Sveta: Every Flower Tells a Story of Previous Life

     In the eyes of the renowned Israelis illustrator Sveta Dorosheva, many flowers are the existing form of human beings who past away long ago. If you are prepared to listen, they are always willing to share with you some of the interesting moment they experienced in their previous life:

     lets begin with Purple Iris. She says, "I was a princess. I was tormented by haughtiness and avarice. once a foreign prince asked my hand in marriage, and I rejected him like all other suitors. Bidding me farewell, he gave me a luxurious necklace with a winding mechanical goldbird and a huge amethyst. The necklace was poisoned."

       Responded Yellow Ixia: "I was a schoolteacher of math. Once I slipped on oil spilled by the pupils at the class entrance - and broke my glasses. After work I crossed the road and didn't see the car... I am glad to be through with all that."

                 Fire Lily’s is a tragedy: "I was a street tightrope walker, but once I fell down."

          And, in an unhappy voice, Lady’s Slipper Orchid recalls her previous life: "I remember myself an old woman, grumpy and forsaken. My only company for the last years of my life was a grumpy and forsaken cat. I often reprimanded him."

            Finally Tiger-Lily ends with an exciting notes: "I was an exotic dancer. Once I stepped onto a scorpion."

        Editor's Note: is a voluntary content curators' platform dedicated to the voice, passion and great works of the cultural innovators. For further reading on Sveta Dorosheva, please log on to In the spirit of bridging the opportunities and the creative professionals, we welcome your comments, suggestions and participation.    


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Comment by MalaysianCinema on August 1, 2011 at 11:55pm

Syabas kepada Coooool, hebat ni.

Fashion magazines are common in Malaysia but not illustration and other forms of arts.  Never mind, magazines do not last. We see many many new printed materials almost everyday, and we don't have much time to go through all contents. So we keep the things somewhere and say I will read them one day. We never touch them again. Except at the end of the year we sell them to the old newspaper man.

It is more practical to keep them in soft copy format and upload them to internet. However, we need to organize them properly for easier reference. Especially when we come to design industries.

In film industry, we engage people to do all sort of design works from time to time. We need good reference on illustration.   

It is encouraging to know that Iconada Television is attempting to organize all reference materials on our cultural creativity and heritage. It may be a little bit ambition, but I think it is interesting to imagine a corporate or a brand as a television station or a social media to be shared by us, our business partners and our customers.

What are the latest in our industries? We come for information for regeneration, buying decision, inspiration for new creation, education, sales or products training, or ways to engaging our employees. All these activities need good resources, timely and useful resources. 


愛墾網 是文化創意人的窩;自2009年7月以來,一直在挺文化創意人和他們的創作、珍藏。As home to the cultural creative community, supports creators since July, 2009.


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