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Comment by Rajang 左岸 on May 15, 2024 at 5:05pm



Comment by Rajang 左岸 on May 6, 2024 at 2:31pm

陈明发:视角 perspective matters II










In the classroom, I told my training partners:

From this moment on, let's look at the world from a different perspective.

Many people might protest, saying, "Can we just switch like that?"

For decades, this is how I've seen the world.

How can you ask me to change now?

Fortunately, those who are desperate to sell you something,

They have enough patience and sensitivity,

Striving desperately in ordinary things,

To try different perspectives and see unique changes.

(By Dr. Tan Beng Huat )

“You are too fickle!”

Comment by Rajang 左岸 on May 5, 2024 at 2:46pm

陈明发:视角 perspective matters



If the Creator doesn't give you something nice to look at,

then you should give Him something nice to look at;

whether something is sexy or not

depends on our perspective. (12.12.2011

Comment by Rajang 左岸 on April 12, 2024 at 4:49am


1.1 引言

詩歌療愈是指使用特定的語言、象徵和故事,來達到干預效果、教育意義或者團隊建設性的目的(Mazza, 2012)。美國心理學家阿瑟·勒內說:「詩歌在治療過程中是一種工具而不是一種說教」(杜浩,2017)。但以往的研究中,對於詩歌的療愈機制鮮少被提及。詩歌的療愈機制可能來源於詩歌可以有效改變創傷者的認知方式,從而對創傷者的心理狀態進行有效的干預。

盡管在應用層面詩歌療愈一直都佔有一席之地(Alfrey et al., 2021),但直到20世紀80年代,詩歌療愈才有了長足的發展(Mazza & Hayton, 2013),使它成為基於表達藝術治療領域中一個較為年輕的分支(Heimes, 2011)。

(Toon Joosen's Amusing Collages Art)

詩歌療法的應用十分廣泛,其應用場景包括心理健康診所(Schwietert, 2004)、精神病院干預(Danila et al., 2018; Johnson, 2017)、社區(Sjollema & Hanley, 2014)、監獄(Rothman & Walker, 1997)和學校(Sassen, 2012)。詩歌療法可以改善的病症也多種多樣,包括治療各種心理健康困難、建立心理韌性(Tegnér, Fox, Philipp, & Thorne, 2009)、發展共情(Ingram, 2003)、改善認知(Danila et al., 2018; Levine-Madori, 2007)、預防心理與行為問題(Esterling, L‘Abate, Murray, & Pennebaker, 1999)、風險評估(Sharlin & Shenhar, 1986; Stirman & Pennebaker, 2001)、社區創傷中的意義形成(Whitworth, 2017)以及支持青少年發展(Kloser, 2013; Williams, 2011)。同樣值得注意的是,詩歌經常被用來補充其他形式的心理治療,特別是基於正念的方法(Shapiro, 2001);形成基於正念的認知療法(Segal, Teas-dale, Williams, & Gemar, 2002)和基於正念的減壓(Santorelli, Kabat-Zinn, Blacker, Meleo-Meyer, & Koerbel, 2017)的課程的一部分。


拼貼詩是以詩歌為載體,借用拼貼藝術療法中的拼貼手段,完成的一種「極具美感,是一種視覺享受,但大多與單詞本身的意義無涉(Segebrecht, 2005)」的藝術形式。


「拼貼」一詞最初源於繪畫,是在畫板或畫布上將各種不同的材料重新拼合以創造出新的美感的一種技巧。這個詞語後來被借用到文學領域, 這種文字的組合方式與傳統文本的敘述方式不一樣,它將不相干的信息碎片組合在一起以創造出新的意義,產生令人震撼的藝術效果(張帆&馮曉春,2011)。這樣的表述方式關照人內心世界的無意識活動,融合人的各種感受(朱芳,2021)。

(陳思穎,方紫夢,艾麗皮熱•吐魯洪,陳佳欣. 詩歌療愈對情緒的干預作用——以拼貼詩為例;Intervention Effect of Poetry Healing on Emotion—Taking Collage Poetry as an Example[J]. 心理學進展, 2023, 13(03): 1125-1133. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2023.133135 / 作者單位:陳思穎1*,方紫夢1*,艾麗皮熱·吐魯洪1,陳佳欣2;1湖北大學師范學院,湖北 武漢;2湖北大學文學院,湖北 武漢))

Comment by Rajang 左岸 on April 8, 2024 at 4:40pm



Chinese artistLuo Li Rong creates the most realistic feminine sculptures. This precise work and graceful lineaments give you an impression that the time has stopped and a second after the sculptures will move. You can almost see them breathing.

