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Comment by iPLOP on June 24, 2023 at 10:39am








看見幾位網友給別人的內容加照片,補充錄像視頻,發表有感而發的深刻想法,並在社交媒體上轉發,説是在辦微型展覽場,我覺得倒好像朋友開新店,給他們送鮮花那樣。大家打打氣,這樣才會有更多的好東西享受。而不是在蒐索器上生氣自己。[July 19, 2011 ](微博講的是“推”?阿兵哥更懂得推

Comment by iPLOP on June 21, 2023 at 9:10am

In education 2.0, teachers are still the source of knowledge but they started adopting some new and more open roles like being guides, mentors, and helpers. And though education2. 0 is heavily digitized but it was still operating within the same framework of education 1.0.[Education 1.0 Vs Education 2.0 Vs Education 3.0]

Education 3.0 refers to a change in paradigms, where teachers are no longer at the forefront of education. Instead, education is focusing on student-centered learning with teachers acting as a mentor rather than an instructor. [Blended Learning in Education 3.0]

Education 4.0 is a technique of learning that is connected with the fourth industrial revolution and focuses on transforming the future of education through advanced technology and automation. [Understanding Education 4.0: The Machine Learning-Driven Future Of ...]

In HR 4.0, leaders from all walks of the hierarchy participate in the day-to-day management of people; they have tools and methods that help them collaborate with HR by inserting good practices and intelligent routines into the organizational culture. [HR 4.0: how technology is transforming people management]

Comment by iPLOP on June 17, 2023 at 3:48pm

Understanding Education 4.0: The Machine Learning-Driven Future Of Learning by Naveen Joshi

Individuals and societies face motivating, inspiring and potentially broad difficulties as a result of digitization and virtualization in education. Artificial intelligence and machine learning in education will be important drivers of growth and innovation, just like they have been in all industries. Individuals should be able to build more comprehensive expertise, knowledge and abilities, as well as release their innovative potential, using smart and intelligent educational methods and resources. While AI-powered solutions have been around for a while in the EdTech field, the industry has been sluggish to embrace them. (31.3.2022 Forbes)

Comment by iPLOP on June 17, 2023 at 10:03am

On the other side, the pandemic drastically altered the landscape, forcing instructors to rely on technology for virtual instruction. AI has the potential to improve both learning and teaching, assisting the educational industry in evolving to benefit both students and teachers. The education system can follow businesses and mega-corporations to ensure the advancement of learning and prepare their students for jobs roles incorporating enterprise AI. It refers to the use of advanced machine learning and cognitive skills to uncover and distribute organizational knowledge, data and information in a manner that closely resembles how humans search for and analyze information.

What is Education 4.0?

Technology began to penetrate the educational process in the new millennium, and both students and teachers began to use technology in fundamental ways (otherwise known as Education 2.0). Education 3.0 emerged as technology advanced, especially the widespread adoption of a more user-generated internet. This enabled students to access their own information sources, the ability to learn electronically and platforms to communicate with teachers and other students. Education became more networkable, with students having their own direct link to a range of different knowledge sources, rather than being concentrated on a back-and-forth between students and teachers.

Education 4.0 is a technique of learning that is connected with the fourth industrial revolution and focuses on transforming the future of education through advanced technology and automation. Smart technology, artificial intelligence and robotics are part of this industrial revolution. They are all affecting our daily lives. Universities must prepare their students for a world in which cyber-physical systems are ubiquitous across all industries if they are to continue to produce successful graduates. This entails incorporating technology into the curriculum, altering the learning process entirely, and leveraging technology to enhance the university experience. (Source:Mar 31, 2022 Forbes

Comment by iPLOP on May 9, 2023 at 8:07pm

Jeeridyne:砂拉越自家电视台 强势登场!

古晋12日讯)砂拉越首家本土电视台-砂拉越电视台(TV Sarawak)昨晚正式由砂州元首敦泰益玛目主持推展,这场别开生面的推展仪式透过ASTRO和砂拉越电视台脸书官网直播,让全马人民一同见证历史性一刻!









