文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
與形式的“新”相比,文科建設更需要內涵的“思想”。數千年來,“文科”不論新舊,關鍵要看有無思想,以及思想的深刻、廣博和邏輯性。歷史上已有的諸多文科思想巨匠的作品不會過時,但它們顯然是新文科視野中的“舊文科”。思想才是解決問題的潤滑劑,是文科更具價值的內核。追求文科的新舊價值顯然比不上追求文科的高品質,有思想,能思想,會思想。 [7]
現在列入文科領域的研究對象極爲複雜多樣,研究範式不是唯一的,發展趨勢存在多種可能性與差異性,不存在唯一的“必由之路”,不必構建衆多的體系,不宜投巨資以項目驅動方式將全國高校的文科引導到單一的研究方式與路徑。該領域的高品質發展需要高素養、有思想的學人以開放態度,各自以獨特方式開展多種途徑的探索,其中一部分可能會超越學科走向集成,也許這才是促進文科領域真實創新、更好滿足人民生活幸福需要的更可行路徑。 [7]
爲何越來越多的高校 開始設置微專業
他認爲,微專業是創新人才培養模式、重塑教育教學組織形式的重要手段。因此,建設微專業,要加強教師隊伍建設,打造一隻跨學科的高水平教學團隊;創新教學模式與培養方式,提昇教師的實踐教學能力與學科交叉融合水平;創新評價機制,以靈活、多樣的考核和評價標準,培養創新型人才,爲微專業的建設提供一個開放、多元的發展環境;重視數字化改革,通過慕課、虛擬教研室等數字化平台,共享專業課程資源,以科技手段培養複合型創新人才。(2022年06月16日| 來源:科技日報)
深化教學改革,提昇教學質量。加強課程建設,淘汰“水課”,打造“金課”, 廣泛開展線上線下相結合的混合式教學,建設一批優秀的在線開放課程和虛擬仿真實驗項目,開展MOOC、SPOC和混合式課堂教學,推動信息技術與教育教學的深度融合,促進翻轉課堂建設,構建新型課堂教學模式,提高學生在教學活動中的參與度,着力推動教學方式從“以教爲中心”到“以學爲中心”的轉變。
以身心素質、鍛煉習慣培養和社區體育文化爲重點,改革課程設置、教育模式和考核模式,引導學生天天鍛煉、素質成長、終身受益。將課外體育鍛煉納入教學計劃的同時鼓勵學生組建體育社團和體育俱樂部,爭取讓每個學生都能掌握1-2項運動技能,養成終身鍛煉習慣; 抓社區體育文化,培養學生的奮鬥精神、團隊協作意識、抗挫折能力等;引導學生積極運動、適量運動、快樂運動、素質運動,培育學生素質的體魄和堅強的意志。
Jobs and Skills I Education 4.0: Here are 3 skills that students will need for the jobs of the future by Asheesh Advani
President and Chief Executive Officer, JA Worldwide
This article is part of: World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
Education 4.0 reimagines education as an inclusive, lifelong experience that places the responsibility for skill-building on the learner, with teachers and mentors acting as facilitators and enablers.
To create the environment required to foster Education 4.0, existing educational systems must be upgraded and invested in.
Problem-solving, collaboration and adaptability are the three critical skills that Education 4.0 must impart to students.
Education 4.0 reimagines education as an inclusive, lifelong experience that places the responsibility for skill-building on the learner, with teachers and mentors acting as facilitators and enablers.
Here are the three critical skills that should play a central role in each student’s personal curriculum as we prepare students, parents, educators and the business community — working alongside governmental and non-governmental agencies — to invest in and upgrade existing education systems for the jobs of the ever-evolving future.
Problem-solving, collaboration and adaptability are the three critical skills that Education 4.0 must impart to students.
1. Problem-solving - Education 4.0
(Con't)Problem-solving is at or near the top of every university’s and company’s must-have skillset, but what does it really mean? Students who are competent problem-solvers approach problems with curiosity, ready to embrace the challenge before them. Working independently or with others, students study the situation and ask questions to identify the root cause of a problem, collaboratively brainstorm potential solutions once the cause is verified, experiment and test solutions on a small scale, review the outcomes of those tests, scale up the best solution and keep monitoring the solution to ensure that it’s truly solving the problem. Along the way, students build and rely upon the building blocks of problem-solving: creativity, data analysis, perseverance and critical thinking.
In a Brookings Institution series on teaching future skills, educator Kate Mills describes “normalising trouble” in her classroom, looking for opportunities to showcase the way other students (not the teacher) have worked through problems, naming and describing the steps they used and reiterating how the process solved the problem. “After a few weeks,” Mills says, “most of the class understands that the teachers aren’t there to solve problems for the students, but to support them in solving the problems themselves.” This includes giving students a range of go-to strategies for problem-solving that students can refer to if they get stuck. “For me, as a teacher,” Mills continues, “it is important that I create a classroom environment in which students are problem-solvers.”
What's the World Economic Forum doing about diversity, equity and inclusion?
The COVID-19 pandemic and recent social and political unrest have created a profound sense of urgency for companies to actively work to tackle inequity.
The Forum's work on Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Social Justice is driven by the New Economy and Society Platform, which is focused on building prosperous, inclusive and just economies and societies. In addition to its work on economic growth, revival and transformation, work, wages and job creation, and education, skills and learning, the Platform takes an integrated and holistic approach to diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice, and aims to tackle exclusion, bias and discrimination related to race, gender, ability, sexual orientation and all other forms of human diversity.
