Scatter gather instruction manual

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This video explains the Integration Design pattern 'Scatter-Gather' using Mule 4 to demonstrate the design of parallel processing to improve the performance. fileslib. Scatter-Gather is a routing message processor in Mule ESB runtime that sends a request message to multiple targets concurrently. It then collects the responses from all routes and aggregates them Scatter-Gather processes messages in-parallel and the result is an aggregated response of the routes. To live up to its merits, Scatter-Gather needs more than one message processing route. When the process responses are independent of each other, it is efficient to use Scatter-Gather. Use Scatter-Gather for multicasting scenarios.
The Scatter-Gather component is a routing event processor that processes a Mule event through different parallel processing routes that contain different event processors. Each route receives a reference to the Mule event and executes a sequence of one or more event processors. Each of these routes uses a separate thread to execute the event
The Scatter-Gather component executes each route in parallel. Each route receives a reference to the Mule event and executes a sequence of one or more event processors. Each of these routes uses a

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