人性光輝·2015年6月5 沙巴神山地震見證

人性光輝·2015年6月5 沙巴神山地震見證


A magnitude-5.9 earthquake on June 5, 2015 sent rocks and boulders raining down the trekking routes on 4,095-meter (13,435-foot) Mount Kinabalu in Sabah. 16 were killed while a Singaporean student and teacher are still missing. The victims were seven Singaporeans, six Malaysians, and a Filipino, Chinese and Japanese national each. Most of the other climbers made it down the mountain in darkness early next day, some with broken limbs and one in a coma.

Shivering in near-freezing temperatures, the surviving climbers waited all day for a helicopter rescue that never came. But then a team of 75 more guides from the park arrived to help them escape, she said.

They managed to reach safety after a gruelling 10-hour hike through debris that lasted into the middle of the night, sharing what little food and water they had and passing by what appeared to be dead bodies. The Guards are the HEROS.

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