文化有根 創意是伴 Bridging Creativity
纪念一位朋友的离开;分享另一位朋友对他的缅怀。还有,让人揪心不已的,他本身的诀别书。只想告诉朋友们,活着与友谊,是多么珍贵。I share this article just to say: how precious is our life and friendship.
前英国首相丘吉尔在英王乔治六世去世的悼词中有一句话:“到了最后死亡,就像一个朋友来临了……”(Eventually, death came as a friend )
1. 当我发出这封电邮,我知道我的生命即将结束。
2. 如果告诉你们,我在2022年12月被诊断罹患癌症的时候非常镇定,那肯定是在撒谎。首先,它夺去我最珍贵的财产,也就是我的声音。我无法再在法庭上清晰表达,不能再用宏亮的声音盘问证人,这使我在最初几个星期深感创伤。想象一下,医生当面告诉你,你的生命只剩不到一年了。
3. 其次,不断在人前掩饰和故作坚强是非常煎熬的事。在51岁这个相对年轻的年纪,我还有父母在身边,还有来自两段婚姻的两个美丽女儿。我又要怎么告诉Dennis Appaduray,我的合伙人和同事,我们的兄弟姐妹,我的秘书Latifah,Linda,Azmar和Agnes以及我们所有的员工和一起多年的清盘业务团队?还有我们的客户呢?这感觉就像是一场噩梦。
4. 第三,2022年12月和2023年1月是我生命中最艰难的两个月。先是我们的Dawn Chu去世了,接着在2023年1月Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram也离我们而去。我甚至无法参加他们的葬礼。
5. 第四,基本上我是一个注重健康的人。除了大量喝酒,我非常注意饮食,并且经常运动。
6. 然而,上帝对我有更好的计划。也许上帝想让我在另一个平台陪伴Gopal Sri Ram 。甚至是Metroplex的Madam Lim。
7. 2023年1月,我决定把病情告诉我的妻子和前妻。在我的前妻Su Mei的建议下,我决定前往墨尔本著名的癌症医院Peter Mac接受治疗。
8. 2023年1月24日抵达之后。我立即留院接受内窥镜检查,并等待医院批准使用他们的试验药物。剩下的事,如他们所说,都已成历史,就不再赘述了。
9. 在短暂的人生中,我知道自己已经尽情地生活了。“尽兴玩乐,尽力工作”这句话,似乎还真启发了很多人。
10. 请把我的离世视为庆祝的理由。让我们为这个场合举杯畅饮。生活总是会继续的。就像Freddie Mercury说的,演出不能停。
11. 致所有人,感谢你们的交情和友谊。
Last words from the late Datuk Wong Rhen Yen
Brothers and sisters, friends and all who have known me,
1. By the time, I send this email, I know that my end is near.
2. I will be lying if I were to tell you that when I was first diagnosed with cancer sometime in December 2022, I took it calmly. First, it hit me at my most precious commodity that is my voice. The inability to articulate in court , to cross examine witnesses with my old booming voice traumatized me for the first few weeks. Imagine you have a doctor who tells you in the face that you do not have more than 1 year to live.
3. Second, the constant concealment and brave front I had to put up was very difficult to say the least. At a relatively young age of 51, I still have my parents who are still around. Two beautiful daughters from 2 marriages. How about telling Dennis Appaduray, my partners and associates , our brothers and sisters, my secretary , Latifah , Linda, Azmar and Agnes and all our staffs and the liquidation team who have been with me for so many years? How about our clients ? It felt like a bad dream.
4. Third, December 2022 and January 2023, were difficult months to live to say the least. First, our Dawn Chu passed on. Then we have Datuk Seri Gopal Sri Ram passing on in January 2023. I could not even attend both their funerals.
5. Fourth, I was generally a health conscious person. Apart from the binge drinking, I was very careful with my food intake and exercise regularly.
5. Alas, God has better plans for me. Maybe God want me to accompany GSR in another platform. Or even Madam Lim of Metroplex.
6. In January 2023, I decided to tell my wife and my ex wife of my medical condition. Upon the advice by my ex wife, Su Mei, I have decided to seek treatment from the renowned cancer hospital, Peter Mac in Melbourne.
7. Arrived here on 24 Jan 2023. I was immediately placed in hospital for an endoscopy procedure pending the approval by the hospital me to use their trial drugs. The rest as they say is history which I don’t wish to repeat here.
8. In the short time I walked the earth, I know that I have lived life to the fullest. The phrase, “play hard work harder “ seems to have inspired a lot of people.
9. Please treat my death as a reason to celebrate. We drink to this occasion. Life will always go on . And in the words of Freddie Mercury, the show must go on .
10. To everyone out there, thank you for your fellowship and friendship. I will see you when I see you.
愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, iconada.tv supports creators since July, 2009.
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