布爾迪厄:文化生產場 (7)

上文中提到的符號資本,布爾迪厄把他解釋為“積累聲望,名譽或者榮譽的程度,建立在知識(法語:connaissance)認可(法語:reconnaissance)之上。” (Bourdieu,1993:7)。

符號權力,則是“symbolic power is a power of constructing reality, it is invisible power which can be exercised only with the complicity of those who do not want to know that they are subject to it or even that they themselves exercise it”,即“符號權力是一種能夠構建現實的權力,它是一種無形的權力,只有那些不想知道自己被它支配,甚至不想知道自己在行使它的人,才能行使這項權力(Bourdieu,1994:164)。”




總的來說,布爾迪厄將藝術生產場的特征,概括為一種“倒置的經濟規律”,他指出:“Thus, at least in the most perfectly autonomous sector of the field of cultural production, where the only audience aimed at is other producers (e.g. Symbolist poetry), the economy of practices is based, as in a generalized game of “loser wins”, on a systematic inversion of the fundamental principles of all ordinary economies, that of business (it excludes the pursuit of profit and does not guarantee any sort of correspondence between investments and monetary gains), that of power (it condemns honours and temporal greatness). and even that of institutionalized cultural authority (the absence of any academic training or consecration may be considered a virtue).”



在商業上呈現出排斥對利潤的追求,不對投資和財務回報的對應關係做任何承諾;在權力上呈現出譴責一時的成就和名聲;在體制化的文化權威上,沒有經過任何的學術訓練或者被奉為圭臬,反而是一種高尚的品性。” (Bourdieu,1993:39)

本書的其他幾章,主要是借由福樓拜和法國文學,馬奈繪畫和純粹的藝術凝視(pure gaze)作為具體案例,來解釋藝術場域和文學場域的運作機制和形成原因。由於時間有限尚未精讀,只做了大致瀏覽。考慮到篇幅問題,以及與本課程的關聯度都不如第一章強,所以不在本次讀書筆記中逐一體現。



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