Merchandising terminology pdf
















The University of Rhode Island A predisposition towards a person or object based on cultural mores and values which is a precursor of behaviour. Balance of payments. A measure of all economic transactions between one country and all other countries. Barter. The direct exchange of goods and services between two parties, often without cash considerations. Basis trading. Here are 104 marketing and sales terms that you should know. 1. A/B Testing. Testing two versions of a webpage, email subject line, landing page, CTA, etc. to see which one performs better. 2. Advertising. Putting a spotlight on a product, service or business through paid broadcasting - print or digital. 3. Analytics. Part 1: 1-2 Terminology for Visual Merchandising and Display Terminology defined for "Defining Visual Merchandising and Display". Accent Lighting: lighting technique that emphasizes, highlights, spotlights, or focuses on specific areas of the store, merchandise displays, or focal points of a display UTM parameters are simply tags that you add to a URL in order to track your campaigns and improve marketing data quality. When someone clicks on a URL with UTM parameters, those tags are sent back to your Google Analytics for tracking purposes. The most common parameters are medium, source, campaign, term, content. Here's a brief overview of marketing communication fundamentals. Be sure to watch the video clip in this section to see these concepts illustrated. THE FOUR P's OF MARKETING Product: goods and services, whether bottled water or car insurance. This 'P' includes a product's design and development, as well as its branding and packaging. Welcome to our list of commonly used marketing terms. The goal of this glossary is to define any confusing marketing jargon you encounter. A Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file that looks like a printed document and is compatible across computer systems. Adobe Systems developed the .pdf format, which allows people to view, download Here are 101 popular marketing terms and definitions you Sales Terms Lead - A company or person who's shown interest in a product, service, or idea. Prospect - A potential customer/client who has buying authority, the financial capacity, and willingness to buy. Suspect - Everyone in your target audience who could potentially buy. a marketing director a marketing ploy a marketing strategy a point of sale a price cut a scheme / a strategy a shelf a stock shortage a survey a voucher an advertising campaign an age group the packaging the supply. USEFUL VERBS. to attract to benefit to cost to offer to position to recall to supply to succeed to withdraw © This glossary defines key terms used in this book and more generally in service marketing and management. For a broader coverage of marketing terms, see the glossaries in marketing management texts such as Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing Management, 12/e (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2006) or consult the American Marketing Glossary of Marketing Terms 1 Introduction In this publication, we provide an explanation of terms used in marketing. The glossary is intended to help you to understand the "jargon" which is used in marketing. This glossary is limited to marketing terms but we publish several other glossaries as well - check our website or call us for The higher the CTR percentage, the more people went through. CTR is essential for many parts of the Digital world.


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