Jlsathre,25 Things I Learned From Opening a Bookstore:

Lesson 14. More people want to sell books than buy them, which means your initial concerns were wrong. You will have no trouble getting books, the problem is selling them. Plus a shortage of storage space for all the Readers Digest books and encyclopedias that people donate to you.

Lesson 15. If you open a store in a college town, and maybe even if you don't, you will find yourself as the main human contact for some strange and very socially awkward men who were science and math majors way back when. Be nice and talk to them, and ignore that their fly is open.


法則14. 想賣書的人比想買書的人多,這意味著你最早關心的問題都是錯誤的。如何獲取貨源並不是問題,問題是怎麼賣掉它們。你還會因為接受了太多類似於讀者文摘、百科全書這樣的捐贈而苦惱沒有足夠的儲物空間。

法則15. 如果你的書店開在大學附近,你會發現你將成為那些奇怪的、有社交障礙的理科書呆子的主要聯繫人。要善待他們,多跟他們交談,不要嘲諷他們忘了拉上的褲拉鏈。

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