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Comment by Khalak Khalayak on March 30, 2024 at 7:54pm

Shanghai to set up universities with Germany, UK by Shen Mengdan

Shanghai's education authorities have announced an annual work plan that includes plans for two new Sino-foreign universities.

These are part of the city's initiatives to promote global education cooperation and exchanges.

The Shanghai Education Commission has signed agreements with German and British universities to set up the Sino-German University of Science and Technology and the Sino-British Arts Institute.

The Sino-German University of Science and Technology, which will come up in the Lingang New Area, will be developed jointly by the commission, Tongji University in Shanghai, the German University Consortium for International Cooperation and three three German universities for applied sciences. It will follow the model of German universities in the applied sciences paradigm to cultivate talent needed by industries.

Shanghai's Donghua University, the Royal College of Art in London, and the Shanghai Education Commission will jointly establish the Sino-British Arts Institute.

It serves Shanghai's objective of creating an international center for fashion, design, and brands by fostering the development of talented artists and designers from across the world.

The website of China's Ministry of Education states that Shanghai has established 176 high-level Sino-foreign educational institutes and programs.

In addition, Shanghai is going to expedite this year's UNESCO International Institute for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) building.

Additionally on the list are improved services for the city's schooling of foreign children.

The memorandum of understanding was signed both online and offline for setting up the Sino-British Arts Institute. (2024-02-20 https://www.shine.cn



地方文化營銷 ELP:Literature

Comment by Khalak Khalayak on February 25, 2024 at 7:47pm


人民網廈門1月14日電 (記者張萌)14日,2024廈門思明山海藝術季重要配套活動——藝術賦能城市新文旅主題分享會舉行。現場,來自全國各地的專家學者、行業代表等,聚焦「重新想象,用藝術探索廈門文旅的想象力」這一主題,展開交流探討。






據悉,2024廈門思明山海藝術季系列活動將持續至3月上旬。(2024年01月14日 | 來源:人民網

Comment by Khalak Khalayak on February 25, 2024 at 12:11pm






「崇仁縣委統戰部將持續在『引賢』上做文章,搭建好鄉賢聯誼會平台,堅持線上線下聯動,把鄉村作為鄉賢返鄉創業的主戰場之一,深入挖掘鄉賢資源,發揮鄉賢能人薈萃的人脈資源優勢,集聚『鄉賢+』力量,賦能鄉村振興。」崇仁縣委統戰部相關負責人說道。(發布時間:2024-01-11 來源:撫州日報 崇仁訊;巫發陽、楊文輝)

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