我要向芝加哥大学心理学教授契谢米亥(Csikzentmihalyi)借用“意识失序”(Consciousness Disorder)或“心灵熵”(Psychicentropy),来说明现代人需要文化创意体验,来带给他们和谐的意识状态。所以,提供这方面体验的、体悟的创意人,首先需要来把握这知识。

“意识失序”的反面,则是“最佳体验”或“最充分体验”(Optimal Experience)。契谢米亥称之“流畅感体验”(Flow),因为根据他的研究结果,许多人在工作或生活中,体验过悠然忘我的陶醉时刻,过后都会感觉得轻飘飘,好像自己整个人在“浮动”、“漂游”(Float)一般。






流畅感体验(Flow)使人高度地集中注意力,意识聚焦,促使我们的自我整合起来,进入圆融状态、秩序分明。思想、动机、感觉以及全部感官都集中在同一个目标。体验是和谐的。当一个流畅感体验过去,我们越发感觉得“和自己站在一起”;不仅如此,也感觉得与人特别亲近,跟世界特别的亲近。(陈明发取材自了英文版,39-41页,Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, 1990, FLOW—The Psychology of Optimal Experience, New York: Harper Perennial)


Comment by Rajang 左岸 on April 5, 2024 at 8:19pm


Hugh Prather 修普萊瑟《大地行吟》頁31〈問題與追尋〉

你說你想要“成為某某人的樣子”--那麼,顯然你并不想成為你自己。Hugh Prather 修普萊瑟《大地行吟》頁24〈真正的人〉

Comment by Rajang 左岸 on March 28, 2024 at 8:57am





坊間有不少成長團體,說是採納了完形和感官等治療技法,西體中用,能幫助人們開發生命潛能。欣賞石博進老師的創作心靈過程,平平淡淡卻是實實在在的道出,怎樣從尋常瑣事,甚至是“廢物利用”,提煉出好作品,真正的奧妙在於那一份貼近生命脈搏的創造力。“願人間坎坷都因自我磨礪而圓順平坦”,是多大的成長能量?講開發生命潛藏,我建議不妨參與藝術創作坊。其實,人人都是自己生命的藝術家。(April 27, 2015 原創)

Comment by Rajang 左岸 on January 30, 2024 at 5:53pm

F.A.I.L. = First Attempt In Learning by Nepean Tutoring

“If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L. means ‘first attempt in learning’; End is not the end, in fact, E.N.D. means “Effort Never Dies’…”

This quote is attributed to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, India’s 11th President. He was a world-renowned aerospace scientist who helped to establish India’s leading space program, including the development of India’s Satellite Launch Vehicle. He is considered one of India’s most popular presidents, especially among students, because he encouraged them to take an active interest in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).

At this point in the year, many students are utterly exhausted. For most, term 2 was a frantic scramble, managing overlapping due dates and preparing several assessments at the same time. Outside of school, students managed dance eisteddfods, martial arts gradings, soccer and netball seasons, music exams, and birthday parties. Our kids are busy!

Students, in particular those with perfectionistic tendencies, share common sense of dread as they anticipate half-yearly reports. Questions swirl around their mind:

Have I improved on last year’s marks?
Have I done enough to score an A?
What’s my ranking?
Have I… failed?

Even laid-back students wonder at some point: ‘What will mum and dad think?’ and ‘What will this mean for my future?’

Much of this anxiety is a result of our cultural aversion to failure. While the language of success can be a great motivator, it can also imply that “Failure is not an option” (a quote attributed to Gene Kranz, the American engineer who directed the safe return of the Apollo 13 flight crew).

                                   Photo by Sieuwert Otterloo on Unsplash

Both of these space experts seem to have opposing perspectives on failure, but I’d say that they both highlight the values of perseverance and resilience. For Dr. Kalam, failure is synonymous with experimentation, and as all scientists and entrepreneurs know, experimentation is the foundation of innovation. To innovate, we need to bounce back after failure and learn from our mistakes. Likewise, Kranz suggests that failure is not an option because there is no such thing as failure; there is only determined perseverance.

