Original Mandarin Song Composer/Lyrics: Luo Da You

轻轻敲醒沉睡的心灵 慢慢张开你的眼睛
Lightly knocking and waking up the soundly asleep heart and mind, slowly open up your eyes.

Look at the busy world to see whether or not it is still lonely turning around and around non-stop

春风不解风情 吹动少年的心
The spring wind doesn’t understand the feelings and emotions, and it blows the heart of the youth

让昨日脸上的泪痕 随记忆风干了
Let the mark of the tears on yesterday’s face follow the memory and get dried by wind

抬头寻找天空的翅膀 候鸟出现它的影迹
Look up and look for the wings of the sky, the traces of the migratory bird appears

Bring us the news from far away — the still existing messages about the famine and the cruel fire of battle

玉山白雪飘零 燃烧少年的心
The white snow drifting on the Jade mountain, fire up the heart of youth

使真情溶化成音符 倾诉遥远的祝福
Let true feeling melt and become the music notes to tell and express the blessing to the far away places

唱出你的热情 伸出你的双手
Sing out your passion and open your pair of hands

让我拥抱着你的梦 让我拥有你真心的面孔
Let me embrace your dreams, let me hold your face of true heart

让我们的笑容 充满着青春的骄傲
Let our smiling appearance fill fully with the proud of youth

Let’s offer the most devout prayer for tomorrow

谁能不顾自己的家园 抛开记忆中的童年
Who is able to not care his or her own home and throw away the childhood of the memory

谁能忍心看那昨日的忧愁 带走我们的笑容
Who can bear to see the sorrow of yesterday that took away our smiling faces

青春不解红尘 胭脂沾染了灰
The youth can’t understand the red dust mundane; rouge got stained by dust

让久违不见的泪水 滋润了你的面容
Let’s the tears that have been missing for long time to moisture your face

唱出你的热情 伸出你的双手
Sing out your passion, extend out your both hands

让我拥抱着你的梦 让我拥有你真心的面孔
Let me embrace your dreams, let me hold your face of true heart

让我们的笑容 充满着青春的骄傲
Let our smiling appearance fill fully with the proud of youth

for tomorrow, we offer the most devout prayer

轻轻敲醒沉睡的心灵 慢慢张开你的眼睛
Lightly knocking and waking up the soundly asleep heart and soul, gradually open up your eyes

Look at the busy world to see whether or not it still is lonely turning around and around non-stop

日出唤醒清晨 大地光彩重生
The sun called and woke up the morning, the grand earth reborn with splendor

让和风拂出的音响 谱成生命的乐章
Let the warm wind breeze out the sounding to compose the musical chapters of life

唱出你的热情 伸出你的双手
Sing out your passion, and stretch out your pair of hands

让我拥抱着你的梦 让我拥有你真心的面孔
Let me embrace your dreams, let me hold your face of true heart

让我们的笑容 充满着青春的骄傲
Let our smiling appearance fill fully with the proud of youth

Let expect that tomorrow will be even better

(English Singers: ATT9 / English Lyrics: Shu)

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