Henry Wong:Xiao Dong Jiang, Hunan, China.

《愛墾 網》註:小東江位於中國廣西桂林市七星區,灕江左岸,為其叉河,全長5.8千米,河床平均寬度約50米。小東江北起七星區上關村二江口惠濟橋,向南經陽家背、福隆園等處,南流入七星公園,在花橋附近匯靈劍溪水,再經張家園、施家園、江東村、穿山園,於穿山西南麓重新匯入灕江。沿途著名景點有灕江民俗風情園、花橋、龍隱巖、桂海碑林、穿山、塔山等,自北向南有惠濟橋、棲霞橋、花橋、龍隱橋、穿山橋等橋樑橫跨。

Editor's Note:Chenzhou (Chinese: 郴州; pinyin: Chēnzhōu) is a city located in the south of Hunan province, People's Republic of China. Its administrative area covers 19,317 square kilometres, 9.2% of the provincial area, and its total population reached 4,559,600 in 2001, 26% of them living in urban areas, 74% of them live in rural areas.

Chenzhou is situated at the juncture of Hunan and Guangdong provinces at the foot of Qitianling Hill of the Nanling Mountain Range. Places of interest, natural scenic spots, ancient relics and buildings make for over 100 tourism spots in the city. The major ones are the Suxian Hill, the Wanhuayan the Dongjiang Lake and the Wugai Mountain Hunting Field.

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