Comment by Rajang 左岸 on January 30, 2024 at 5:52pm
Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Perseverance and resilience are the hallmarks of a growth mindset: they help students to see mistakes as stepping stones to success.

The opposite of a growth mindset is a fixed mindset which views fixed markers like grades as good or bad, without acknowledging improvements in skill and knowledge that aren’t measured in formal assessments. This is a very demotivating outlook because it sees learning as all or nothing, and anything less than perfect isn’t good enough.

To develop a growth mindset, we need to focus more on the process than we focus on the outcome. That’s not to say that grades don’t matter, but when we emphasise the long-haul journey of school education as part of life-long learning, successful outcomes take care of themselves.

So how do we calm our children’s anxiety and foster a growth mindset at school and at home?

1. Model Persistence

Children learn to react to failure and disappointment by imitating the way those around them cope with challenges. As part of your child’s learning team, it’s good to talk openly when you have a rough day or when you’ve made a mistake to demonstrate that it’s okay to experience emotions such as anger, frustration and guilt after failure. Modelling a mindful acceptance of your emotions shows your child how to persevere and be resilient through disappointments and challenges.

2. Observe

While your child is doing homework, intentionally look for positive behaviours such as focus, asking questions, creativity, problem-solving and persistence, and praise their efforts. Acknowledging and encouraging specific behaviours shows students that success is about more than grades. By reflecting together on their processes, what they’ve learned and how they’re strengthening their skills, they’ll see that learning is a rewarding journey.

3. Ask, Don’t Tell

Ask your child questions to help them reflect on their own progress. You could ask:

How did you solve this problem?
What was the most interesting aspect of that project?
What are you communicating though this piece?
How did you reach that idea?
Why do you think this happened?

Comment by Rajang 左岸 on January 30, 2024 at 5:52pm

There is rarely only one correct way to do something, and in many subjects, especially more subjective subjects like English, History and Art, there is more than one correct answer.

Asking questions helps students to develop the self-reflection skills and problem-solving skills necessary to become independent learners. It also gives them the creative freedom to develop a method of working out Math problems or researching assignments that suits their unique personality and learning style.

Of course, if they’re totally stuck, you can make suggestions or tell them the answer and describe how you got there so they can grow in understanding. Just give them a chance to work it out first.

4. Create Safe Spaces

It’s tempting to want to insulate our children from failure, but it’s important to allow them to make their own choices and experience mistakes.

You can create an emotionally safe space for learning and experimenting at home where mistakes are seen as steps to success. By letting failure happen, even inconsequential failures like missing a shot in basketball or forgetting to add eggs to the cake batter, can help your child to learn vital problem-solving and self-regulation skills that will empower them to be resilient learners in the classroom and beyond.

5. The Importance of Time

Allow plenty of time for trial and error. It’s important to start assignments, homework and exam revision early, when the notification is given, to allow time for experimentation and learning from mistakes. When a student feels like they’re under too much time pressure, they’re likely to become apathetic or to develop unhealthy coping mechanisms, neither of which helps them to learn or enjoy learning. Drafting, feedback and revision takes time, but will result in success, and they’ll grow to be intrinsically motivated, proactive learners.
How can a tutor help?

As we’ve seen, failure isn’t a bad thing. In fact, failure is necessary to success. After all, how can you know what works until you know what doesn’t work?

A tutor’s role is to support and guide your child’s learning, rather than to do for them what they need to learn to do for themselves. Tutors are uniquely placed to give your child the individual attention they need, which a busy classroom doesn’t often afford.

Tutors demonstrate methods and explain concepts practically, at the student’s own pace, and they notice and praise improvement regularly. With this encouragement, students learn to explore new ideas and innovative strategies, and fail with confidence knowing that they have the proven skill and capacity to be resourceful and resilient.

If your child is struggling at school or disappointed with their half-yearly report, let Nepean Tutoring help. Even if you’ve got a HSC student heading into trial exams, it’s not too late to start tutoring. Contact Us today for a free consultation and to learn how our exclusive tutor-matching process can help your child transform failure into success.

(Source: https://nepeantutoring.com.au)

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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