5 instructions for using a diaphragm

5 instructions for using a diaphragm

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Read Online 5 instructions for using a diaphragm

1. Squeeze a spoonful of spermicidal cream, jelly, or foam into the diaphragm and around the rim 2. Press the rim together; push into the vagina as far as it fileslib. The diaphragm can be inserted up to six hours to immediately before sexual intercourse. The diaphragm must remain in place for at least six How do you take care of your diaphragm? How do I take care of my diaphragm? 1 After you take it out, wash it with soap and warm water.
How do you insert a diaphragm? Insert your diaphragm 1 Use one hand to fold the diaphragm in half with the dome pointing down. Hold your vagina open with your other hand.
1. Wash your hands with soap and water. 2. Put spermicide in the cup, following the instructions on the package your diaphragm came in. 3. Get into a

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