The Platform produces data, standards and insights, such as the Global Gender Gap Report and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 4.0 Toolkit, and drives or supports action initiatives, such as Partnering for Racial Justice in Business, The Valuable 500 – Closing the Disability Inclusion Gap, Hardwiring Gender Parity in the Future of Work, Closing the Gender Gap Country Accelerators, the Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality, the Community of Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officers and the Global Future Council on Equity and Social Justice.
2. Collaboration - Education 4.0
At its core, collaboration is about working well with others, sometimes as a team leader and other times as a team member. Collaborative students are influential with and influenced by good data and effective persuasion and they show a willingness to change their minds when confronted with evidence that’s contrary to their initial beliefs. Effective collaborators build relationships with all personality types, working styles and backgrounds, acting quickly to lower tension and resolve conflicts within any team. And, they are respectful communicators, whether communicating in person, on camera, via audio, when writing in any form (from low context micro-messages to lengthy reports) or actively listening.
(Con't)Five years ago, Pearson Education, the British educational publishing giant, collaborated with the Partnership for 21st Century Learning to review the most significant findings in teaching students how to collaborate. The report recommends building three elements of collaboration into everyday classroom activities: interpersonal communication, conflict resolution and task management. “For example,” the report offers, “if a task simply requires groups to generate a lot of ideas but not to prioritise those options or make any selections, there will be little need for students to coordinate their ideas and contributions. Similarly, if a task calls for consensus but everyone in the group already agrees about the best course of action then there is no opportunity for students to practice their conflict-resolution skills.” Some level of friction must be built into the learning environment to develop and practice collaboration skills.
To design a collaborative-learning classroom, the report recommends organizing students into a myriad of different groups for a variety of tasks and projects, rotating roles among students to ensure that all students experience a range of responsibilities and interpersonal situations and teaching students how to conduct peer evaluations that offer honest, constructive feedback. Not surprisingly, the report also confirms that students with strong collaboration skills have better employment and advancement prospects than those without.
Have you read?
3. Adaptability - Education 4.0
The ability to continually adapt to new situations and realities has long been underrated because 'adaptability' is challenging to define. Adaptability skills range from a certain comfort with uncertainty, sudden changes and unfamiliar circumstances to the ability to make effective decisions and develop innovative solutions under pressure. Youth who are adaptable shift seamlessly from following to leading and back again. They welcome opportunities to learn new topics, master new skills and test themselves.
An Australian research team, led by Andrew J. Martin, has been studying students’ responses to uncertainty, novelty and change for the last decade, noting that learning to adapt requires cognitive, behavioural and affective (emotional) adjustments that include developing resilience, buoyancy and self-regulation. One approach to teaching adaptability is to create a self-regulated process with students in which students self-evaluate their proficiency in a particular area, establish learning goals, work to build experience and skills, evaluate proficiency again, identify the modifications needed to continue to improve and so on. Over time, adjusting and modifying skills and behaviours as a result of evaluation and feedback enables this adaptable mindset in young people.
The emergence of Education 4.0 offers a unique opportunity to upgrade our educational systems to ensure that we effectively prepare the world’s two billion young people for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, while also reducing inequalities in educational systems and capitalising on the promise of educational technology. By centring individual skill-building and classroom learning around problem-solving, collaboration and adaptability, Education 4.0 offers young people the greatest possible opportunity to succeed in a global economy.
ESG Watch by www.iconada.tv
A little observation: ESG has been gaining momentum, but awareness among local companies in general seems to be low. We will see how it might become an "epiphany" for post-epidemic revitalisation. But it will take all sorts of good talents, and we are still observing.
Management guru Peter Drucker once said that entrepreneurs have two core functions: innovation and marketing. In an era where SDGs is becoming increasingly important, it is most desirable to redefine it as getting the ESG right and telling the story well.
SDGs:Sustainable Development Goals
ESG: Environment, Social & Governance
卢建彰 ·把好事说成好故事:在实务上踏实,在想法上跳跃
Property Development ESG
各業界的ESG重要修煉:成就大我來自社群共學;背景蒐尋,畫線筆記,打造自身專業的ESG。(愛墾ESG主编 10.6.2023)
What a Corporate University Is and Is Not By Kathryn Tyler
“There is a general lack of understanding of what a corporate university is,” says Mark Allen, Ph.D., a professor at Pepperdine University. “It is not a place, a building or a gimmick. A corporate university is an educational entity that is a strategic tool designed to assist its parent organization in achieving its mission by conducting activities that cultivate individual and organizational learning, knowledge, and wisdom.”
Here are differences between …
A corporate university and a training department. “A training department is tactical or operational, whereas a corporate university is positioned at a strategic level. A good training program helps you do your job better. A corporate university helps the organization achieve its mission,” Allen says.
A corporate university and a traditional university. Traditional universities conduct scientific research and grant degrees in a variety of disciplines. Corporate universities focus primarily—though not exclusively—on on-the-job skills, company-specific proprietary knowledge and branding, and certification. “At a corporate university, you are focusing on learning that will benefit the organization, not just the individual,” Allen says.
The author is a freelance writer and former HR generalist and trainer in Wixom, Mich. (Source: https://www.shrm.org)
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