NIGHT OF A 1000 HOURS 風水逝家 (2016)

When the ambitious Philip takes over the running of the family business from his father, he finds himself confronted by the mysterious reappearance of his dead ancestors. In the course of a long night, during which there is a murder, an illicit love affair and a game with false identities, Philip uncovers a closely guarded family secret.

One family, one night, one murder and a forbidden night of passion erupt when the Ullich family gathers - and dead ones appear from the past. - as cousins fight for control of the family business, while 'deceased' ancestors reveal how the Ullrich really loved and made their fortune.

Director: Virgil Widrich
Writer: Virgil Widrich
Actor:Laurence Rupp
Actress:Amira Casar

當年,年少風流的志明(洋名 赫曼)與外面的小三艷紅(洋名 葛楚)偷來暗去,元配春嬌(洋名 莉娜)才剛剛產下稚女明珠(洋名 艾莉卡),然後…她就死掉了。艷紅得以扶正,成為林家的女主人。

多年後,艷紅的子孫為了爭奪家產,強逼明珠簽下協議書,幸好明珠的兒子文洋(洋名 菲利浦)即時趕到,明珠卻突然暴斃。當警方趕到林宅,文洋身故的母親竟然好端端地出現在案發現場。花惹發!!!還有林家的列祖列宗全都重返人間,簡直是陰間趴趴趴。


  • Currently 5/5 stars.

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