文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
① 大衛·西蒙在文章《居住位置和存在的區位:朝人文主義地理學的一次回歸》(Lived Emplacement and the Locality of Being)中認為,1970年代對人文主義地理學發展貢獻最大的五位學者分別是:Ann Buttimer,David Ley,Marwyn Samuels,Yi-fu Tuan,和Edward Relph。
② 大衛·西蒙等在2015年的論文《人文主義地理學》(Humanistic Geography)中認為,1970—1978年是地理學人文主義流派最重要成果湧現的時期,並認為其中有10篇文獻最為核心,包括:1)An inquiry into the relations between phenomenology and geography (Edward Relph, 1970);2)Geography, phenomenology, and the study of human nature (Yi-fu Tuan, 1971);3)The black inner city as frontier outpost (David Ley, 1974);4)Values in geography (Anne Buttimer, 1974);5)Space and place: Humanistic perspective (Yi-fu Tuan, 1974);6)Topophilia: A study of environmental perception, attitudes, and values (Yi-fu Tuan, 1974);7)Grasping the dynamism of lifeworld (Anne Buttimer, 1976);8)Humanistic geography (Yi-fu Tuan, 1976);9)Place and placelessness (Edward Relph, 1976);10)Humanistic geography: Prospects and problems (David Ley & Marwyn Samuels, 1978)。
③ 參考Seamon D, Lundberg A. Humanistic geography[M]//Douglas Richardson. The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Wiley, 2015, forthcoming。
④ 該二元模式在段義孚1996年的著作《宇宙與爐臺:世界主義的觀點》(Cosmos and Hearth: A Cosmopolite』s Viewpoint)裏得到進一步擴展。其中,家裏爐臺的意象代表哺育,而宇宙的意象代表自由。但提供哺育的地方同時會對人的發展造成禁錮,而自由的地方也會充滿危險,所以人們就在這兩極的地域之間不斷逃離,尋找完美的平衡點。
致謝: 文中多數翻譯段落取自誌丞的翻譯成果,並已取得本人的同意,在此十分感謝!同時感謝兩位審稿專家的寶貴意見!
[1] Cliffs E, Prentice-Hall N J. Classic in human geography revisited Tuan Y-F. 1974 Topophilia[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 1994, 18(3): 355-359. DOI:10.1177/030913259401800305
[2] Seamon D. Lived emplacement and locality of being[M]//Aiken S, Valentine G. Approaches to Human Geography. London: Sage, 2015:35-48.
[3] 唐曉峰. 閱讀與感知: 人文地理筆記[M]. 北京: 生活·讀書·新知三聯書店, 2013: 248. [Tang Xiaofeng. Reading and Perceiving: The Notes of Human Geography[M]. Beijing: SDX Joint Publishing Comapny, 2013:248.]
[4] 加斯東·巴什拉. 空間的詩學[M]. 張逸婧, 譯. 上海: 上海譯文出版社, 2013: 027. [Bachelard G. The Poetics of Space[M]. Zhang Yijing, trans. Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2013:027.]
[5] 李溪. 段義孚人文主義地理學的哲學視野[J]. 人文地理, 2014, 29(4): 8-12. [Li Xi. The philosophical perspective of Yi-fu Tuan's humanistic geography[J]. Human Geography, 2014, 29(4): 8-12. ]
[6] Dean Sinclair. Tuan's topophilia: The making of a citation class[J]. The Geographical Bulletin, 1995, 37(2): 68-77.
[7] Tuan Y-F. Topophilia: A Study of Environmental Perception, Attitudes, and Values[M]. New York: Columbia University Press, 1974: 2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 20, 23, 89, 92, 93, 113, 129, 141, 151-152, 153, 155, 160, 186, 197, 204, 226, 237, 243, 244, 247, 248.
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[9] 宋秀葵. 段義孚的地方空間思想研究[J]. 人文地理, 2014, 29(4): 19-23. [Song Xiukui. On Yi-fu Tuan's thought of 'place and space'[J]. Human Geography, 2014, 29(4): 19-23. ]
[10] Tuan Y-F. Geography, phenomenology, and the study of human nature[J]. Canadian Geographer, 1971, 15(3): 181-193. DOI:10.1111/cag.1971.15.issue-3
[11] Tuan Y-F. Dominance and Affection: The Making of Pets[M]. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2004: ix.
[12] Tuan Y-F. Morality and Imagionation: Paradoxes of Progress[M]. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1989: ix.
[13] 高秉江. 胡塞爾的Eidos與柏拉圖的idea[J]. 哲學研究, 2004(2): 56-62. [Gao Bingjiang. Study on Husserl's eidos and Plato's idea[J]. The Synopsis of Philosophical Researches, 2004(2): 56-62. ]
[14] Marwyn S. Samuels. Existentialism and human geography[M]//Entrikin J N, Ley D, Samuels M. Humanistic Geography: Prospects and Problems. Chicago: Maaroufa Press, 1978:32, 33.
[15] Paul Cloke, Chris Philo, David Sadler. Approaching Human Geography[M]. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd, 1991:70, 77.
[16] Tuan Y-F. Life as a field trip[J]. Geographical Review, 2001, 91(1): 41-45.
[17] Tuan Y-F. Place: An experiential perspective[J]. Geographical Review, 1975, 65(2): 151-164. DOI:10.2307/213970
[18] Tuan Y-F. Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience[M]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1977:8, 173-175.
