Born in Hiroshima, 1975. Shintaro Ohata is an artist who depicts little things in everyday life like scenes of a movie and captures all sorts of light in his work with a unique touch: convenience stores at night, city roads on rainy day and fast-food shops at dawn etc. His paintings show us ordinary sceneries as dramas. He is also known for his characteristic style; placing sculptures in front of paintings, and shows them as one work, a combination of 2-D and 3-D world.

''afterglow'', 2011, acrylic on canvas


Shintaro Ohata is an artist who depicts little things in everyday life like scenes of a movie and captures all sorts of light in his work with a unique touch: convenience stores at night, city roads on rainy day and fast-food shops at dawn etc. His paintings show us ordinary sceneries as dramas. He is also known for his characteristic style; placing sculptures in front of paintings, and shows them as one work, a combination of 2-D and 3-D world. He says that it all started from when he wondered “I could bring the atmosphere or dynamism of my paintings with a more different way if I place sculptures in front of paintings”. Many viewers tend to assume that there is a light source set into his work itself because of the strong expression of lights in his sculpture. His further steps have been noticed as he has been featured by lots of media from overseas, including a cultural magazine from the USA that featured him on their front cover and a long interview.

「水族館」/ ''Aquarium'', 2010, panting, polystyrene based sculpture

''2'', 2011, panting, polystyrene based sculpture

「アジサイ」部分/ ”AJISAI”detail, 2009, panting, polystyrene based sculpture「さよなら三角」/
''SAYONARA SANKAKU'', 2008, panting, polystyrene based sculpture
「ひこうき雲」部分/ ''vapor trail''detail, 2007, panting, polystyrene based sculpture sculpture

''loop'', 2010, panting, polystyrene based sculpture「さんぽ道」/ ''SANPOMICHI -hanging around-'', 2007, acrylic on canvas「線香花火」部分/ detail''Sparklers'', 2010, panting, polystyrene based sculpture

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