Here is the first test of Marco Tempest‘s "Magic Projection" system out on the streets in Tokyo. "Magic Projection" is his new augmented reality projection tracking system created for use in his magic stage performances. Have a look and let him know what you think.

Special Thanks to: Zachary Lieberman for software development and for creating OpenFrameworks. Thank you to Danjel van Tijn for his arduino and Wii engineering and Nolan from PeauProductions for the M12 IR filter modifications on the PS3 camera. Also Parte Koishi, Shingo, Teddy, Lisa, Shige, Miki, Masayo, Chika and all at Empire Entertainment Japan for helping me on location in Tokyo. Makiko-sensei for programing me in Japanese. Johnny Chung Lee for his inspirational work with projector based tracking and to all people creating amazing free tools available to artists everywhere: OpenFrameworks, OpenCV, Arduino, MacCam. Made with openframeworks (

The music is 'Open Electro' by Vincent Girès' and can be downloaded from

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