文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
Why Use Bloom’s Taxonomy?
The authors of the revised taxonomy suggest a multi-layered answer to this question, to which the author of this teaching guide has added some clarifying points:
Objectives (learning goals) are important to establish in a pedagogical interchange so that teachers and students alike understand the purpose of that interchange.Organizing objectives helps to clarify objectives for themselves and for students.Having an organized set of objectives helps teachers to:
“plan and deliver appropriate instruction”;“design valid assessment tasks and strategies”;and“ensure that instruction and assessment are aligned with the objectives.”
Bloom’s Taxonomy 布魯姆教學目標分類法
Copied and pasted from Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching webstie. Click For More~ 該模型將人類學習分爲兩個維度:
1956年第一版隻涉及認知領域,上個世紀90年代,布魯姆的學生Lorin Anderson更新了認知目標分類體系以反映21世紀新時代工作所需要的能力目標。
四種認知層面相對應的,就是Content如何進入學生大腦成爲知識的各種渠道,也是Revised Bloom''s Taxonomy 所強調的。首先,比較顯而易見的是,Revised Version是動詞當道,強調行爲性。
Bloom Taxonomy比較打動我的就是對知識的認知層面的劃分(高階認知能力+低階認知能力),讓我重新審視了以往接受過的課堂學習和自己的學習。
此時此刻,我無法否認自己從小到大都是停留在factual knowledge的應用上,比如説文科雖然分數高,但是考試時大部分都靠背頁碼來聯繫所學的知識,平時根本沒有做到理解,這也是我理科學不好的重大原因,也就是所説的“那些停留在factual knowledge層面上的學生是假勤奮,是最笨的一批”。所幸我在大學的時候參加了英辯隊,雖然要unlearn以往的壞習慣這個過程很漫長,甚至我在讀研的時候也隻才開始清晰地意識到以往的不良學習習慣,就是偷懶,不思考,但我還是幸運的。
Verbs: Copy, Define, Name, Recall, Recite
Trace, Tell, Recognise, Quote, Locate
Label, Duplicate, Match, Name, Read.
Verbs: Cite, Explain, Generalise, Illustrate, Rephrase
Observe, Express, Discuss, Relate, Show.
Review, Summarise, Translate, Predict, Interpret.
Verbs: Build, Calculate, Connect, Employ, Model
Use, Interview, Demonstrate, Correlate, Classify.
Transfer, Organise, Experiment with, Choose, Link.
Verbs: Categorise, Classify, Discriminate, Examine, Investigate
Simplify, Dissect, Focus, Establish, Arrange.
Prioritise, Question, Isolate, Order, Regroup.
Verbs: Integrate, Innovate, Extend, Elaborate, Convert
Compile, Revise, Substitute, Transform, Propose.
Build, Change, Combine, Modify, Test.
Verbs: Appraise, Conclude, Disprove, Infer, Support
Convince, Defend, Judge, Persuade, Prove.
Argue, Decide, Dispute, Justify, Validate.
1) How would you describe ...?
2) Can you recall how or what ...?
3) Can you list the three ...?
4) When did ... happen?
Remembering involves recognizing or remembering facts, terms, basic concepts, or answers without necessarily understanding what they mean. Its characteristics may include:
Knowledge of specifics—terminology, specific facts Knowledge of ways and means of dealing with specifics—conventions, trends and sequences, classifications and categories, criteria, methodology Knowledge of the universals and abstractions in a field—principles and generalizations, theories and structures
Example: Name three common varieties of apple.
1) Can you explain what is happening?
2) How would you summarise ...?
3) Can you state or interpret in your own words ...?
4) What is the main idea of ...?
Comprehension involves demonstrating understanding of facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating the main ideas.
Example: Compare the identifying characteristics of a Golden Delicious apple with a Granny Smith apple.
1) What facts would you use to show ...?
2) How would you use ...?
3) How would you organise ___ to show ...?
4) What element would you use to change ...?
Applying involves using acquired knowledge—solving problems in new situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules. Learners should be able to use prior knowledge to solve problems, identify connections and relationships and how they apply in new situations.
Example: Would apples prevent scurvy, a disease caused by a deficiency in vitamin C?
1) What is the relationship between ...?
2) What inference can you make?
3) How would you categorise ...?
4) Can you make a distinction between ...?
Analyzing involves examining and breaking information into component parts, determining how the parts relate to one another, identifying motives or causes, and making inferences and find evidence to support generalizations. Its characteristics include:
Analysis of elementsAnalysis of relationshipsAnalysis of organization
Example: List four ways of serving foods made with apples and explain which ones have the highest health benefits. Provide references to support your statements.
1) How could you modify the plan?
2) Can you construct a model that would change ...?
3) What could be combined to improve ...?
4) How would you adapt ___ to create different ...?
Synthesizing involves building a structure or pattern from diverse elements; it also refers to the act of putting parts together to form a whole. Its characteristics include:
Production of a unique communicationProduction of a plan, or proposed set of operationsDerivation of a set of abstract relations
Example: Convert an "unhealthy" recipe for apple pie to a "healthy" recipe by replacing your choice of ingredients. Explain the health benefits of using the ingredients you chose vs. the original ones.
1) What would you recommend and why?
2) What is your opinion of ...?
3) What information would you use to support your view?
4) How could you determine ...?
Evaluating involves presenting and defending opinions by making judgments about information, validity of ideas, or quality of work based on a set of criteria. Its characteristics include:
Judgments in terms of internal evidenceJudgments in terms of external criteriaExample: Which kinds of apples are best for baking a pie, and why?
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