The Plot offers one-stop Agro-Tourism experience

SERDANG: The Plot, located at the Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang (MAEPS) which features more than 500 types of plants, is offering a unique agro-tourism experience as well as classes for visitors to learn more about the science of farming.

Apadana Agro Sdn Bhd chief executive officer, Dr Abas Mazni Othman, said The Plot which occupies two acres of land, is a one-stop centre offering visitors activities to learn about the types of plants cultivated there through its agro tourism programmes.

"We developed The Plot to benefit individuals who are interested in getting to know plant species that may now be difficult to find anywhere, including those who wish to learn how to cultivate plants.

"I would like to change the perception that agriculture is not fun, hot and smelly because if done right, it is not only fun but can help generate income," he told Bernama in an interview recently.

Abas Mazni said The Plot was divided into 10 sections namely zeolite (volcanic rock) and zeolite-based products; water catchment area; innovative planting media; main crops; outdoor garden; indoor garden, animal farm; retail outlets; centre for recreation as well as training, events and consultancy.

The Plot was divided into 10 sections namely zeolite (volcanic rock) and zeolite-based products; water catchment area; innovative planting media; main crops; outdoor garden; indoor garden, animal farm; retail outlets; centre for recreation as well as training, events and consultancy. - Pic credit Facebook The PLOT by Apadana Agro.

The former Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) scientist said the animal farm on The Plot was filled with chickens, ducks, goats, fish, pigeons, and quails.

He said The Plot was also cultivated with trees and plants that are unique and rare, including lemon myrtle, acerola cherry, miracle berry, Surinam cherry, black turmeric and fragrant flowers, including kesidang (bread flower), Magnolia champaca, orange jasmine and Tonkin jasmine.

The lemon myrtle plant (pic above) was imported from Australia, he said, claiming that only The Plot and an agropreneur in Selangor are cultivating this plant for commercial purposes.
"This miracle berry (pic above) tree, originally from Mexico, is true to its name, it can change the sour taste of food into a sweet taste," he said.

According to him, the crops at The Plot are cared for using environmentally friendly methods that minimise the use of chemical fertilisers to maintain environmental sustainability, including using used tires to replace flower pots.

"We have a section called Tyre Garden@The Plot with the concept of sustainable use of waste materials where old tyres are set out according to the needs of each plant type by prioritising maintenance efficiencies such as watering, fertilising, weeding and cleaning," he said, adding that the tyres also function as barriers to mark the edges of the garden.

Abas Mazni said the plants were also processed to produce products such as tea and aromatherapy oil from lemon myrtle and pickles, jam and juice from the roselle plant, which are being sold in the retail section of The Plot.

Located at the Mechanisation and Automation Technology Site, The Plot is open daily from 9am to 7pm. – (By Bernama - March 28, 2023 in The Star)

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