Today's brunch

I'm a food lover, so besides I love to eat;

I also love to cook too.

*You can imagine that I might be in some sizes.

If you tend to believe I am. :P

Pasta with Bacon Chips.

I'm more preferable this type of spaghetti.

For instance, Aglio Olio.

So, I usually cooked this type of pasta instead of tomatoes sauce or cream sauce.

But sometimes, depend on what I have in my refrigerator.

Tonight's dinner.

Teppanyaki Grill Pork Chopped Slides.

Since there's some leftover grill pork chopped slides,

that I cooked yesterday.

So, I just don't want to waste any yummy-licious food.

 If you're asking for recipe,

basically, depends on your taste?

*Lame answer, right? :P

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