Jlsathre,25 Things I Learned From Opening a Bookstore:

Lesson 7. If you put free books outside, cookbooks will be gone in the first hour and other non-fiction books will sit there for weeks. Except in warm weather when people are having garage sales. Then someone will back their car up and take everything, including your baskets.


法則7. 如果你把免費的圖書放到店外,烹飪書肯定最先被一搶而空,而非虛構類圖書則會躺在地上幾個星期無人問津。當然也會有例外,比如碰到天氣良好的車庫大拍賣(garage sales)的日子,有人會開著汽車過來把所有的東西全部拿走,連裝書的籃子都不放過。

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