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Enter to open, tab to navigate, enter to select. UK Home Global Home NEW Open navigation Appoint a member of staff as a trustee. Do the trustees have the power to appoint a paid member of staff as a trustee? *. Yes. No. Will the person to be appointed as a trustee remain a paid member of staff? *. in the case where the person suspended is a charity trustee, the Commission can adjust the rules governing the proceedings of charity trustees to take into account the reduction in the number of those capable of acting. B3.3 Considering representations in response to a notice of intention to disqualify 7. You have previously been removed as a trustee of a charity by the Charity Commission, the Scottish charity regulator, or the High Court due to misconduct or mismanagement. 8. You have been removed from management or control of any body under section 34(5)(e) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (or earlier legislation). 9. UK Home Global Home NEW. Open navigation. Free trial ; Sign in; Practical Law. Browse Menu Form 2.21B - Creditor's request for a meeting (Administration) Practical Law Resource ID 1-502-3915 (Approx. 2 pages) Ask a question Form 2.21B - Creditor's request for a meeting (Administration) Related Content 1. Ensure the Commission has your details for registration. 2. Use the registration support tools and guidance: Overview of charity registration process - a step by step guide. Registering as a charity in Northern Ireland: guidance. The public benefit requirement: statutory guidance. Individual documents on each of the 12 charitable purposes. This guidance applies to all charities with an income of less than £5 million where: we have received an application to have the charity removed from our Register because it has dissolved or ceased to exist ; or. the trustees have asked for a voluntary registration to be removed. Some background checks on charity trustees are legal requirements (for example, Access NI accessni.gov.uk (external link) checks if the charity works with children or vulnerable adults); others are good practice, like asking about conflicts of interest and making sure they can legally be trustees (for example are they under-age, or I am working with a company limited by guarantee, which is also a registered charity. Its constitution provides that 1/3 of directors/trustees must resign at each AGM and may stand for re-election. When a director/trustee resigns and then gets re-elected, am I required to notify Companies House and the Charity Commission of the changes i.e. submit a resignation and then an appointment on the Finding new trustees: what charities need to know (CC30) 8. 3.3 Should a charity aim to have a diverse trustee board? The short answer Yes. A diverse board is more likely to contain a broader range of skills, knowledge and experience than one which is more narrowly based. When preparing to recruit new trustees, a charity should, in general, seek to Employ someone who is or was a trustee. Do any trustees (not including the trustee you are applying for) receive benefits of any kind (not including expenses) from this charity either directly or indirectly? *. How many trustees currently receive benefits and what are those benefits? *. Trustee 2 . Name: Trustee 3 . Name. Trustee 4 . Name. Signature. Date. Date. Date. Working with vulnerable groups Tick
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