Polymorphism in siphonophora pdf

Polymorphism in siphonophora pdf
















Degree of polymorphism varies greatly in different group of Hydrozoa. 1. Dimorphic: It is simplest and commonest pattern of polymorphism They have only two types of zooids (gastrozooids and gonozooids) and the phenomenon is known as dimorphism. Gastrozooids are concerned with feeding. Gonozooids related to reproduction. Exhibits by many Hydrozoan colonies. Highly modified polymorphism: In order Siphonophora, such as Diphyes, Halistemmia, Stephalia and Physalia, zooids are so much modified that they appear like organs of a single body rather than individuals of a colony. They are mostly pelagic in habit. TYPES OF POLYMORPHISM A few coelenterates, such as Hydra and sea anemone are monomorphic in which only polyp stage is found but other coelenterates exhibit polymorphism. Dimorphism: Many hydrozoan colonies like Tubularia and Campanularia have only two types of zooids, the feeding zooids or gastrozooids and medusae or nectophores that bud off from Stability characteristics • Depending upon relative stability there are two form of polymorphs 1) Stable form 2) Meta form • Stable form having least aqueous solubility. • Meta form having high aqueous solubility. • Solubility ratio=solubility of metastable form/ solubility of stable form. 9. Twinning, Polymorphism, Polytypism, Pseudomorphism Twinning in Crystals Sometimes during the growth of a crystal, or if the crystal is subjected to stress or temperature/pressure conditions different from those under which it originally formed, two or more intergrown crystals are formed in a symmetrical fashion. These symmetrical intergrowths Polymorphism 15-411: Compiler Design Frank Pfenning Lecture 24 November 14, 2013 1 Introduction Polymorphism in programming languages refers to the possibility that a function or data structure can accommodate data of different types. There are two principal forms of polymorphism: ad hoc polymorphism and parametric polymorphism. Ad hoc Polymorphism in siphanophora#Polymorphisminsiphanophora#zoologytutorial#polyp#zoologysyllabus#polymorphism #Physalia#halistemmaPolyp zooidsyoutu.be/x or, simply, polymorphisms.Usingtheanalogyofafour-letterDNAalphabet, polymorphisms are really "spelling variations." The term allele refers to a spe-cific spelling variation. The alleles at a polymorphic section are called either mutants or common polymorphisms depending on their frequency. A mutant allele has a frequency Translate PDF. POLYMORPHISM IN COELENTERATES fPolymorphism in colenterates fPresence of more than 1type of individuals fDiffer in form & function Same species fEfficient division of labour fCoelenterates: different individuals/ zooids (colony) fImportant feature: Hydrozoan colonies fForm some of the best examples fTwo basic forms: Polyps Medusa polymorphism in cnidaria pdf. polymorphism in hydrozoa. polymorphism in coelenterata. polymorphism in halistemmapolymorphism in siphonophora. polymorphism in coelenterates ppt. The occurrence of more than one type of structurally and functionally different individuals within a population is called polymorphism. The class Hydrozoa of. Polymorphism in DNA S. peruvianum S. chilense Winter Semester 2012-2013 Prof Aurélien Tellier FG Populationsgenetik. Color code Color code: Red = Important result or definition Purple: exercise to do Green: some bits of maths . Population genetics Why study the genetics of populations? Polymorphism denotes division of labor among the zooids of the individu


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