“谁不认识达央诺法伊莎(Dayang Nurfaezah)、鲍勃(Bob)、马来西亚世界小姐得主德薇丽雅娜(Dewi Liana)、马来西亚环球小姐得主法兰西斯卡鲁红(Fransisca Luhong),他们都是砂拉越子民。”



阿邦佐哈里表示,砂拉越电视台计划明年扩展至MY TV旗下数码地面电视(DTT),即数码广播平台,届时可继续为观众提供免费观看。如今,人们可通过ASTRO频道122NJOI频道122ASTRO GO观看砂拉越电视台新闻和特备节目。(12.10.2020https://tvstv.my

Comment by iPLOP on April 11, 2023 at 11:52am

Massive List of MOOC Platforms Around the World in 2023

Comprehensive list of online course platforms worldwide, offering hundreds of thousands of courses.


Comment by iPLOP on March 21, 2023 at 8:20am

















只能說導演只想很快想給觀眾吃下他料理的東西,殊不知這些東西半生不熟難以下嚥。(延續閱讀:邵氏出品:鐵拳飛踢真功夫 / 2020-09-09 https://home.gamer.com.tw

Comment by iPLOP on January 12, 2023 at 10:11pm


中新社北京2018年8月28日電 (記者孫自法)由中國國家知識產權局、國家版權局、商務部、北京市人民政府和世界知識產權組織共同主辦的2018年「一帶一路」知識產權高級別會議,28日在北京開幕。






2018年「一帶一路」知識產權高級別會議為期兩天,與會代表還將圍繞「知識產權在促進『一帶一路』沿線國家產業升級和經濟發展方面的重要作用」「發展全球知識產權體系及共同策略,應對數字時代全球知識產權體系面臨的新挑戰——法律、最佳實踐及合作」等議題展開深入交流討論。(完 / 2018年08月28日 來源:中國新聞網)

Comment by iPLOP on November 16, 2022 at 12:16pm

Heywhipple: Big Ideas vs Long Ideas

The new icon for a "long idea"?

Gareth Kay is one of the few certifiable digital experts out there and he proposes that there’s a subtle but important difference between big ideas and what he calls “long ideas.” These are ideas that are rich enough to be extended into digital and other channels for a long time. They are less brand ideas than they are brand stories.

Kip Voytek is another digital brainiac I’m lucky to call a friend and he added to Gareth’s description with this long wonderful email:

I still think it’s worth encouraging teams doing digital work to come up with good ideas – emphasis on good rather than big, and plural rather than singular.  I have a speech slide with a picture of Madden 2010, World of Warcraft, the iPad, and Nike+ and I challenge people in the audience to come up with the “big idea” behind each of these products.  While people invariably come up with a high-level descriptor, they usually wind up discovering that there are dozens and dozens of big ideas in them; design details, executions, lots of ideas that all add up to its market appeal.  When I had the Nike account in 2002, Nike kept asking us, “What is the big idea of this site, this app, this page?”

An art director finally got exasperated at this ongoing request and said “Don’t you get it?  I have to come up with dozens of great ideas to make a great digital experience.  If you make me focus on only one, you’ll have an experience with one great moment followed by dozens of mediocre ones.

Kip went on to suggest that teams who are briefed to find the one big idea almost always come up with a decent concept, while teams that are freed from the mandate for one big idea think about the long view of the customer and come up with rich experiences that work across the entire customer journey.

When we pay to slavish obedience to a “big idea” we can end up leaving a lot of good concepts on the table. Does every single thing we produce have to look like a clone of the main idea? My guess is no. Yes, it needs to report to the same brand, the same idea, but let’s not get all Concept-Nazi. Sticking to the war metaphor for a minute longer, I am reminded by a cool thing my friend Mike Lescarbeau (CEO of Carmichael/Lynch) told me: he compares a really good idea to a nuclear bomb and asks “Does it really have to land precisely on target to work?”

Come to think of it, long ideas apply also to other areas.

Is every single Beatles song the best one they did? No, but the Beatles story, the Beatles voice, the Beatles brand? Solid as a rock. I liken this long idea concept also to the output of authors. I happen to like Stephen King. In my opinion, the last top-notch A+ story he wrote was The Green Mile, but the dude keeps puttin’ the new titles out there and I keep reading because I love his voice. I love the idea of Stephen King. Long ideas are what you want for brands that are gonna be around for awhile. This blog, it’s a long idea, too. Not every posting is A+, but I’m pretty sure I’ve done some good ones. What’s more important is that I keep at it, keep posting, keep adding to the original iteration.

So remember: Its not a big idea if its only a big idea for a while.https://heywhipple.com/big-ideas-vs-long-ideas/

Comment by iPLOP on October 8, 2022 at 5:27am









愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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