Jlsathre,25 Things I Learned From Opening a Bookstore:

Lesson 16. Most people think every old book is worth a lot of money. The same is true of signed copies and 1st editions. There's no need to tell them they're probably not ensuring financial security for their grandkids with that signed Patricia Cornwell they have at home.

Lesson 17. There's also no need to perpetuate the myth by pricing your signed Patricia Cornwell higher than the non-signed one.


法則16. 很多人以為每一本舊書都很值錢,或者簽名版、首版在將來可能升值,你沒必要提醒他們派特麗夏.康薇爾(Patricia Cornwell,美國作家,作品銷量超過1億冊)的簽名版圖書即使流傳到他們的孫子輩都不可能升值的事實。


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