Marco Tempest: The Electric Rise and Fall of Nikola Tesla

TED Talks Combining projection mapping and a pop-up book, Marco Tempest tells the visually arresting story of Nikola Tesla -- called “the greatest geek who ever lived”

-- from his triumphant invention of alternating current to his penniless last days.

Why we should listen to Marco Tempest:

Marco Tempest’s imaginative combination of computer-generated imagery, quick-cut video and enthusiastic stage presence has earned him a place in the pantheon of great illusionists.

At 22, the Swiss magician won the New York World Cup of Magic, launching him into international prominence.

Tempest's award-winning television series “The Virtual Magician” airs in dozens of countries worldwide, while his lively phonecam postings on YouTube, done without post-production and video-editing tricks to astonished people on the street, get millions of views (search on "virtualmagician").

His Vimeo channel showcases his artistic side--like his recent hypnotic series "levitation," using a high-speed camera.

Through his art, Tempest creates a highly entertaining way to be entranced by the reality-bending tech magic that surrounds us all every day.

Watch more Marco magic courtesy of Scobleizer ... or see Marco profiled on's Next List.

He says: "I blend the line between what is incredibly real and what is incredibly not."

"I don’t know what magic will be like in 50 years, but I suspect that it will look a lot like Marco Tempest."

HSH Princess Stephanie of Monaco

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

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