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What Are The Types Of Diabetes? Type 2 Diabetes Brochure Pdf. There are 3 main types of diabetes you require to know about. These include type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes, which is diabetes while pregnant. Type 1 Diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is believed to be caused by an autoimmune response, or when the body attacks itself by mistake. A Guide to Managing Diabetes9 Diabetes Overview Type 2 Diabetes In people with type 2 diabetes, there are two main contributing problems, insulin resistance and insulin deficiency. When insulin resistance occurs, the pancreas continues to make insulin but the body is unable to use it because the body's cells have become resistant. Children can also have type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes used to be found mostly in older adults. But type 2 diabetes has been on the rise in children and adolescents. In type 2 dia-betes, the body doesn't make enough insulin or the insulin the body does make doesn't work well. Children with type 2 dia-betes are treated with diet and Type 2 Diabetes Brochure. 1. 2. Reso urces . Type 2 Diabetes . Califo rnia Sch ool Nurse s Org anization-CSN O . Type 2 Diabetes Brochure PDF. Favor this template? Just fancy it by voting! (0 Votes) 0.0. Related Forms. Standard Diabetes Brochure Template ; 2 Page(s) | 1032 Views | 5 Downloads 2. There are several types of diabetes, but most have one of two main types. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas stops making insulin altogether. A person with type 1 diabetes must take insulin for life. Yet the insulin taken usually works very well to control blood sugar levels. About 90% of people with diabetes, have type 2 diabetes. In type Type 2 Diabetes California School Nurses Organization-CSNO 1225 8th Street, Suite 500, Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: 916-448-5752-Toll Free: 888-268-2766-Fax: 916-448-5767 Email: csno@csno.org-Website: csno.org What Every Parent Should Know Diabetes Brochure Author: counts for 5-10% of all diabetes in the United States. There does appear to be a genetic component to Type 1 diabetes, but the cause has yet to be identified. Type 2 diabetes is much more common and accounts for 90-95% of all diabetes. Type 2 diabetes primarily affects adults, however recently Type 2 has begun developing in children. to manage diabetes and work with you to adjust your food plan, activity and medications. Remember, you are the most important member of your health-care team Complications of diabetes Type 2 diabetes is a progressive, life-long disease. It may become more difficult to keep your blood sugar levels within your target range. High blood View Type 2 Diabetes Brochure .pdf from NURS 3430 at Texas State University. WHAT IS IT? With type 2 diabetes, your body makes some insulin, but not enough. Or the insulin your body makes does not People with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin to keep blood sugar in a normal range. Type 2 Diabetes In type 2 diabetes, the body may make insulin, but does not make enough or does not use it correctly. This is called insulin resistance. Glucose builds up in the blood and causes high blood sugar. Type 2 diabetes is often treated with diet exercise and a healthy diet. Some people with Type 2 diabetes also need to lower their blood sugar by medication. A GUIDE TO MANAGING DIABETES You can control diabetes and help prevent diabetes-related health problems. Controlling diabetes requires making long-term lifestyle changes which may be hard at first. But you can do it! Type 2 dia
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