Futsal youth rules pdf

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Team Rules • A maximum of 10 players (9 advised) can be used in any match with 5 on the pitch at any time. Each Player should wear shinpads. Bibs will be used in an event of a colour clash. Start of Play • At the start of play and after each goal, centre is taking. Only 1 player is required. The ball must go back at centre. shirt size (check one) xsyouth s m l adult s m lshorts size (check one) youth adult futsal (indoor soccer) experience: yes no number of seasons played outdoor soccer experience: yes no number of seasons played we ask for active participation from all parents. check areas in which you would be willing to help (coach) The Sport Department Committee of the Youth Maccabi Games will determine the venues and times of the Futsal competitions and teams will be notified accordingly. 3. Game ball The games will be played with "FIFA approved" Futsal balls. 4. Discipline Players sent from the field of play will automatically be suspended as follows: - a. All players allowed to enter the penalty area. Use of restriction to the height of the ball. No height restriction on ball. No height restriction on ball. Use of rectangular goals. Use of football size 5 for adults. Use of square goals (3m by 2m) Use of size 4 Futsal ball (30% reduced bounce) Use of rectangular full-size goals. Use of football FUTSAL RULES 1. Jewelry is not allowed to be worn by any participant during a match. Any and all dangerous equipment must be removed prior to participation. Jewelry cannot be taped or covered with a band aid. 2. GAME TIME IS FORFEIT TIME! 4 players from a team must be present on the court at game time for a team not to forfeit. 3. George Mason University 5v5 Indoor Futsal Soccer Rules Page 5 55) 9.2. Accumulated fouls (1-5) committed on the defensive half of the field 56) Players may form a wall for all direct kick fouls (1-5) committed in the defensive half of the field. 57) Players must be a minimum of 10 yards from the ball (referee will adjust players accordingly for YOUTH LEAGUE & CHAMPIONS LEAGUE EXCEPTIONS TO THE BELOW RULES. The match will last two equal periods of 22 minutes of running clock; Players are entitled to a 4-minute interval at half-time; Youth League - Shin guards are mandatory and must be entirely covered by the socks; Youth League - Sliding is permitted, slide tackling is not United States Youth Futsal General Rules Teams may call one one-minute timeout per half (when in possession of ball, ball out of play). There is no overtime, injury time or stoppage time. Teams are comprised of four outfield players and one goalkeeper. The goalkeeper must wear a different color jersey than the outfield players. Please do not bring outdoor soccer balls into the facility. They are not allowed for warm-up. Only futsal balls are allowed. GENERAL FUTSAL RULES • No offside • No heading • GK can only play the ball by feet or hands for 4 seconds in their own half. If they are in the opponents half, they have no playing restrictions. FIFA Laws of the Game - football-technology.fifa.com These are all basic drills for futsal beginners and provide a good base point to build upon. The basic futsal drills we will cover to help you in your progression as a futsal player are:


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