Painting shows it all

At an exhibition of military painting a visitor was admiring a picture. 
"What a great realist that painter is!" he exclaimed. 
"What painter?" 
"The one that painted this picture ‘Soldiers at Work‘." 
"Yes, but something is wrong there. Those soldiers are not working at all!" 
"That is just the greatest stroke of realism in the picture!"

Choose a punishment

A soldier was brought up before the officer for some offense.
"You can take your choice, one month‘s restriction or twenty day‘s pay," said the officer.
"All right, sir," said the bright soldier, "I‘ll take the money."

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Comment by MalaysianCinema on January 14, 2012 at 11:38am

If you are a web-based communicator, say, for online learning, customer relationship, or IPTV host, you must feel lucky. Because there are so many sweet and short stories that you can readily get from the internet for your own consumption.

And with the presence of social media like, plurk, google+, FB and numerous others, the stories can be shared easily for friendship.

In the corporate world, these small stories can be interpreted to communication with our clients, customers and other business partners.

The stories we told shows who we are. Really, there are values in them that people can equates us with the way we do business.

By the way, we should have more English contents in, if not, I'm very lonely here. How can I don't understand languages other English and Bahasa Malay. XDDD     

愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, supports creators since July, 2009.


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