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Comment by 說好不准跳 on May 13, 2022 at 12:44am




Comment by 說好不准跳 on March 26, 2022 at 3:22pm






Comment by 說好不准跳 on March 19, 2022 at 9:08pm










Comment by 說好不准跳 on March 18, 2022 at 1:13am




Comment by 說好不准跳 on December 23, 2021 at 3:38pm







Comment by 說好不准跳 on November 24, 2021 at 4:16pm












Comment by 說好不准跳 on November 11, 2021 at 2:35pm



Comment by 說好不准跳 on November 5, 2021 at 12:16am



1 最近有一場政治辯論,是由兩個單位聯辦的。有趣的是,到了向正反雙方提問最後四道問題的時段,照理應該是聯辦雙方的兩位聯合主持人各問兩道才是正常的操作,可是其中一方的女主持人却先發制人一口氣問完四道,讓另一位男主持最後根本沒時間再問了,而大家居然看不出這“高招”有問題,或默然接受了這樣的安排?這固然反映了有關單位的工作倫理,也反映了一般民眾不知不覺的意識。這樣的文化现象明顯地就是一種有機心的設計。當然,有少数人發現了其巧妙,文化使然,也認為這種“智取”、“將了人一把”的把戲,真“過癮”,末了還說一句:“被人吃了都不知道。大眾傳播文化的倫理道德底线、示範作用,天知道有何特别安排?

2 再進一步看那最後四道問題,照常理應該是針對正反雙方各問兩道才是,同樣的,因爲“善於發揮”、“先下手為強”、“在鏡頭前的另一位主播和被詢者,因為是直播也不好當眾發作”的“過人機智”,玩點小動作却可能博個大效果,于是把四道問題全丟給正方一邊去接招,一副看你怎麼個招架,期待你“講多錯多”的態度,而一般觀眾要不是不察不覺,就是還欣賞這位女主播“高招”。

3 這個號稱馬來西亞大眾傳播界最高水平的單位,主持人居然還不如一位中學辯論會主持同學的常識水平?辯論會照常理是開場由正方陳詞,反方接着陳詞;尾場結束前則由反方先總結,正方後總結,可是這單位硬是要正方先總結,限定時間一到就沒命地按鈴;然後才由反方總結,過了時間也不按鈴。這個做得太明顯吧?可是它就是這種文化水平,只要“大多數觀眾欣然接受,又有何不可”?

4 難怪辯論會一結束後,直播攝錄機鏡頭拉遠時,這位姐兒對反方笑得好甜好燦爛,似乎在問他:我這樣的表現,您還滿意吧?(3.11.2021)

Comment by 說好不准跳 on November 1, 2021 at 10:02pm

Support for Whiskey Timah to keep its name & image

We, a group of concerned Malaysian citizens of multi-ethnic backgrounds, wish to express our support for Winepak Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd to keep the name and image of their award-winning whiskey, Timah.

No one should be pressured into changing the name and image of their product, simply because of a sudden and deliberate provocation of fringe political sentiments, which have transformed this non-issue into a proverbial ‘hot potato’. If such political fanfare is allowed to reign supreme, who would dare invest in our Malaysia? Can we realistically hope for a reinvigorated economy post-Covid? What is at stake here is not just a single brand of whiskey, but our market freedom and economic rationality.

The allegations that Timah is out to confuse or even insult the Muslims are completely dishonest, and cannot be supported by facts or logic. “Seperti tegakkan benang yang basah”, as the Malay proverb would say.

First, the ‘Timah’ branding draws its inspiration from the Malay word for ‘tin’ — the metal that helped build Malaya's economy in the 19th century — and from the story of ‘Captain Speedy’, who served to uphold a state of peace and order in the mining district of Larut, Perak; not the abbreviation of ‘Fatimah’, the Prophet's daughter. Insisting that Timah, the whiskey, equates to Fatimah, the person, is as absurd as saying that one is trampling on anyone named Fatimah when walking on Jalan Timah.

Comment by 說好不准跳 on November 1, 2021 at 10:02pm

Second, Captain Speedy was not a Muslim, and he wore an Ethiopian skull cap, not kopiah, as he served later in Ethiopia. While many Muslims men are bearded, not all bearded men are Muslims; and, in the same way, while a ‘kopiah’ may bear resemblance to many other caps, they are by no means the same. It is senseless, and dangerous, to claim that anything some Malaysian Muslims may find familiar, must be exclusive for their usage, and that non-Muslims cannot use them whenever some Muslims claim to be offended.

Third, the Whiskey uses the Malay word ‘Timah’, instead of some English word, to highlight its local origin, like many consumer products in global markets do. While everyone is free not to celebrate Timah's success in the international market, no one has the right to claim that Bahasa Malaysia, our national language, is exclusively for Muslims.

West Malaysians should remember that our country consists not only of the Peninsula, but also of Sabah and Sarawak, where many native communities both habitually speak Bahasa Malaysia and celebrate their traditional alcohols — like lihing, montoku, bahar, tuak and langkau — as part of their cultural heritage. The foreparents of Sabah and Sarawak signed on to the formation of a secular Federation of Malaysia, where the consumption of alcohol is to be accepted as individual freedom. The hurling of rude insults on alcohol consumption goes against Borneo sensitivities, and has no place in a Malaysia that treasures the presence of Sabah and Sarawak.

The witch-hunt over Timah is essentially a competition between a small group of Malay-Muslim politicians trying to outdo one another at being communal heroes in the name of "respecting Muslims' sensitivity". Most Malaysians are civil, and respectful of one another’s beliefs, but sensitivity should not become a license for imposing one group’s ideology onto everyone.

In the last decade, we have already witnessed similar incidents that forced common products like "root beer" and "hotdog" into a name change. This madness will certainly not end with the Timah Whiskey changing its name. If the victory is scored on Timah, the zealots will turn to another product and incite yet another outcry that "Malay-Muslims sensitivities have been violated!" In this sense, protecting Timah's right to keep its name is to protect common sense in our politics, society and economy.

We are heartened to find that amongst Malay-based parties, from PAS to Amanah, UMNO to PKR, there are some leaders who can see the senselessness in harping on Timah, even as some of their colleagues continue to make false and incendiary claims.

We urge Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri to end this fiasco over Timah Whiskey, to show that the ‘Keluarga Malaysia’ concept he espouses is inclusive and rational, and to prevent the demonising of ethnic minorities, who consume food and drinks forbidden to Muslims, under the false pretence of safeguarding Malay-Muslim sensitivities. The PM must ensure that Islam's principle of religious freedom — "for you is your religion, and for me is my religion" — is implemented in daily life.

We also call upon Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi of Sarawak, to firmly defend the virtue of multiculturalism that the people of Sabah and Sarawak hold dear, and not to be a party of any action that forces Timah Whiskey into a name change, when some quarters try to make alcohol consumption an unacceptable act in Malaysia.

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.


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