.” Kuriaki responds, “I ain’t never stole no moves from you, your moves ain’t’ worth to be bit, so…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on October 19, 2022 at 9:42am — No Comments

The Impact of Kung Fu Movies on BreakdancingBy Eric Pellerin(Part2/4)

While serious filmgoers denounced kung fu films, the B-Boys took to the films as their own. Ken Swift explains, “42nd St. was like ‘wow!’, these are subtitled, they’re putting these English voices over, these movies aren’t even made in the States, that’s even more like ’wow!,’ you feel like you’re really a part of something.”

The DJ’s, MC’s, B-Boy’s, and graffiti artists would go to see these films together, and it was a participatory experience. They would get so hyped up during the…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on October 15, 2022 at 6:53am — No Comments

The Impact of Kung Fu Movies on BreakdancingBy Eric Pellerin(Part1/4)

Back in the mid-to-late 1970s, the earliest power moves of Breaking were created by B-Boy masters living in New York City. One of the biggest influences on the creation of moves like the “headspin” and the “windmill” was the Hong Kong kung fu movie. B-boys watched the amazing physical abilities of their favorite kung fu actors in films by Shaw Brothers, Seasonal Films, and Golden Harvest Studios. They imitated and expanded upon the ritualized combat they saw in these films, adding new moves…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on October 11, 2022 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Wu Tang Clan & The RZA: 10 Kung-Fu Movies That Inspired Their Hip-Hop

By Cody McIntosh Published Jan 16, 2020

10/10 The 36th Chamber of Shaolin


UP FROM THE 36 CHAMBERS... IT'S THE GHOSTFACE KILLA. Both the namesake of their debut album, which is not only their most critically acclaimed record, but also definitely the fan-favorite, shortly followed by Wu-Tang Forever and Liquid Swords. It's, of course, a film done by the Shaw Brothers as with many on this list to be…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on October 11, 2022 at 8:36am — No Comments

Henri Bergson: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1927 - Banquet Speech

As the Laureate was unable to be present at the Nobel Banquet at Grand Hôtel, Stockholm, December 10, 1928, a letter from the Laureate was read by the French Minister, Mr. Armand Bernard


I wish I had been able to express my feelings in person. Permit me to do so through the French Minister, Mr. Armand Bernard, who has kindly consented to convey my message. I…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on May 8, 2020 at 11:01am — No Comments

Henri Bergson: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1927 - Award Ceremony Speech

Award Ceremony Speech

Presentation Speech by Per Hallström, President of the Nobel Committee of the Swedish Academy, on December 10, 1928*

In his L’Évolution créatrice (1907) [Creative Evolution], Henri Bergson has declared that the most lasting and most fruitful of all philosophical systems are those which originate in intuition. If one believes these words, it appears…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on May 6, 2020 at 9:47pm — No Comments

A Railway Line That Brought Prosperity to the Jungle

THE lines of the Federated Malay States, Straits Settlements, and Johore State Railways have a special interest of their own. They have played a major part in the opening up of a valuable part of the British Empire which, not long ago, was the stronghold of pirates and warrior tribes. The modern history of the country is, in itself, a romance, due to the enterprise of British pioneers and scientists. British Malaya is not “a white man’s country”, but because of the…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on October 2, 2016 at 6:20pm — No Comments

GEORGE STENITZER·Simplify Your Content Marketing Strategy with a One-Page Plan

As CMI research shows, marketers with a documented content marketing strategy are more effective than those who don’t have a written strategy. Yet,only 27% of B2C and 48% of B2B marketers have developed a plan.

If you lack a written strategy, a one-page plan is a great place to begin. If you have a detailed strategy but struggle to gain traction, boiling it down to one page will make it easier. A one-page strategy can help you:

Crystalize your content marketing strategy…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on June 30, 2016 at 11:49am — No Comments

Joe Pulizzi·Chief Content Officer Job Description Sample Template

Editor’s note: Because the content marketing industry continues to evolve, we thought it would be a good time to revisit this essential position in an updated post.

In my research, there was no current template available for a Chief Content Officer job description. Now there is!

Thanks to our call out to the content marketing community a few weeks ago, we’ve put together a Chief…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on June 29, 2016 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Michael W. McLaughlin·How to Write a Killer Proposal

The invitation to write a proposal may be a milestone in the sales cycle—an opportunity to get one step closer to a client and a new project.

The best proposal, though, is one you don’t have to write. A competitive field reduces the odds of landing the business. So, if possible, sidestep the formal proposal process entirely.

The best proposal, though, is one you…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on June 21, 2016 at 5:38pm — No Comments

Greatest Go Green Slogans and Posters


If you want to make a change in the world, you start with yourself. Make the changes you want and in the process you’ll inspire others to do the same.…



Added by 用心涼Coooool on June 20, 2016 at 3:17pm — No Comments

Popular Go Green Slogans and Catchy Taglines

Be seen to be green.

Being Green is Sexy.

Clean and green!

Don’t act mean – Be Green!

Don’t be mean, go green.

Don’t panic – go organic.

For the love of green!

Forever green!…


Added by 用心涼Coooool on June 16, 2016 at 12:51pm — No Comments

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