[19] Tim Cresswell, 著. 地方: 記憶、想象與認同[M]. 徐苔玲, 王誌弘, 譯. 臺北: 群學出版有限公司, 2006: 35. [Cresswell T. Place: A Short Introduction[M]. Xu Tailing, Wang Zhihong, trans. Taibei: Socio Publishing, 2006:35.]
[20] 約翰·弗蘭姆. 神學認識論[M]. 陳德中, 孫為鯤, 譯. 加州: 中華展望, 2011: 90-92, 108. [John M Frame. The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God[M]. Chen Dezhong, Sun Weikun, trans. C A: China Horizon, 2011:90-92, 108.]
[21] 顧朝林, 於濤方, 李平, 等. 人文地理學流派[M]. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2008: 97. [Gu Chaolin, Yu Taofang, Li Ping, et al. The Academic Schools of Human Geography[M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2008: 97.]
[22] Peet R. Modern Geographical Thought[M]. London: Blackwell Publishing, 1998:53-54.
[23] 崔誠亮. 榮格的原型思想研究[D]. 湘潭: 湘潭大學, 2006: 2. [Cui Chengliang. The Study of Jung's Archetype Thought[D]. Xiangtan: Xiangtan University, 2006:2.]
[24] 卡爾·古斯塔夫·榮格, 著. 心理學與文學[M]. 馮川, 蘇克, 譯. 南京: 譯林出版社, 2014: 6. [Carl Gustav Jung. The Spirit in Man, Psychology and Literature[M]. Feng Chuan, Su Ke, trans. Nanjing: Yilin Press, 2014:6.]
[25] 夏秀. 榮格原型理論初探[D]. 濟南: 山東師範大學, 2000: 9-10, 20. [Xia Xiu. The Study of Jung's Archetype Theory[D]. Jinan: Shandong Normal University, 2000:9-10, 20.]
[26] R J約翰斯頓. 哲學與人文地理學[M]. 蔡運龍, 江濤, 譯. 北京: 商務印書館, 2000: 81. [Johnston R J. Philosophy and Human Geography[M]. Cai Yunlong, Jiang Tao, trans. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2000:81.]
[27] 卡爾·古斯塔夫·榮格. 原型與集體無意識——榮格文集(第五卷)[M]. 徐德林, 譯. 北京: 國際文化出版公司, 2011: 294. [Carl Gustav Jung. The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious[M]. Xu Delin, trans. Beijing: China International Culture Press Limited, 2011:294.]
[28] 卡爾·古斯塔夫·榮格, 等. 潛意識與心靈成長[M]. 張月, 譯. 南京: 譯林出版社, 2014: 242. [Carl Gustav Jung, et al. Man and His Symbols[M]. Zhang Yue, trans. Nanjing: Yilin Press, 2014:242.]
[29] Tuan Y-F. The city: Its distance from nature[J]. Geographical Review, 1978, 68(1): 1-12. DOI:10.2307/213507
[30] 周尚意". 段義孚先生在北京師範大學的報告會"紀要[J]. 地理學報, 2005, 60(5): 866-867. [Zhou Shangyi. The summary of Yi-fu Tuan's seminar in Beijing Normal University[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2005, 60(5): 866-867. DOI:10.11821/xb200505018]
[31] Tuan Y-F. Romantic Geography: In Search of the Sublime Landscape[M]. Madison: University ofWisconsin Press, 2013: 113.
[32] 段義孚. 無邊的恐懼[M]. 徐文寧, 譯. 北京: 北京大學出版社, 2011: 126. [Tuan Y-F. Landscapes of Fear[M]. Xu Wenning, trans. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2011:126.]
[33] Tuan Y-F. A view of geography[J]. American Geographical Society, 1991, 81(1): 99-107.
[34] Tuan Y-F. Time, space, and architecture: Some philosophical musings[M]//Ruan X, Hogben P. Topophilia and Topophobia: Reflections on Twentieth Century Human Habitat. London and New York: Routledge, 2007: 29.
[35] 段義孚. 回家記[M]. 誌丞, 譯. 上海: 上海譯文出版社, 2013: 35-38. [Tuan Y-F. Coming Home to China[M]. Zhi Cheng, trans. Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2013:35-38.]
[36] Tuan Y-F. On human geography[J]. Daedalus, 2003, 132(2): 134-137.
[37] 康德. 純粹理性批判(注釋本)[M]. 李秋零, 譯注. 北京: 中國人民大學出版社, 2011: 117. [Immanuel Kant. The Critique of Pure Reason[M]. Li Qiuling, trans. Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2011:117.]
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[39] Tuan Y-F. Humanistic geography[J]. Annals of The Association of American Geographers, 1976, 66(2): 266-276. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-8306.1976.tb01089.x
[40] Relph E. Place and Placelessness[M]. London: Pion Limited, 1976: 80.
[41] Seamon D, Sowers J. Place and placelessness (1976): Edward Relph[M]//Hubbard P, Kitchin R, Valentine G. Key Texts in Human Geography. London: Sage Publication, 2008:43.
(劉 蘇·段義孚《戀地情結》理念論思想探析,人文地理 2017年第3期總第155期,作者單位:西南大學 地理科學學院,重慶 400715 ;(原載:http://www.xml-data.org)
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