披頭四迷一定要去的景點:Abbey Road。

很多人第一次聽過這條路,是因為披頭四的唱片,裡面有首歌叫做Abbey Road。實際上確實有這條路,而且位在倫敦,在過去曾經是披頭四的錄音室所在地。不過這條路會紅,有另一個很重要的原因,是因為Abbey Road這張專輯的封面。封面是披頭四從錄音室離開,四個人以John Lennon為首,依序是Paul McCartney、Ringo Starr,George Harrison 殿後。四人一起穿越斑馬線過馬路的畫面,意外讓Abbey Road的斑馬線爆紅。


要到Abbey Road請搭地鐵到St. John's Wood站。Abbey Road也不是短短一條,上面也不會只有一處斑馬線。要怎麼確定沒有走錯斑馬線?要走離錄音工作室最近的,看很多人刻意走的那條就是了。

2010年底,英國政府宣布這條斑馬線是文化資產。世界上把斑馬線列入文化資產的,Abbey Road的斑馬線鐵定是第一個。以路牌號碼定位,他就在ABBEY ROAD NW8,聽說標示這個路段的鐵牌子常常被偷走呢。

Abbey Road 

Abbey Road 

Abbey Road 

連鐵娘子戴卓爾夫人也曾到Abbey Road模仿披頭四。 

Abbey Road (收藏自 U Lifestyle

王昕傑·倫敦北部艾比路 披頭士樂隊走過的路

倫敦艾比路[Abbey Road]雖然只有2公里長,卻是倫敦非常出名的一條小馬路。艾比路因披頭士[The Beatles]樂隊發行的同名專輯《Abbey Road》而聞名於世。那代表性的過馬路的專輯封面,簡直就是披頭士的專利象征。引來現在的遊客紛紛模仿他們的樣子走過斑馬線。

在艾比路口[Abbey Road]拍照


艾比路[Abbey Road]錄音室

Abbey Road錄音室位於英國倫敦北部Abbey路3號,目前這座錄音室更多的是為好萊塢電影服務,例如《指環王》(Lord of the Rings)與《哈利-波特》(Harry Potter)的電影原聲均出自Abbey Road錄音室。

艾比路[Abbey Road]最近的地鐵站

在 St. John's Wood 地鐵站旁邊就是艾比路。地鐵站門口是披頭士的官方咖啡屋,裏面有各式各樣披頭士的紀念品。

(Abbey Road 修道院路)

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Comment by 私貨珍藏 on April 22, 2016 at 10:10am

Beatles' Abbey Road zebra crossing given listed status

The Abbey Road zebra crossing in north London - made famous after appearing on a Beatles album cover - has been given Grade II listed status.

The crossing - the first of its kind to be listed - is being recognised for its "cultural and historical importance" following advice from English Heritage.

The Beatles were photographed on Abbey Road in Ian Macmillan's iconic cover shot for the 1969 album Abbey Road.

Sir Paul McCartney said it was the "icing on the cake" in a great year.

'Huge cultural pull'

The original zebra crossing, where the photograph was taken, was moved several metres for traffic management reasons more than 30 years ago, and no original features remain.

A spokesman for Westminster City Council said: "The detail of exactly when and why the crossing was moved from its original location have been lost in the annals of time.

"But by comparing photographs with the Ordnance Survey maps, we believe that the crossing might have been further north nearer 3 Abbey Road, which was the front house of the EMI Studios, because the steps of Neville Court appear to the right of the crossing in original photographs of the crossing, whereas the present crossing is near the junction of Abbey Road and Grove End Road."

But John Penrose, Minister for Tourism and Heritage, said: "This London zebra crossing is no castle or cathedral but, thanks to the Beatles and a 10-minute photo-shoot one August morning in 1969, it has just as strong a claim as any to be seen as part of our heritage."

Roger Bowdler, head of designation at English Heritage, said: "This is obviously an unusual case and, although a modest structure, the crossing has international renown and continues to possess huge cultural pull - the temptation to recreate that iconic 1969 album cover remains as strong as ever.

"Together with the nearby Abbey Road studios, also listed at Grade II on our advice, they remain a Mecca for Beatles fans the world over."

Sir Paul said: "It's been a great year for me and a great year for the Beatles and hearing that the Abbey Road crossing is to be preserved is the icing on the cake."

The crossing is outside the Abbey Road studios, where the Beatles recorded much of their output.
That building was granted Grade II listed status in February.

A Grade II listing, the most common protected status, means that a building or monument is recognised as nationally important and of special interest. (22 December 2010 BBC

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